Krupa patel
Krupa Patel,
Parul institute of homoeopathy and research
Delirious Medicines Of Homoeopathy
Delirious Medicines Of Homoeopathy • Delirium is a state of mental confusion which develops quickly and usually fluctuates in intensity. A state in which the...
Talkative Tongue Of Homoeopathy
TALKATIVE TONGUE OF HOMOEOPATHY • Yes we all talk with our tongue and today I want to introduce that what our tongue tells us. Tongue...
Susceptibility And Homoeopathy
ORGANON OF MEDICINE SUSCEPTIBILITY AND HOMOEOPATHY Abstract: This article deals with the concept of susceptibility , its usage in homoeopathy and its effects in living...
Homoeopathic Medicine As Immune Booster In Pandemic Disease
Homoeopathic / Homoeopathy Medicine Homoeopathic medicine as immune booster in pandemic disease. Introduction : Pandemic Disease : Disease that affect a whole country or the...