Constitution And Constitutional Treatment - homeopathy360

Constitution And Constitutional Treatment

Ardhendu Sekhar Chatterjee

One of my young facebook connection asked to advise about genetic diseases, I told about her to give importance to Constitutional treatment.
She probably not ready to carry on the same due to lack of perfect teachings. Quite possible picture, I am now telling something about easy const treat.Constitution means the total psycho-somatic make up of the patient.That related with anthropological genetic, socio-economic physical makeups that are born with. And psychology. The everything related with hereditary, familial, gene,  chromosomal, teratogenic factors, birth history’ etc. It again modified by past history, inoculation and relevant treatment, causes of development of present disease etc.When we select a medicine considering the everything it is calked holistic approach, and then we can choose a similimum. But only selection of medicine is not sufficient, proper dose repeating following with 12 observation is also essential too.
Constitution and constitutional treatments (2)
As I am a dull, it takes some time about constitution. But our teachers were best of the world.
So we have to collect all symptoms histories then done evaluation then select a medicine according to uncommon generals or particular symptoms mainly. Again follow 12 observation, second prescriptions verify the sign of improvement etc.
It is very difficult job. Not at all. If you have time follow my Free Homoeo Study facebook, get basis of first prescription, observation ll, treat of cancer cases details.
How Hahnemann started?
Once at every chill, he used China, for Constipation, he used Bryonia, you may start on the same.
Constipation and constitutional treatments. (3)
Anyhow choose a medicine give ,1/0—- , 30 apply a few doses and put the total on the table of observations plus weight pulse pressures temp psychology that often moved on opposite degrees. It is not possible to write more details here.
Now about genetic diseases :-
We often miss considers about it. There are heredity/familial, genetic/ single gene mutation as thalassemia, etc,. Infection received during pregnancy, drug / teratogenic effects, birth problems, multifactorial genetic diseases / activate after 30-40. 
1) thalassemia, hemophilia cannot be cured, but problems of thalassemia / career specially as asthma, liver function prob can be  cured or relieved. Span of lives of RBC may be increased.
2) problems if dawn babies can be improved ASD/VSD can be cured susceptibility easily improved but chromosomal changes not verified.
3) Agenesis cannot be cured but only kidney with albuminuria can be cured, ageno- lumbar can walk mainly by Nux vomica. Because pregnancy was came within continuation of contraceptive, etc.

Friends, I am not habituated with internet’s, my computer also off , lockdown continued, I am doing it through my daughter’s phone.
I am requesting to everybody to bless my daughter, least she would be a gentle Lady.

The only and also, the greatest Poet – Chris N. has given Hahnemann’s humble tribute:
I AM, look at me
Here, whom I talking about
A man, Hahnemann
Or a German danger,
As shouted against monopoly
Again and again
Since before this birth
THE ONLY Against the spirit
Or barbarism
Forgetting the day &night
Sorrow & grief
Hungriness to anorexia
Joy to hopelessness
AND ALSO,THE GREATEST Sufferers of men – society
In favour of them
He delivered His Sole Making the Mother of the Universe
Just a POET
I am ONLY knows Hahnemann and Homoeopathy
Do I used your words
For the best man of this world
Please follow his life write something in favour of him
Dr Samuel Frederick Christian Hahnemann
The Founder of the Homoeopathy

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