ABC of Homoeopathy – A 3 Day International Homoeopathic Mega Seminar (18,19 & 20 January 2019) - homeopathy360

ABC of Homoeopathy – A 3 Day International Homoeopathic Mega Seminar (18,19 & 20 January 2019)

Dr. Rajan Sankaran (Autoimmune Conditions)
Dr. Farokh Master (Bedside Cases)
Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar (Cancer Cases)
Date: 18,19 & 20January ‘2019
Venue: Birla Matushree Sabhaghar, Marine Lines, Mumbai
For the first time, 3 diverse teachers with their diverse methods, from 3 different streams of homoeopathy, will come together on the same platform.
Together, they combine over 100 years of clinical experience & each will speak about their area of expertise and go into great detail of the method they use.
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