A Case of Allergic Rhinitis Treated by Homoeopathic Medicine: A Nosode Carcinosinum

A Case of Allergic Rhinitis Treated by Homoeopathic Medicine: A Nosode Carcinosinum

Abstract – Allergic rhinitis is a common disorder that causes inflammation of nasal mucosa. It is triggered by exposure to allergens. Allergic rhinitis is an atopic disease characterized by symptoms of nasal congestion, clear rhinorrhoea, sneezing, postnasal discharge and nasal pruritus. This case of a 58 years old male patient was treated by individualized minimum dose of homoeopathic medicine.

Keywords – Allergic rhinitis, Nosode, Carcinosinum, minimum dose.


Allergic rhinitis– In susceptible individuals, exposure to certain foreign proteins leads to allergic sensitization, which is characterized by the production of specific IgE directed against these proteins. This specific IgE coats the surface of mast cells, which are present in the nasal mucosa. When the specific protein (eg, a specific pollen grain) is inhaled into the nose, it can bind to the IgE on the mast cells, leading to immediate and delayed release of a number of mediators. 

The mediators that are immediately released include histamine, tryptase,, chymase, kinins, and heparin. The mast cells quickly synthesize other mediators, including leukotrienes and prostaglandin D2. These mediators, via various interactions, ultimately lead to the symptoms of rhinorrhea (ie, nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, redness, tearing, swelling, ear pressure, postnasal drip). Mucous glands are stimulated, leading to increased secretions. Vascular permeability is increased, leading to plasma exudation. Vasodilation occurs, leading to congestion and pressure. Sensory nerves are stimulated, leading to sneezing and itching. All of these events can occur in minutes; hence, this reaction is called the early, or immediate, phase of the reaction.

Nosode– the word “nosode” comes from the Greek word ‘nosos’ which means “disease”. Medicine prepared from diseased part or discharges of diseased part of humans, animals, or plants called nosodes.

Carcinosinum– carcinosinum is a nosode, prepared from the cancerous breast tissues or the discharge from the carcinoma breast. The main feeling of the carcinosinum is that my survival only depends upon performing tasks which one feels incapable of performing. Carcinosinum people often have a history of taking on too much at a young age, having too much expectations placed on them, from childhood there is too strict parental control.

Because failure meant death and destruction to them, the patients push themselves to the limit in the hopes of success. Thus, this miasm possesses both the destructive aspect of syphilis and the sycotic fixity. They put in a great deal of effort to perform above and beyond their standards. They set for themselves high standards or goals that are near impossible to achieve and drive themselves to try and accomplish them. It’s an ongoing, protracted battle that appears to go on forever. The need for perfection makes Carcinosinum people sensitive to reprimands, and fastidious in every sphere of life to the point of being faultless. Carcinosinum patients often show an interest towards artistic things like music, dancing and painting. They are sensitive to and enjoy beautiful scenery, seashore, thunderstorms and lightning. They can also be sympathetic, very warm and humane. They have a tremendous anxiety about health, and a great fear of disease, especially cancer. In addition to a history of infectious disorders, such as tuberculosis, mumps, measles, chickenpox, malaria, typhoid, may be present and a history of cancer in the patient or in his immediate family may serve as additional confirmation.

Carcinosin people are generally very sensitive, they get hurt easily. They are very vulnerable emotionally but never show it to you. This kind of sensitivity makes them live in a state of constant unhappiness. Grief and sorrow come easily into their lives, as they are so easily affected by hurt. In carcinosin it is not necessarily that grief come from great and substantial calamities but comes from everyday events of their life. It can be said to be a silent grief because they never complain, and will not show it. Repression of emotion is quite common in carcinosin.

There are four conditions for carcinosinum – prolonged history of  unhappiness, prolonged history of anticipation, prolonged history of fear and fright, prolonged history of parental domination.

Rubrics– Sensitive to reprimands. – Offended easily, takes everything in bad part. – Fastidious. – Ailments from anticipation. – Dancing. – Sympathy, compassion. – Suicidal. – Consolation, kind words aggravate.

Case History

A 56 year old male patient came with the complaint of continuous and recurrent runny nose, recurrent cough and cold, blockage of nose with difficulty in breathing. Continuous watery discharge from the nose. He feels very embarrassed because of his complaint of continuous watery runny nose and he has to go to the washroom to clear his nose every five to ten minutes in front of everyone.

Modalities – Complaints aggravate every time from change of weather, dust, lying down. Amelioration from motion. Breathlessness aggravates at night and lying down position. Sneezing aggravates in evening, from dust and amelioration in open air. He took antipathic medicine for few months with only transient relief, following which the complaints are aggravated.

History of patients illness

patient was suffering from recurrent runny nose, recurrent cough and cold, blockage of nose with difficulty in breathing. Continuous watery discharge from the nose. since 2 to 3 years. He took antipathic medicine for few months with only transient relief, following which the complaints are aggravated. After taking antipathic treatment he develop breathing difficulty.

Treatment history – 

Patient took allopathic treatment for his complaints, he felt better after the treatment but after sometime again his complaints started even in the worst form. After that treatment patient develop breathing difficulty. 

Past history – Patient has low immunity since childhood. He had suffered from recurrent throat infection like recurrent tonsilitis in childhood. Recurrent malaria and jaundice (6 times).

Family history – Father has died from mouth cancer. Mother has hypertension.

Physical generals –

Thirst – thirstless.

Thermals – chilly.

Appetite – low.

Sleep – alert, disturbed easily.

Dreams – snakes, flying.

Desire – sweets, open air, desires covering even in summer weather.

Aversion –spicy food causes burning in abdomen.

Stool – constipated, hard, difficult defecation causes swelling in anus. Has to wait before passing the stool.

Urine – clear.

Perspiration – scanty.

Weather – complaints aggravate from change of weather.

Mental generals – Patients are government employees by profession. During taking case history he told me that he feels very embarrassed because of his complaint of a continuous watery runny nose and he has to go to the washroom to clear his nose every five to ten minutes in front of everyone. When I asked about his interpersonal relationships, he told me that his wife is very dominating, always interrupting and dominating him, always nagging and annoying him, always saying ” do this, do that. His complaints aggravate when he is at home. Patient is very sensitive to external impressions, he is very sensitive to music. He loves to travel to different places. He is very sympathetic to the sufferings of others. He is anxious about the future of his children, about their carrier. He is always in anxiety, what will happen. Patient is very conscientious about his work and his duties. In childhood his father was very strict about his studies.

General Examination

Blood pressure – 130/90 mmHg.

Pulse rate – 80 bpm.

Temperature – 98.6of.

Respiratory rate – 17/min.

Tongue – slightly white coated.

systemic examination –

Nasal examination, there are no outgrowths like polyp, nasal mucosa was inflamed. The diagnosis was determined based on the symptoms told by the patient.

Chest examination – on auscultation there is no any peculiar or different sound heard. 

Analysis and evaluation of symptoms – 

As per Dr. J. T. Kent –

Mental generals – embarrassment, anxiety, sensitive to external impressions, sensitive to music, sympathetic, conscientious, timidity.

Physical generals –

Thirst – thirstless.

Thermals – chilly.

Appetite – low.

Sleep – alert, disturbed easily.

Dreams – snakes, flying

Desire – sweets, open air, desires covering even in summer weather.

Aversion –spicy food causes burning in the abdomen.

Stool – constipated, hard, difficult defecation causes swelling in anus. Has to wait before passing the stool.

Urine – clear.

Perspiration – scanty.

Weather – complaints aggravate from change of weather.

Particulars – Runny nose, sneezing, difficult breathing.

Repertorial Analysis –

Repertory or software used – Synthesis repertory app 1.3 [v.135]


The homoeopathic medicine was selected on the basis of symptom totality. Patient was prescribed, Carcinosinum 1M single dose, followed by placebo for 15 days. The case repertorised by synthesis repertory. Carcinosinum 1M was selected and prescribed as per the totality of symptoms and repertorization. Final selection of the medicine is based on homoeopathic materia medica. The medicine was prescribed in minimum dose as per the need and followed by the placebo.


1st FU – date – 17/02/23, In first follow up patient was looking happy with the treatment. Discharges from nose became decreased, patient generals are also improved – appetite increased, thirst increased, stool clear, sleep slightly improved. Before taking our homoeopathic medicine, patient was looking very sad and tensed, there was no smile on his face. After medicine he was looking very happy and confident. 

2nd FU – date – 02/03/23, discharges decreased, breathing easily, appetite increased, thirst increased. There is no sneezing, breathing improved. I prescribed him placebo BD for 15 days.

3rd FU – date – 17/03/23, again patient complaint of difficulty in breathing, and runny nose. I prescribed him single dose of carcinosinum 1M, followed by placebo BD for 15 days.

4th FU – date – 03/04/23, patients complaints are improved, generals are also improved, sleep improved, patients general condition was stable. I prescribe him placebo BD for 15 days.

5th FU – date – 20/ 04/23, patients condition was improved. I gave him placebo BD for 15 days.

6th FU – date – 5/05/23, patient is much better, there is no any symptom is remaining.

Discussion – in this case particular symptoms related to allergic rhinitis. The disease was completely eliminated with only single dose of carcinosinum, which represent a classical cure of allergic conditions with this homoeopathic nosode in minimum dose as per the cardinal principle of homoeopathy.

Conclusion – an individualized homoeopathic medicine can have a positive effect in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and also improve the overall quality of life of the patient.


[1] The Soul of Remedies SANKARAN Rajan.


[3]https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/134825-overview?form=fpf#a5  allergic rhinitis: practice essentials, background, pathophysiology

[4] https://www. Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538186/

Dr. Laxmi Verma Hom.(MD) Guide and Hod. Dr. Sindhu Suryawanshi Hom.(MD) Dept. Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Govt. Homoeopathic medical College and hospital Bhopal MP.

About the author

Dr Laxmi Verma

Dr. Laxmi verma Hom.(MD) Guide and Hod. Dr. Sindhu Suryawanshi Hom.(MD) Dept. Of Homoeopathic Materia MedicaGovt. Homoeopathic medical College and hospital Bhopal MP.