Case of Tinea Cured With Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Case of Tinea Cured With Homoeopathy

Abstract : Tinea is common skin fungal infection. It is becoming resistant and occurring recurrently due irrational use of antifungal ointments used by common population. But in Homoeopathic literature there has been mentioned many medicines having good results in Tinea. This case study demonstrates as how effectively and rapidly homoeopathic nosode, Bacillinum (a maceration from tubercular lung introduced by Dr Burnett) along with simillimum, Sulphur cures the itching and lesion. In this case sulph is used as simillimum and Bacillinum is prescribed as an intercurrent.


Tinea pedis, eruptions, Sulphur, irascibility, trifles.


TDS: thrice a day


Tinea  is common skin fungal infection which is caused by keratinophilic fungi which affects skin, nails and hairs 1,2. [Y1] It clinically presents as a patch of various colours having scales and having reddish papules, small vesicles and little pustules on the margin of lesion which progress on periphery and subdue in the center producing ring like shape.1,2

In India, due to tropical environmental conditions, there is higher prevalence of dermatophytosis in India. But incidence of tinea varies in different parts of India because of different environmental conditions in India. The prevalence of tinea has increased since few years due to unhygienic conditions among people living in crowded damp places, patients having systemic clinical conditions like diabetes mellitus, human immunodeficiency virus, and among patients who irrationally use antifungal drugs directly taking from pharmacy shops without approaching qualified physician which is not only making the condition very common in India, but also making it more difficult to cure also 1,2,3.

Adults are more commonly affected age group. Males are more commonly affected than females. The factor which predispose for tinea are sweating, obesity, diabetes mellitus, working in places with high temperature, wearing damp clothes in humid weather, sharing personal clothes with infected person1,2,3.


▪ Tinea cruris- involve upper thigh1,2,3
▪ Tinea corporis- involves whole body except palms, soles and scalp 1,2,3
▪ Tinea barbae- beard area affected1,2,3
▪ Tinea capitis- scalp is affected1,2,3
▪ Tinea mannum- hands are involved1,2,3
▪ Tinea pedis- feet are affected1,2,3
▪ Tinea unguinum- nails are affected 1,2,3

Preliminary data:          

Name: ABC

Age / sex: 42 / female

Marital status: Married

Occupation: Job as a peon in hospital

Date: 15/10/2019

Chief complaints :

Location Sensation Modalities Concomitant
  Back (lumbar region) Onset: gradual Duration : 6 months Progressive         Eruption   Burning   Dryness   >allopathic medicine   ——

Physical generals :

Appetite : Feels hungry after every hour

Craving : Fried + 2 Sweets+3 Fish+2

Aversion : Sweet Potatoes

Urine : Normal

Stool : Normal

Perspiration : Profuse at forehead and soles

Sleep : Refreshing

Thermals : Hot +3

Local examination:

Macular eruption on lower back (lumbar region)


Get angry when someone not listen to him

Shout at others when angry

Anxiety about trifles


Song listening – melody

Movie (love story)

Case processing:

Diagnosis of the case : Taenia1,2,3 [Y3] 

Diagnosis of phase : Dynamic chronic disease with fully developed symptoms 5.

Susceptibility : High 5

Pathology : Reversible 5

Repertory used : Hompath Classic Software

Repertorial Totality 4 :

Mind: anger: irascibility : tendency4

Mind: anxiety: trifles : about4

Generalities : food and drinks : sweet : desires4

Generalities : food and drinks : fish4

Skin : eruption : itching : night4

Skin : eruption : dry4

Skin : eruption : painful : burning [Y4] 4

Repertorisation :

Repertorial result :

Treatment :

Eruption during first prescription

Sulphur 200 (6,8,9,10,11) [Y6] 1 powder Stat

Rubrum 4 pills TDS for 15 days

Justification for selection of remedy

Eruptions are burning and painful

Eruptions are dry

Desire for fishes

Eruptions are itching with night aggravation

Thermally patient is hot

Auxillary mode of treatment

In winter, apply moisturizer, only for soothing the skin

Avoid too much scratching 1,2,3 .[Y7] 

Follow up:


      In this case, with the help characteristic mind and physical generals and using the classic homoeopathy repertorisation software, the simillimum selected was Sulphur. Considering the nature of disease, susceptibility and general condition of patient , Sulphur 200 was prescribed.

      But after some days eruptions reappeared and for restoring patient again to normal Bacillinum was given as an intercurrent .


This case showed that by selection of correct simillimum based on symptom similarity homoeopathic medicine. Sulphur is sufficient to bring the cure in chronic cases.


  1. Dearborn FM, A.B., M.D., Diseases of the skin Including the Exanthemata, Reprint  Edition 2002, Chapter Hyperemias And Inflammations, page number 232 and 237.
  2.  Tinea. Available from:
  3. Tinea. Available from:
  4.  Hompath Classic Software 8.0 version
  5. Sarkar BK, Organon of Medicine, pp.30- 35, 98-103,142- 145, 181, 242-243 , New  Delhi, B.Jain Publishers
  6. Burnett JC. Ringworm-its constitutional nature & cure. World Homoeopathic Links. New Delhi 1984, pp. 118-19.
  7.  Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medico pp. 101-102. New Delhi: B. Jain 1983.
  8. Hering C. The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medico vol. 10pp. 350-56. England: Gregg 1966.
  9. Clarke JH. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medico vol. 1 p. 237. England: Health Science Press 1962.
  10. Allen HC. Key Notes and Characteristics with Comparisons of some of the leading Remedies of the Materia Medico pp. 296-98. New Delhi: B. Jain.
  11. Clarke HC. The Prescriber p. 283. London: The Homoeopathic Publishing Company Ltd 1952.

About Author:

Dr Uttara Agale
Associate Professor
Dept. of Repertory
Y.M.T.H.M.C Navi Mumbai

Dr D.G.Bagal
Professor, Vice-Principal
Dept. of Repertory
Y.M.T.H.M.C Navi Mumbai

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