Homoeopathic Management of Androgenetic Alopecia: A Case Study of Veratrum Album

Homoeopathic Management of Androgenetic Alopecia: A Case Study of Veratrum Album

Abstract: One of the most typical chronic conditions that dermatologists encounter on a global scale is Androgenic Alopecia. It has an impact on both sexes, but most severely in males, and it is characterized by increasing hair loss, particularly of scalp hair. It frequently starts during adolescence and creates a psychological impact, which affects a person’s quality of life and sense of self-worth. To overcome this situation, Homeopathic medicine helps through the similimum of the patient. This was shown through a case that was treated successfully through Homoeopathic medicines; as a result, it showed an improved quality of life.1

Keywords: androgenic alopecia, homeopathy, delusions, mental symptoms, veratrum album.

Introduction:  Pattern or androgenetic alopecia is a genetically predetermined disorder due to excessive response to androgens, impacting approximately 50% of males and females. This condition is characterized by progressive loss of terminal hair of the scalp, typically occurring following puberty, with a distinctive pattern in both males and females. In males, hair loss is most prominent in the vertex and frontotemporal regions. In contrast, females tend to retain their frontal hairline while experiencing diffuse apical hair thinning, causing a broader appearance of the anterior part of the hair.2

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. Hair loss may occur naturally or it may be related to disease or the use of certain medications. Symptoms of alopecia vary depending on the cause of the condition and range from a small bald patch to a complete loss of all body hair.2

Pathological traits: 

Development and Follicular miniaturization. Hair growth occurs in three cyclical phases: anagen (growth), catagen (The main pathophysiological characteristics of Androgenic Alopecia are altered hair cycle transition), and telogen (rest). In this condition, the telogen phase, either remains the same length or lengthens with each cycle, but the anagen phase shortens. This results in empty follicular pores and baldness because the anagen period is so short that the growing hair cannot grow long enough to reach the skin’s surface. The histopathological characteristic of Androgenic Alopecia is the shrinking of the hair follicle. Hair loss is probably permanent once the arrector pili muscle, which connects circumferentially around the primary follicle, has separated from all secondary follicles and the primary follicles have gone through shrinkage and detachment.4 

Pattern of Hair loss: 

In male-pattern hair loss, the bitemporal area, vertex scalp, and mid-frontal scalp are the three scalp regions most affected. Beginning at the anterior hairline and progressing posteriorly across the head in bitemporal hair loss. The hairline recedes with time, forming an “M” shape. Centrally located hair loss over the vertex scalp spreads circumferentially. Hair follicle shrinkage causes a pattern of hair loss resembling a Christmas tree over the mid-frontal scalp. Usually, hair loss occurs in this pattern. In Female pattern hair loss, the hair on the entire scalp often thins out diffusely and falls.5


The Psychological Effect of AGC: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) has always been recognized as having significant psychological effects on affected patients. Vincent van Gogh′s famous painting ′On the Threshold of Eternity ′ is thought to depict deep depression, partly attributed to a balding scalp. One of the most important psychological aspects related to AGA is related to the true or imagined perceptions of others. Various studies have demonstrated that AGA can have a significant negative impact on the quality of life of the affected persons. A study by Kranz of 160 university students with AGA revealed that the psychological distress due to AGA was not dependent on the age of the patient or the stage of baldness. For women affected with AGA, the main factors contributing to psychological distress were – the inability to style their hair, dissatisfaction with their appearance, concern about the continuing hair loss, and concern about others noticing their hair loss.3

        A Case of Androgenic Alopecia:

A male patient aged 32 yr. came to me for a hair fall and asked why his hair fall did not stop or continue falling and asked if hair will grow or not again, he was very concerned about his hair.  He feels very low confidence and shame because of that situation, he said he is very rich and has a good position in society. I asked is anything else other than this, he had also a crawling sensation on his head. he is a very curious type of personality in between the case he asked about my degree hanging on my clinic and trophy

Then I asked about his nature, and he said he is very jolly and happy but things are not good with me, I asked what’s that, and he said it’s my anger doctor, I put a question in Infront of him, tell me about your anger ‘he said when I get angry, I want to break things and desire to kill someone, but my god is always with me he could not do wrong with me. 

I asked him to tell me about your god, and he said my god is always with me he helped me many times, and he is always with me, all time I worship him,

I asked how God is always with you, he said that; whenever I am in a bad condition or problem he always comes into my dream and talks to and guides me to solve the problem.  

He also said that God talks to him in the real world.  He said he had many girlfriends at the time of his college and had extramarital affairs. He is very lascivious also.                      

He asked me a question in very strange way, he said one thing I was always observing in my mind, is that right or wrong or it’s my delusion I could not understand, whenever I am out of town or present in other cities, I feel very strange anxiety about my home I think I must present on home. 

History of patient illness – Not present

Treatment History– Taken allopathic treatment but no specific relief

Past History – Malaria in childhood at the age of 10 years.

Family History – Father is diabetic

                            Mother is healthy.

Physical Generals;

Face – dark circle around the eye.

Agg – cold weather, wet

Amel- by warm things

Thermal -Chilly patient

Stool – constipation with head pain

           And going for stool in the gap of one day in the morning.

           Character of the stool is hard and dark brown in colour.

Urine –7-10 times in a day 

            2-3 times in night 

            Character is yellow  

            Flow of urine is normal 

Sleep- anxious, 6 hrs sleep  but refreshing

Dreams – of god he said god is always with me he helped me many times, and he is always with me, all time I worship him, and whenever he is  in a bad condition or problem he always comes into my dream and talks to and guides me to solve the problem. 

Perspiration- L: Head; Cold sweat on forehead, Profuse, non offensive cold perspiration on  forehead.

A sensation of coldness on the tip of the nose.

Mental Generals 

He feels very low confidence and shame because of that situation, he said he is very rich and has a good position in society.

He said, that whenever he is out of town or present in other cities, he feels very strange anxiety about his home he thinks he must be present at home. 

He feels very low confidence and shame because of that situation, he said he is very rich and has a good position in society

Analysis of Case  

The patient is more delusional in his life. The patient has physical complaints but he gives more prominent mental symptoms and he had a delusion of wealth and delusion of being away from home and must be present at home these are the more pqrs symptoms in case but also for the confirmation of remedy, he had prominent physical generals like having cold perspiration on the head, better by warm things, and worse by warm things.

So, based on the most peculiar symptoms and more striking symptoms we select this remedy. 

Software used – Synergy homoeopathic software 

Final Remedy – Veratrum album 1m single dose. (On date of 19 December 2020)

Follow up –



New symptoms 



Some tiny hair follicles grow on the front side. Sleep quality slightly improved. 

Appetite- good.

No new symptoms appear.

Sac lac 30 bd 1 month.


Mental and physical general symptoms have improved.

Hair quality has improved, and hair looks thick and shiny. 

Improvement in bald patches.

No new symptoms present till now 

Sac lac 30 bd 1 month. 


Sleep is disturbed and hair slowly falls again.

Colic and profuse watery vomiting for 3 days.

Veratrum album 1m Sd

Sac lac 30 bd 1 month.


Better in vomiting and colic. 

50 percent bald patches filled with hairs. 

Hair quality and thickness improved.

No new complaint is present.

Sac lac 30/bd 1months.



Androgenic alopecia is not only a physical problem but it creates a psychological impact on a person’s life. So based on individualization the veratrum album was selected and prescribed in the high potency. Veratrum album is a well-known constitutional remedy, which addresses the person. The patient’s overall improvement demonstrated that the veratrum album works at all levels of the plane to enhance the patient’s Quality of Life.


Veratrum album was given in high potency, based on his totality of symptoms. There is a marked improvement in physical state as well as in psychological state. Now the patient is very happy in his life, no more stress in his life. 


Homeopathic medicines based on individualization showed significant improvement in the treatment of androgenic alopecia. Thus, homeopathic medicines help to enhance the Quality of Life in patients with Androgenic alopecia.


1.Kayalvizhi DrJ, Balaji DrS, Franklin DrRR. A case study on androgenic alopecia treated with individualized homeopathic medicine. International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences. 2022 Oct 1;6(4):49–52.

2.‌ Ho CH, Sood T, Zito PM. Androgenetic Alopecia. [Updated 2024 Jan 7]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430924/.

  1. Kaliyadan F, Nambiar A, Vijayaraghavan S. Androgenetic alopecia: an update. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology [Internet]. 2013 Sep 1 [cited 2021 Jan 7];79(5):613–25. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23974579/
  2. Kayalvizhi DrJ, Balaji DrS, Franklin DrRR. A case study on androgenic alopecia treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine. International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences. 2022 Oct 1;6(4):49–52.


Dr Lokesh Verma (MD Scholar)

Department of Homeopathic Repertory and case taking.

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bhopal MP


Co-Author Name- 

Dr. Gyanesh Shakya

HOD of the Department of forensic medicine and toxicology

Govt. Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bhopal MP

About the author

Dr Lokesh verma

Dr Lokesh verma - Govt homoeopathic medical College and hospital Bhopal MP