Tackling Chemotherapy : The Homoeopathic Way

Tackling Chemotherapy : The Homoeopathic Way

Abstract :

Background :

Cancer is a scourge which kills millions of people throughout the world. Chemotherapy, a cornerstone in cancer treatment, is often accompanied by a range of distressing side-effects that can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life. Homoeopathic treatment can significantly change the quality of life in patients going through chemotherapy.

Keywords :Cancer, chemotherapy, homoeopathy, side-effects, adverse effects, oncology

Introduction :

Cancer is a leading cause of death throughout the world. Yet because of great advances in medical science, cancer is no longer necessarily a death sentence.

Chemotherapy is one of the conventional approaches to treat cancer. In Chemotherapy, there are chemicals which destroy cancer cells by vigorously attacking them. These drugs travel throughout the body and they can attack healthy cells too. In spite of all efforts to lessen the risk, chemotherapy does produce adverse reactions.

Some common side-effects of Chemotherapy are –

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Oral ulcers
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Stomach pain, anorexia
  • Burning, numbness
  • Diarrhoea / Constipation
  • Anaemia
  • Hair loss, etc.

Homoeopathy, a system of medicine based on the principle of “like cures like,” has gained attention for its potential to address chemotherapy side-effects effectively. In this article, let’s explore the use of homoeopathy in managing chemotherapy side-effects and examine the evidence supporting its efficacy.

Review of Literature :

According to the research “Homeopathy, a new tool for the prevention and treatment of chemo brain (cerebral chemotoxicity)” – For cerebral Chemotoxicity which produce fatigue, mood and memory disorders, “Preventatively Belladonna, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Aconitum, Arsenicum album and Mercurius solubilis are the most indicated medicines. They will be chosen after individualisation of symptoms and prescribed two to three times a day, the day before, on the day of the treatment and the day after each chemotherapy session. Curatively, Conium maculatum and/or Baryta carbonica can also be considered.”3

A simple randomized pilot study published in “Asian journal of oncology” in June 2021” reported positive role of homoeopathic treatment as an add-on to conventionally treated cancer patients to minimize the suffering other than cancer and the after effects of chemotherapy.5

In a double-blind trial, 30 children with mouth sores due to cancer chemotherapy were given either homeopathic or placebo mouthwash, five times daily for at least 14 days. The results showed that use of the homeopathic treatment significantly reduced symptoms as compared to placebo. The mouthwash used in this trial contained the following ingredients:

Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis, Hamamelis virginiana, Achillea millefolium, Atropa belladonna, Aconitum napellum, Hepar sulfuris, Symphytum, Mercurius solubilis, Bellis perennis, Chamomilla, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, Hypericum. 2

Another paper published in “Integrative Cancer Therapies” in 2018 found evidence supporting  that Homoeopathy can be successfully incorporated into an integrative oncology service.6

Description : 

As we all know, Conventional interventions include antiemetics, pain killers, etc. but they have limitations as there is a chance of drugs interfaring with the action of chemotherapy. They target the specific organ or part that is affected in a body, but with the help of Homoeopathy we can treat all the symptoms with a single, most suitable remedy – similimum without interfaring with the action of chemotherapy.

  1. Cadmium sulphuricum – It is indicated when the symptom picture covers extreme exhaustion, icy coldness, nausea and vomiting, anorexia, loss of hair, and weight loss – all common side-effects of patients receiving chemotherapy.
  2. Arsenicum album – When there is great exhaustion; pale, cachetic face, Ulceration of mouth with dryness and burning heat, nausea and vomiting; fear of death.
  3. China officinalis – For extreme debility, fatigue, coldness, dermatitis, anaemia
  4. Phosphorous – Indicated in Anaemia, pale sickly complexion, blue rings under the eyes, vomiting, better after washing with cold water.
  5. Tabacum – Selected when there is nausea, giddiness, death-like pallor, vomiting, icy coldness and sweat.
  6. Mercurius solubilis – There is raw, sore feeling; Oral ulcers, intense thirst for cold drinks, profuse perspiration without relief.
  7. Ignatia amara – In cases of nervous, apprehensive, melancholic, sad patients.


Homeopathy offers an effective approach to managing chemotherapy side-effects, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of cancer treatment. While the evidence supporting its efficacy in cancer care continues to evolve, many patients report significant benefits from homeopathic interventions. By integrating homeopathy into cancer care, healthcare providers can offer patients a comprehensive approach to symptom management, enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life during treatment.


  1. https://homeopathyplus.com/homeopathy-for-radiotherapy-and-chemotherapy-side-effects/
  2. https://froemkelab.med.nyu.edu/surgery/content?ChunkIID=38319 
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1878973020300049#:~:text=Introduction,chemotherapy%20%5B1%5D%20(Fig
  4. https://www.peacehealth.org/medical-topics/id/hn-2209009
  5. Homoeopathic Treatment as an Add-On for Minimizing After Effects of Conventionally Treated Cancer Patients: A Simple Randomized Pilot Study—Protocol from Northeast India Perspective [June 2021 Asian Journal of Oncology 07(01), page 105-113]
  6. Feasibility of Homeopathic Treatment for Symptom Reduction in an Integrative Oncology Service [Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2018, Vol.17(2) 486-492]

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About the author

Dr Aditi V Rathi

Dr. Aditi V. Rathi - I am a Homoeopathic physician who strives to provide individualized care that addresses not just physical, but also emotional aspects of well being. Through a vibrant social media presence, I like to educate the community about Homoeopathy.