- Abstract:
It is very important to understand the history of Repertory because it will give us the understanding of the level at which Homoeopathic Repertory has reached from its inception. This will allow us to appreciate the history of Homoeopathy and the need of Homoeopathic Repertory. History gives us information till now as well as inspiration for the future, so that further development can be done in future according to time and need. Today, Homoeopathic Repertory has become a computer software from the handwritten work of Dr Hahnemann (Fragmenta De Viribus) and its use has become very simple and easy. We can learn about the evolution of homoeopathy, the different hypotheses employed in the homoeopathic repertory, as well as pertinent historical and contemporary data and accurate theories, by studying its history.
This article aims at providing authentic data regarding the publishing details and origins of commonly used repertories so that each homoeopath can recognise the value of this subject as Hahnemann would have perhaps wanted.
- Keywords:
Homoeopathic, History, Repertory, Hahnemann, Kent, Boenninghausen, Boger, Robert, Modern, Regional, Clinical, Card, Computer, Symptom, Materia medica, Reference.
- Introduction:
Origin: The word REPERTORY originates from the Latin word ‘Repertoir’ or late Latin word ‘Repertorium’.
Meaning: Repertory – A Storehouse, Repository, Collection, Especially of Information, Instances, Facts, Treasury, etc.
Definition: “Repertory is a systematically and logically arranged index to the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, which is full of information collected from toxicology, drug proving and clinical experience.”
The Repertory is not only a collection of symptoms but it is also the bridge that takes the physician from the patient’s totality to the similimum.
- Different authorities have defined Repertory as follows:
Homoeopathic Council: Repertory is an index, a catalogue of symptoms of Materia Medica, neatly arranged in a practical form and also indicating the relative gradation of drugs, and it greatly facilitates for quick selection of the indicated remedy.
Dr R. P. Patel: A Repertory in Homoeopathy is an index of symptoms of our Materia Medica with their corresponding Homoeopathic medicines arranged systematically in various order.
Dr J. Kishore: A Repertory is a sort of dictionary or an index; basically, the Repertory is an index of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
- Stalwart`s view on Repertory and Its Utility:
Dr J. T. Kent – The proper use of the Repertory will lead to correct off hand prescribing in simple cases, in from ten to twenty years. The mechanical use of the Repertory never leads to artistic prescribing or to remarkable result.
Dr J. H. Clarke – It is impossible to practice Homoeopathy without the aid of repertories and the best Repertory is the fullest.
A Repertory’s purpose is to support the ultimate decision on a specific medication, never to replace the Materia Medica. Consequently, studying the Repertory aids in comprehending the patient and the medication.
“Repertory and Materia Medica are complimentary to one another”.
- Idea of Repertory:
Since 1790, Dr Hahnemann began testing several medications on himself and other healthy people once the Law of Similars was discovered, i.e., through the Cinchona bark experiment. This allowed him to acquire a more complete picture of the beneficial effects of pharmaceuticals. He gathered several symptoms for each medicine as a result of these proofs and reproofs. He compiled all of these symptoms into works such as “Chronic Diseases” and “Materia Medica Pura”.
Hahnemann highlights the significance of distinguishing symptoms in Organon § 153. In the footnote to the same aphorism, he recommends that in order to choose the best medicine for a certain patient, the distinctive symptoms should be consulted.
(Footnote to Aphorism 153) Dr Von Boenninghausen, by the publication of the characteristic symptoms of Homoeopathic medicines and his Repertory has rendered a great service to Homoeopathy as well as Dr J. H. G. Jahr in his handbook of principal symptoms).
- Dr Hahnemann’s efforts in making Repertory:
In 1805, Hahnemann published his first Materia Medica, “Fragmenta De Viribus medica Mentorum Positivis sive in sano corpore Humano Observatis.” The book comprised two parts: a proving information containing 27 remedies in first part and a Repertory arranged alphabetically, graded in a single grade in the second part.
In 1817 Symptoms dictionary, he also composed a brief recitation in Latin, using his own handwriting.
- Early Repertory– Fragmenta De Viribus
Following the fruitless endeavours of Dr Gross, Ruckert, and Jahr, Von Boenninghausen, Hahnemann’s closest follower, made a significant endeavour in this regard while under Hahnemann’s guidance.
Repertory of Antipsoric Medicines, his groundbreaking work that was released in 1832, was not only a commercial success but also served as a model for all subsequent repertories.
Jahr’s Repertory was eventually released in German in 1835.
Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann is the father of Homoeopathy while
Baron Clemens Maria Frenz von Boenninghausen has contributed a lot to the field of Homoeopathic Repertory and he is known to the Homoeopathic world as following:
- Father of Homoeopathic Repertory
- 1st to make general Repertory
- 1st to evaluate the remedies
- 1st to enunciate the Principles of Analogy
- 1st to introduce the term “Concomitants” into the Homoeopathic world
- 1st to develop the Concordance (Relationship) of Remedies
- Chronological Development Of Repertory:
- Repertories which came up during the lifetime of Dr Hahnemann
- Repertories which came after life of Dr Hahnemann / After 1843
- Dr Kent’s Repertory
- Era of Regional Repertories
- Post-Kentian Repertories (Middle Time Repertories)
- Modern Repertories
- Card Repertories
- Computer Repertories
Important Years in The History of Repertory:
- Repertory which came up during the life of Dr Hahnemann:
- 1805 – Dr C F S Hahnemann: Medica Mentorum Positivis Sive in Sano Corporo Humano Observatis.
- 1817 – Dr C F S Hahnemann: A short Repertory (The Symptom dictionary) in Latin.
- 1828 – Dr C F S Hahnemann: Repertory in 2 volumes in German in manuscript from.
- 1828: C.G. Hartlaub: Systematic presentation of pure medicinal effects for the practical use of Homoeopathic physicians in 9 vols., 6702 pages.
- 1830 – G A Weber: Systematic presentation of the Anti-Psoric Remedies in their pure effects, 556 pages, Introduction by Dr Hahnemann.
- 1832- B C M F von Boenninghausen: Repertory of the Anti-Psorics, With the introduction by Hahnemann (2nd Edition came in 1833 By. Boenninghausen.) It was First published Repertory.
- 1833 – Glazor: First Alphabetical Pocket Repertory, Leipzig, 165 Pages.
- 1835 – G H G Jahr: Symptom Repertory, Three volumes in German language.
- 1835 – B C M F von Boenninghausen: Repertory of medicines, which are not Antipsoric.
- 1836 – B C M F von Boenninghausen: An attempt at showing the relative kinship of Homoeopathic medicines. (Verwandtschaften repertorium)
- 1838 – C Hering: 1st Repertory published in English language from Allentown Academy.
- 1843 – P J Laffitte: (One of the 1st Persian Homoeopaths) A Homoeopathic Repertory of Symptomatology (975 pages); First original Repertory in French.
- Repertories which came after life of Dr Hahnemann / After 1843:
- 1846 – B C M F von Boenninghausen: Therapeutic Pocket Book (BTPB), Published in German.
- 1848 – Clotar Moriz Muller: Systematic alphabetical Repertory (940 Pages)
- 1853 – A. Possart: A Repertory of characteristic Homoeopathic remedies, Kothen, 700 pages.
- 1853 – G H G Jahr: New manual of Symptomen codex Volume – III Repertory.
- 1854 – Adoph Lippe: Key to the Materia medica, or, Comparative pharmacodynamic 144 Pages.
- 1875 – C Hering: Analytical Repertory of the Symptoms of the Mind. (2nd edition – 1881) *
- 1879 – C. Lippe: Repertory of the more characteristic symptoms of the Materia Medica, 322 Pages*
- 1880 – T. F. Allen: A General Symptom Register of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. New York
- 1889: E J Lee: Repertory of the characteristic symptoms, clinical and pathogenetic, of the Homoeopathic Materia medica. *
- 1890 – W D Gentry: The concordance Repertory of the more characteristic symptoms of the Materia medica, in 6 Volumes.
- 1896 – C. B. Knerr: A Repertory of Hering’s guiding symptoms of our Materia medica.
(1885: Father Augustus Muller: Manual of Homoeopathy (Alphabetical Repertory), 1st Indian Repertory.)
- 1897 – Dr J T Kent: Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia medica.
- Era of Regional Repertories:
- 1869 – J B Bell: The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhoea; Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and all Other Loose Evacuations of the Bowels
- 1873 – E W Berridge: Complete Repertory to The Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Diseases of The Eyes, Published in England
- 1873 – W J Guernsey: Repertory of Desire and Aversion
- 1879 – H.C. Allen: The Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever
- 1880 – Wm. Jefferson Guernsey: The Homoeopathic therapeutics of haemorrhoids.
- 1883 – W. A. Allen: Repertory of the Symptoms of Intermittent Fever.*
- 1883 – Henry Minton: Uterine Therapeutic*
- 1884 – E J Lee and G H Clark: Cough and expectoration, A Repertorial Index of Their Symptoms
- 1894 – W A Holcomb: Repertory of symptoms beginning with “sensations as if”
- 1894 – C B Knerr: Repertory of headache.
- 1898 – A Pulford: Repertory of Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc.
- 1899 – A. R. Morgan: Repertory of The Urinary Organs and Prostate Gland, Including Condylomata Compiled
- 1904 – J H Clarke: A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica: Together with Repertories of Causation, Temperaments, Clinical Relationships, Natural Relationships.
- 1909 – Eugene Beauharnais Nash: Leaders in Respiratory Organs. *
- Post- Kentian – Repertories (Middle Time Repertories):
- 1900 – C M Boger: Systematic Alphabetical Repertory, English translation of Boenninghausen’s Repertory of Anti-Psoric Remedies.
- 1904 – J H Clarke: A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica: Together with Repertories of Causation, Temperaments, Clinical Relationships, Natural Relationships.
- 1905 – C M Boger: Boenninghausen’s characteristics and Repertory. (BBCR)
- 1906 – O E Boericke: Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory (In 3rd edition of Boericke`s M M) *
- 1906 – C M Boger: Times of remedies. (In 1910 – International Hahnemannian Association, in 1930 – from Selzer & Co. Calcutta)*
- 1915 – C M Boger: A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica
- 1924 – C M Boger: General analysis and card index Repertory. *
- 1930 – C M Boger: Times of remedies and moon phases. (In 1930 – from Selzer & Co. Calcutta) *
- 1937 – H A Robert: “Sensations as If”: A Repertory of Subjective Symptoms
- 1939 – H A Robert: The Rheumatic Remedies
- 1959 – Jugal Kishore: Kishore Card Repertory.
- 1963 – S.R. Phatak: A Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Medicines
- Modern Repertories:
- 1973 – Horst Barthel and Will Klunker: Synthetic Repertory: Psychic (Vol. – I), General Symptoms (Vol. – 2) Sleep, Dreams, Sexuality (Vol. – 3) of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
- 1978 – Ramanlal P Patel: Autovisual Homoeopathic Repertory (An Apparatus), (Mechanical aid Repertory) [formulated by him in 1972] *
- 1980 – Pierre Schmidt and Diwan Harish Chand: Kent’s Final General Repertory. *
- 1987 – Jost Künzli von Fimmelsberg: Kent’s Repertorium general, in German, (English translation in 1990)
- 1989 – George Vithoulkas: Additions to Kent’s Repertory
- 1993 – Robin Murphy: Homoeopathic Medical Repertory, (In 1994 Indian edition).
- 1993 – Frederik Schroyens: Synthesis: Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum (5th version).
- 1995 – Jose Antonio Mirilli: Thematic Repertory
- 1996 – R P Patel: Chronic miasms in Homoeopathy and their cure with classification of their rubrics/symptoms in Dr Kent’s Repertory (Repertory of miasms)
- 1996 – Roger von Zandvoort: Complete Repertory.
- 1996 – Berkeley Squire: A Repertory of the Homoeopathic Nosodes & Sarcodes. (In 1997 Indian edition)
- 1998 – Shashi Kant Tiwari: Homoeopathy and child care.
- 1999 – J P S Bakshi: The Phoenix Repertory
- 2003 – Roger von Zandvoort: Repertorium universale.
- 2023 – Shashi Kant Tiwari & V Sathish Kumar: Boger Boenninghausen’s final general Repertory.
- CARD Repertories:
- 1888 – William Jefferson Guernsey: Guernsey’s Boenninghausen’s slips. (Around 2500 Cards.)
- 1912 – Margaret Tyler: Punched card Repertory – based on Kent’s work. (1000 Cards). It was never published as Dr. Kent was against it.
- 1913 – Welch & Houston: Loose punched card Repertory – based on Kent’s work. (134 cards)
- 1922 – Fields cards – based on Kent’s work, he includes Boger’s work also. (6800 cards)
- 1928 – C M Boger: General analysis and card index Repertory. (305 Cards) *
- 1948 – Marcos Jiminez: Card Repertory (It has 580 large size cards; He was first to introduce the evaluation of drugs on the cards. It is based on Boenninghausen’s work)
- 1950 – L D Dhawale: Modified form of Bogers card index Repertory. (Not published)
- 1955 – P. Sankaran: Sankaran’s card Repertory – based on Boger’s card Repertory. Based on Kent’s & Boger’s Repertory (420 Cards)
- 1959 – Jugal Kishore: Kishore card Repertory (9192 cards)
- 1981 – B S Hatta: Hatta’s key Card Repertory of characteristic generals. (602 Cards)
- 1984 – Shashi Mohan Sharma: Sharma’s card Repertory, based on Kent’s Final General Repertory (3000 cards)
- 1994 – S P Roy: Roy’s Card Repertory / SPIRO Homoeopathic calculator. (292 Cards)
- 2007 – V R Khanaj, Aarti S. Kognole, Seema P Jain: Synoptic Card Repertory, Based on Boger’s Synoptic key (2000 Cards – 3rd edition)
- Computer software Repertories:
- 1979: Le Repertaire De Kent ‘Melanie’ – Docteur Georges Brous.
- The Lamina Homoeopathic Repertory Analysis System: (Australia) lists 14700 symptoms of Kent.
- 1986 – Hompath: Dr Jawahar J. Shah, India.
- 1986: MAC Repertory
- 1987: R.A.D.A.R. (Rapid aid to drug aimed research)
- 1988: C.A.R.A. (Computer Assisted Repertorial Analysis), Installed at Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital by 4-front Computer England Ltd.
- 1994: Polychresta.: Developed by Dolphin cybernetics company, Bombay.
- 1996 – Dilip Dixit: Organon 96 – Developed by the Institute of clinical research (ICR), Bombay
- 2003 – ISIS: This software is the advanced version of CARA Software system created by David Witco and is a product of Miccant Ltd.
- H.R.S. developed by C.I.R.A. (Center for Informatics Research and Advancement).
- Micropath: Micro-therapeutics Ltd, England.
- Homoeorep: Boenninghausen’s Technique – Dr Roberts Bacheleric, France.
- Stimulare: Developed by Qu-bit Homoeo technologies, Bangalore.
- KENBO: Given by Dr Tarkeshwar Jain, P P Homoeopathic Lab Pvt. Ltd, Jaipur
- Complete dynamics
- DIAGNOZ – IT: Dr Nishant Nambison
- KENTIAN: Developed and constructed by Dr R P Patel and G I Patel from Sai Homoeo. book corporation, Kerala, India. Based on Dr Kent’s Repertory 6th American edition.
Homoeopathic repertory still faces numerous challenges despite its extensive growth (final selection, potency, repetition of dose, authenticity, etc.) Therefore, it is our responsibility to draw attention to these problems and carry out study on them so that Homoeopathy can readily handle new illnesses and challenges brought on by the constantly changing environment.
Note: * (Asterisk Sign) shows the published year of that particular Repertory has been corrected in this article or it is doubtful; kindly refer to original source for further clarity.
References: Evolution of Homoeopathic Repertories & Repertorisation: Dr Jugal Kishore,
- 6th edition, Essentials of Repertorization – Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari
- 5th edition, Reperire – Repertory Simplified, Dr Vidyadhar R. Khanaj.
- A Reference to Repertories for Hom. Students by Dr SIJU P V
- Impressum – Narayana Verlag, Homöopathie, Naturheilkunde, gesunde Ernährung. https://www.narayana-verlag.de/imprint_de.php
- Homoeopathy Resource by Homeobook.com. https://www.homeobook.com/
- AbeBooks. https://www.abebooks.com/
- International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences. https://www.Homoeopathicjournal.com/
- Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books. https://archive.org/details/texts?tab=collection&query
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