We have cured and studied diseases of a very wide range. Some of them are: Congenital diseases, Endocrine disorders, Terminally ill patients, Coma, Blindness, Drug resistant tuberculosis, (MDR) Piles, Fissures, PCOD, Cancers, IBS, Psoriasis, Infertility, Paralysis, Haematological disorders like Aplastic anaemia, ITP, Migraines, Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Arthritis, Autoimmune diseases like RA, Diabetes Mellitus, Knee replacement avoidance, more than 50 cases of Autism, Cerebral Palsy (with their enhanced social capabilities) etc.
The clinical applicability and replicability of new drugs
Our emphasis is on well proven drugs but we are using newly discovered drugs as much as we use polychrests. Newly proven remedies appear to be so easily applicable in clinical practice. However, our great teamwork generated numerous cured & explored cases with such remedies. Some of them areVanilla planifolia, Rhus Glabra, Triticum vulgaris, Bambusa arund, Lac remedies, Calc silicata, Chocolate, Cygnus be, Falcon per disc, Ruta Grav, Salix fragilis, Olibanum sac, Placenta human, Strophanthus h., Adamas, Aqua Marina, Psudotsuga menz, Sacchrum off, Hura, Berberis vulgaris, etc.
“We must learn to know our remedies just as we do our friends, by their aura or personality.”
…. Dr. C M Boger
After prescribing them repeatedly, with the help of the rubrics from the Mind section of the repertory, we have explored and derived the behavioural patterns of such remedies. The exploration and the frequent use of new remedies by more than 500 doctors make the new remedies more authentic & applicable.
We are looking forward to share this vast clinically applicable data with other institutions and looking forward to invite speakers from abroad to share, learn and grow together to propagate homeopathy.