A Case Of Severe Anaemia With Neutropenia Due To Cancer - homeopathy360

A Case Of Severe Anaemia With Neutropenia Due To Cancer

A woman of age 70 came to my clinic on Independence Day i.e. August 15, 2005 with history of,   loss of appetite since one month, gradual in onset associated with abdominal distension and bloating immediately after food. Aversion to food since one month associated with nausea. Shortness of breath, insidious in onset initially on exertion, at present dysponea at minimal work. The Bowel is constipated. She is highly intelligent and very ambitious lady. She wants every thing in order, neat & clean . She had anxiety especially about her health and Sleeplessness due to worries of her children.  There is  no any  H/O fever, chest pain ,pain abdomen and vomiting. There is no significant past and family history of any illness. As per the General Appearance  patient is moderately built and nourished. The other relevant details are:

On examination – Weight 40 kgs, Afebrile, Pulse 80/min , BP 140/90 mm of Hg,     Pallor++, No Icterus/ cyanosis/clubbing/ lymphadenopathy /edema. Tongue is Whitish coated.                   

CVS: S1S2 Heard, no murmurs

Resp. Sys : NVBS, movements on left side  decreased, dull to percuss, Air entry decreased on left side, crepts in upper and mid zone no wheeze.
P/A: soft, non tender, no organomegaly, ascites +, BS+.
P/R: rectum empty, nodularity+.

X Ray Chest: Anterior wall lung fields are clear. Mediastinal and hilar shadows are within normal limits, Heart shadow is normal both the domes of the diaphragms are normal. Impression: normal study .

Investigations ; Dated 28-7-05

RBS 94mgs/dl; S. creatine:0.8/mgs /dl; HB 6.5 gm/dl; Blood urea 18mgs/dl ; TLC-2900/cu mm; RBC 1.7 mil /cumm; DLC; N 56 % L: 39% B; 02 % M: 02 %. ; ESR 80 mm/hr; PCV: 19% ; MCV:108 fl; MCH:38 pg;  MCHC: 35%.; Platelets 73000 lakh/ cumm; Peripheral Smear: RBC’S show anisocytosis te,normocytic normochromic cells microcytic hypochromic and ovalo crocy were seen. WBC’s are decreased with normal morphology platelets are towards lower limit, dimporphic anemia with leucocytopenia.  

Diagnosis ;  28/7/05 carcinoma ovary (stage –3).

Analysis: Patient is a known case of Ca ovary locally advanced who presented with ascites. She had received 6 cycles of chemotherapy with good response. Patient is now complaining of generalized weakness and inability to eat well. She also has altered bowel habits. She was therefore admitted for assessment and supportive care.


Patient has developed severe anemia with neutropenia (post chemotherapy), she had poor oral intake , she is there fore advised to take IV fluids in hospital by allopathic doctor and blood transfusions ,G-csf therapy and then be assessed for her ca ovary , patient is absolutely unwilling for any of the above and is adamant about being discharged and sent home at her request .

After all the allopathy treatment received in hospital 6, cycles of chemotherapy the patient could not be completely cured there fore in the intention of taking homoeopathic treatment she came to my clinic .

I decided to put her on homoeopathic medicines as follows .

1.Lachesis 200 daily one dose for one week –for left side Ca ovary .

2.China 200 daily two dose m/e –for weakness.

3.Alfa alfa Q daily two times m/n(20 drops)-for general improvement

4.Ferrum phos 6x tds 

5.Ferrum met 200 daily one dose for 2nd week .

6.Kali phos 6x one dose at bed time –for sleeplessness .

These are prescribed for 20 days

After 20 days treatment , I advised her to go for pathological report of investigation

For Hb% RBC TLC DLC S.Cr., B.urea, PCV, MCV, MCH, Platelets , ESR etc.

28-07-2005 03-09-2005
Before treatment After homoeopathic treatment
RBS 94 mgs /dl 104 mgs /dl
SCR 0.8 mg /dl —–
HB 6.5 gr % 10.2 gr %
Burea 18 mg dl 18.85 mg dl
TC 2900 /cumm 8300 /cumm
RBC 1.7 ml / cumm 3.9 ml /cumm
DCN 56 % 60 %
L 39 % 34 %
B 0.2 % 0.1 %
M 0.2 % 0.2 %
ESR 80 mm /hr 41 mm /hr
PCV19 % 31 %
MCV 108 fl 79.5 fl
MCH 38 pg 26.2 pg
MCHC 35 % 32.9 %
Weight 40 kgs 43 kgs
Platelets 73000 lakh /cumm 2.9 lakh /cumm

PS -RBC’S show anisocytosis

19-09-2005 (the hospital report figures in Bangalore where treatment was given,as under)

SCR      :   0.8 mgs /dl

HB        :   12.2 gm /dl

Burea    :   15 mgs / dl

TC         :   6400 / cumm

DCN      :   74 %

L            :    21 %

E            :    05 %

Platelets :   1.8 lakh / cumm .

The patient improved a lot after taking homoeopathic treatment

Appetite, sleep, bowel, all these symptoms improved , urine normal , weight increased to      43 kgs . Mentally she was happy and could manage day to day activities without help.

Patient was much better and in another two months , she was perfectly normal .


I gave her alfa Q . 20 drops daily tds , one hour before food for one month . China” 200 daily two times M/N , china was given for her severe loss and debility . The result was surprising even for me. I followed up the case by giving “Lachesis “200 daily 2 times for one week (for left side Ca ovary ).

Ferrum Met 200 daily 2 times for one week , Kali phos 6x and Ferrum phos 6x daily 2 times morning and night for one month ,Last HB %on 28/9/05 was 12.2 gm /dl. Weight 43 kgs .

PS—The name of patient is purposefully undisclosed to maintain privacy, the original pathological reports are with the author, the name of the hospital and laboratory is also undisclosed.

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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