Abstract – This article is based on the utility of the dream rubrics in homoeopathy which is very important in case of taking of a patient to find out the constitutional similimum. Dreams are very important because it shows the psyche of the person. Dreams originate from the mind and Homoeopathy needs the information related to the mind. Dreams provide such information about a patient psyche, which we can use to prescribe a most similar remedy.
Keywords – Homoeopathy, Kent Repertory, Dreams, Rubrics.
Introduction – A dream is a series of imagined thoughts, feelings, and experiences that typically arise automatically in the mind during specific sleep stages. Oneirology is the scientific study of dreams. Sleep and dreaming are connected. Dreams mostly happen during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep, which is characterised by increased brain activity and a state of wakefulness.
Because it would be an information overload, the conscious mind is not always able to process disjointed data. In the same way that the conscious mind can extract information from the subconscious mind to aid it in self-defense or other survival situations, the subconscious mind also stores skills and other related informations.(2) Dreams are interpreted in homoeopathy as the subconscious expression of the individual’s inner essence, implying that dream interpretations might help identify the similimum by providing insight into one’s mental state and implicit wishes.(3)
Sigmund Freud’s theory –
The father of the theory of the dreaming process was Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud believed that a dream is mainly the covert realisation of suppressed aspirations from waking life. Dreams are symbolic releases of suppressed aspirations or experiences. By examining these dreams, one can uncover the unconscious and ultimately determine the cause of the anomalies. According to him, dreams are a conscious way for people to communicate desires or fantasies that are not easily reconciled with aware waking reality. As a result, dream activity was thought to represent a typical unconscious process manifestation. The dream allows for the partial but restricted fulfilment of the suppressed drive that gives rise to the dream since the sleep state blocks motility.(4)
Carl Jung’s theory –
The fundamental tenet of Jungian dream theory is that dreams disclose more information than they do not. According to Jung, dreams were the mind’s own direct expression. It was his belief that dreams served as a means of communicating a person’s conscious state through metaphors and symbols. Additionally, according to Jung, this language contained universal archetypes, or images, that are fundamental to all human awareness. According to him, dreams performed two purposes: they corrected a psychological imbalance in the dreamer and gave them a glimpse of the future, enabling them to predict what would happen in real life.(5) He considered dreams to be the mind’s attempt to convey significant information to the individual and to play a crucial role in the process of personality development known as individuation.(6)
Dr. James Tyler Kent – Dr. Kent was born March 31, 1849, in Woodhull, New York. He graduated from the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati and began practice in St. Louis as an eclectic doctor. He became interested in homeopathy in 1878. (7)
In his lecture on homeopathic philosophy, Kent says that when a person enters a state of hostility to life or his life is in strife and disorder, it disturbs his will and can bring him difficult dreams, which are actually a mental condition. . Kent prioritized general symptoms because they always rule out dissent. Dreams are closely related to the mental state, the patient can say: “I had a dream last night”, this is a normal state. The things that are close to man and his life and his vitality are strictly ordinary things. Because the patient predicts something about himself, it is common. According to Kent, “all the symptoms of sleep are important because they are intimately connected with the mind.” The mind only dreams, but the mind is human, so we see how important sleep and dreams become in the case history.(8)
His repertoire was published in 1897. The sixth American edition was published in 1957, while the Indian edition was published in 1961. Kent’s repertoire is based on the philosophy of deductive logic, i.e. from the general to the particular. (9)
He used three types of typography to show the gradation of remedies. Graded, italic, and standard Latin, 3 points, 2 points, 1 point, and grades are first, second, and third grade. (10)
Kent’s repertoire begins with the mind chapter and the final chapter is general. the remaining figures are based on anatomical divisions. There are thirty-three chapters in all, one of which deals with the urinary organs, this chapter has five sections. (11)
Dreams are present under the sleep chapter, which contain 239 rubrics of dreams. Dreams are present from page no 1235 to 1245.
SLEEP | DREAMS, animal | Black | Puls. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, another person lying in bed with him | Petr. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, anxious | mortification, after | Puls. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, autopsies | Seeing | Rumx. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, black forms | Beast | Puls. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, blind that he was | Phys. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, body embalmed | Carb-ac. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, body embalmed | Disfigured | Sep. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, body embalmed | knees swollen | Cocc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, body embalmed | limb broken | Cimic. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, body embalmed | prepuce sloughed of | Linu-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, body embalmed | rash covered | Am-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, body embalmed | Swollen | Squill. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, business, of | falling asleep | Rhus-t. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, calling out | for help | Kali-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, cats | Black | Daph. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, cellars | of being in, and walls falling in | Bov. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, chased and had to run backward | Sep. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, child had been beaten | Kali-n. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, confused | after midnight | Chin. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, crushed | that he would be | Sulph. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, cutting | of being cut with a knife | Guaj. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, cutting | of cutting a woman up for salting | Calc-f. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, cutting | of seeing a person cut up | Merc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, danger | lying on left side | Thuja. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, danger | of escaping | Hep. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, dead, of the | bodies, smell of | Calc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, dead, of the | sleeping on the back, while | Arn. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, dead, of the | |||
SLEEP | DREAMS, death, of | own, his, and orders the rapid removal of corpse from the house | Fl-ac. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, defamatory | Mosch. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, disaster | Sars. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, disease | Boils | Prun. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disease | daughter has an apoplectic fit | Nat-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disease | Fainting | Graph. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disease | Fever | Sulph. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disease | hemorrhage | Phos. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disease | hydrophobia | Anan. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disease | loathsome | Anac. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disease | sore throat | Bar-c | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disgusting | of being smeared with human excrement | Zinc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, disgusting | about dirty linen | Kreos. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, dogs | Black | Arn. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, dogs | frightened by a black dog | Puls. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, killing a mad dog | Rumx. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, large dog following him | Sil. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, dragon | Op. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, drowning | of a drowning man | Sol-t-ac. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, drowning | That her mother had been drowned | Nicc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, duels | Asc-t. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, ears cut off | Of having | Nat-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, eating | Iod. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, eating | human flesh | Sol-tac. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, emaciated | becoming | Kreos. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, encircled tightly | Being | Ruta. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, events of previous day | of the evening | Ph-ac. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, explosion | Stann. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, encircled tightly | Being | Ruta. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, face covered with pustules | Anac. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, falling, of | From high places, into abyss, a grave | Am-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, falling, of | From high places, into abyss, a grave | Iris. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, fights and conquers | Bapt. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, fire | comes down from the heaven | Sulph. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, fire | world on fire | Ruta. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, fleeing of | Zinc. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, floating | Hell. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, freezing | Grat. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, frightful | alternating with headache | Chin. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, frightful | Sleep, on going to | Chin. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, fruit | Cast-eq | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, ghost, spectres | Black | Ars. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, ghost, spectres | pursued by | Sil. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, ghost, specters | White | Sars. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, giants | pursued by | Bell. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, girl that he is | Apis. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, grotesque | Lil-t. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, hair of being obliged to dress hair in company | Mag-c. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, horses | arm bitten by | Am-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, horses | changing into dogs | Zinc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, horses | Kicking | Mag-s. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, horses | pursuing him | Alum. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, horses | stealing a horse | Rumx. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, hung | of being | Am-m | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, hung | of being, of seeing person | Merc- sul. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, illuminations | Crot-c. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, Indian | that he is among | Jug-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, injuries | self-inflicted | Nicc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, intrigue | that his character is one of | Lach. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, journey | by railroad | Apis. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, jumping | Verat. |
SLEEP | DREAMS, knives | stabbed his antagonist with a knife | Nat-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, lion, | that he was a | Phys. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, men | following to violate her | Kreos. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, mice | Yellow | Mag-s. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, money | counterfeit | Zinc-ox. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, mud | walking in | Iod. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, murder | of seeing murdered men | Rumx. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, music | Sars. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, nakedness | Rumx. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, nausea | Arg-m | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, nightmare | menses, before | Sulp-ac. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, nightmare | menses, after | Thuja. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pins, of | Merc. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, poison | that he has taken | Kreos. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, poisoned, of being | Praying | Ars-h. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pregnant | Pic-ac. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, prisoner | of being taken a | Nat-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pursued, of being | Enemies | Con. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pursued, of being | Ghost | Sil. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pursued, of being | Giant | Bell. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pursued, of being | mad bulls | Ind. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pursued, of being | man to violate her | Kreos. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pursued, of being | ox, an | Eupi. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pursued, of being | Robbers | Mag-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, pursued, of being | Soldiers | Mag-s. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, rain | of being socked in | Mag-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, rape threat of | Sep. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, rape threat of | Pursued for the purpose of | Kreos. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, rape threat of | that he has committed | Petr. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, remorse of | Sanic. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, roaming over field | Rhus-t | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, robbers | of being pursued by | Mag-m | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, robber | menses, during | Nat-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, romantic | Am-c. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, skeleton | Op. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, smelling | sulphur, tinder | Anac. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, smoking | Tell. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, snakes | of being bitten by | Bov. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, snow | of working in | Bapt. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, soldiers | Chel. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, soldier | of being pursued by a | Mag-s. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, soldier | of seeing a soldier shot | Am-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, spiders | as long as an ox | Cinnb. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, stars falling | Alum. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, staling fruit | Plb. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, stone lying on him | Kali-c. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, storm | snow storm | Kreos. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, struck by lightning | that he was | Arn. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, stung by ab insect | Phos. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, suicide | Naja. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, tall, of being very | Ferr-i. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, teeth breaking off | Pulled out | Nat-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, theft, | of being accused of | Lach. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, tombs | Anac. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, tombs | of living in | Nicc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, tombs | of putting taper on tomb | Hura. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, unsuccessful efforts to do various things, to cry out, to find the way in his own house | Mag-c. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, vermin | Insects | Arg-n. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, vertigo | Sili. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, vexation | Violence | Led. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, warts | Mez. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Black | Ars. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Child bathing in boiling water | Mag-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Daughter is in and crying for help | Nat-s. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Falling into, her child | Eupi. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Falling into, her child, mother | Nicc. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Fishes swimming in | Chin. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Men, jumping into | Mag-s. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Poor people bathing | Chin-b. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Poured upon him | Ox-ac. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Putrid | Arg-n. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | rowing on | Rhus-t. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | stream of | Con. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | wading in | Merc-i-r. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Wading in, in which are serpents | Alum. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, water | Yellow | Hura. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, window | Broken | Hep. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, window | broken, trying to get out of | Calc-fl. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, window | Broken, jumping from | Mag-m. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, worms | Creeping, Vomiting of | Chin. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, wounded | Of being | Ant-c. | |
SLEEP | DREAMS, writing | Senec. | ||
SLEEP | DREAMS, writing | On dirty table and paper becoming smears | Prun. |
References –
[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream [2] homoeopathy360.com homoeopathy and dreams [3] https://www.researchgate.net/publication Dreams and its interpretation and its applicability in homoeopathy [4] synopsis of psychiatry behavioural science/clinical Psychiatry eleventh edition Benjamin James Sudock, M.D. Virginia Alcott Sadock, M.D. Pedro Ruise M.D. theories of personality and psychopathology, chapter 4 [5] https://dreamstudies.org/carljungdream interpretation the dream theory of carl jung [6] https://www.researchgate.net/publication Dreams and its interpretation and its applicability in homoeopathy [7] Essentials Of Repertorization, fifth edition, prof. Dr. S.K. Tiwari [8] lectures on homoeopathic philosophy, Kent j t, chapters 32 and 33, the value of symptoms [9,10,11] Essentials Of Repertorization, fifth edition, prof. Dr. S.K. Tiwari