Book Review on "A Group Study in Homeopathic Materia Medica" - homeopathy360

Book Review on "A Group Study in Homeopathic Materia Medica"

The author has illustrated various kingdom presenting insights into the new introductions in Materia Medica keeping in tandem with the new researches in the field. The important additions are:

Animal Kingdom: Mollusca Group

Plant Kingdom: Apocynaceae, Coniferae, Liliaceae, Meninispermaceace, Umbiliferae, Scrophulariaceae, Fungi group.

Mineral Kingdom: Radioactive group, Alkali group, Alkaline Earth group: The studies of Nosodes and Sarcodes have been explained with respect to the miasms. The doctrine of the signature has been explained appropriately for easy comprehension, Bach flower remedies have been introduced as an additional feature.

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