There are a number of homoeopathic medicines which have been partially proved but have much clinical importance . carcinosim is one of such medicines which had fragmentary proving but it was Dr.Donald M.Foubister who by his intense clinical studies brought out the carcinosin drug picture . now carcinosin is used as one of the constitutional medicines through out the world . Specttacular cures have been obtained by judicial use of carcinosin and the credit goes to Dr.D.M.Foubister
DNA is a less known homoeopathic medicine but having wide clinical applications .Deoxyribonucleic [ DNA ] is the fundamental genetic material of all the cells . DNA was proved by Dr. O.A.Julian of Paris from 1970to1972 .
DNA has great utility in paediatric practice . I find this medicine mostly getting indicated in adolescence and in early adulthood .I have also used this medicine for a few middle aged men whose behavior is like that of adolescents
The DNA children and adolescents are mentally idiotic but sexually precocious . They are nervous and emotionally unstable .Comprehension is difficult . They confuse one subject with the other and hence they are mostly backward in schools and colleges .
Though they are mentally backward physically they are restless , they want to be occupied always . They do not want to be idle , but because of their mental backwardness , they are unable to accomplish their works . This failure inhibits them and makes them turn inwards . In short DNA people are ‘DUAL PERSONALITY’
People-on one side having desire to work , to conquer easily but on the other side idiotic , sluggish and resentful
This double personality reflects in their sexuality also . They are sexually precocious and tend to seduce . But their unstable , hypersensitive , irritable attitude results in failure in their relation with the mates . This failure leads into a reserved attitude , they want to get isolated leading to a state of onanism
The DNA people are anxious with out any reason . They are highly irritable and vexed of worldly affairs , asking questions like “ what is the use of doing this or that?
These people are subjected to headaches –usually throbbing pain in frontal and temporal regions , left sided headache over the orbit (by movement) by lying , after a short sleep and closing the eyes , head ache with urge to pass stool which does not relieve the headache
Difficulty in seeing distant objects , extreme ocular fatigue . shining points before the eyes which disappear by closing the eyes
Gums bleed when brushing the teeth , white coated tongue .Sensation of a splinter in the throat .Hunger pangs between meals . pain in the epigastrium and gastric distension > by food . Tendency to constipation with dry , hard stools , exacerbated flatulence and borborygmus .and in stomach .Tendency to diarrhoea after meals . Head ache and nausea after drinking wine
In both sexes , libido is usually increased and sometimes decreased , erotic dreams , menses : late , scanty , stops after half day and then begins after two days with yellowish leucorrhoea in the interval , pain in the left shoulder –great pain when raising the arm above the head < by movement , In cold and damp weather , humidity , pain in the metacarpophalangeal joint of the right thumb , habitual manual awkwardness
Restless sleep with lascivious dreams . irresistible desire for sleep on the bed . grts up out of bed in the middle of the night and stands up after a sensation of shock or of being drowned
Eczema , alopecia ,folliculitis , psoriasis , herpes and varicose ulcers are some of the skin manifestations . eruption of the margins of the arms with burning and oozing
The use of DNA helps to increase the appetite and to put on weight
Aggravation : By movement , by wine
Amelioration : By rest , lying on darkness , closing eyes , cold weather
To sum up , the DNA child or adolescent is a grumbler , rushed than sluggish , pleasant than unpleasant , often sensual , seducer and idiot
The clinical indications are numerous going from mongolism , to oilgophrenia
General hypersensitivity i.e., asthenia . general well being , feels on top form in the morning , but extremely irritable .with general feeling of discomfort in the morning which makes him bad tempered , nervous disposition , needs to work and to finish everything undertaken during the day , does not want to be idle , but on the other side difficulty in assembling thoughts , poor powers of concentration , hence impossible for him to work , periods of dual personality
Head : Pulsating headache < by movement lying down with hands under the nape of the neck . headache with urge to pass stool which does not relieve the headache .
Mouth : gums bleed when brushing the teeth . Tongue white coated which can not be easily cleaned , sensitive gums
Stomach , Intestine , Abdomen
Hunger pangs between meals , pain in the epigastrium , gastric distension , not> by food , tendency to constipation with dry , hard stools , flatulence and rumbling , burning in oesphagus and in stomach . Tendency to diarrhoea after meals with flatulence
Circulatory System : nocturnal , recurring cramps in calves
Throat : splinter like feeling in the throat < morning on waking < 6pm raw feeling of a foreign body , especially on the left side >by cold water and by swallowing .
Eyes : Difficulty in seeing distant objects .extreme ocular fatigue
Urinary : sometimes scanty and yellow ; sometimes copious and pale
Genitalia :– libido increased – some times decreased , erotic dreams
Locomotor : pain in left shoulder < movement < cold and damp : humidity
Skin :——— Eczema , psoriasis , alopecia , seborrhea , folliculitis , of thighs , marginal anal eczematous rash with burning and oozing
Mod :———< from movement > from rest , lying in the dark , laterality: leftside
Comparisons: The following medicines are closely related to DNA :
Aethusa cynapium : is related to DNA in idiocy in children , in capacity to think , confusion and poor school performance . The DNA idiocy is a genetical one where as , aetusa idiocy is due to a faulty calcium metabalism as evidenced by intolerance of milk , indigestion of teething children and epileptic spasm , complete absence of thirst is a positive diagnostic feature of aeuthusa
Baryata carbonica : is also related to DNA in idiotic children , Baryata carb child is mentally and physically dwarfish – this is a normal one – usually due to hypothyroid state . baryata carb is related to DNA in alopecia also
Medorrhinum: children are also dwarfs with a history of sycosis in parents lycopodium : is opposite of DNA as lycopodium people are mentally developed but physically weak , lyc. And DNA are similar in their action on gastro intestinal tract hunger pangs between meals , pain in epigastrium , gastric distension , burning in oesophagus and stomach and diarrhoea after eating , but the key note symptom good appetite but a new mouthfuls fill up to the throat is characterstick of lycopodium . both the symptoms increased sexual desire are covered by both lycopodium and DNA , Lycopodium is similar to DNA in its emotional instability also
Igntia is also similar to DNA in emotional instability . Ignatia is quick to perceive , intelligent and mild in disposition where as DNA is slow in grasping difficulty in concentration . Idiotic and irritable . Ignatia is the remedy of great contradictions and DNA also has some elements of this
Pulsatilla : is another medicine similar to DNA in emotional instability , pulsatilla is mild and DNA have the symptom – late scanty menses with the intermittent flow – in common
Arsenicum album : is related to DNA in mental restlessness . arsenic album restlessness is associated with fastidiousness , with an attempt to achieve perfection , where as DNA is physically restless and mentally backward .
Kali Brom : is closely related to DNA both are mostly indicated for children and in adolescents . They find difficulty in getting on well at school . they are dull and apparently lacking in intelligence `
Lycopodium : is opposite of DNA as lycopodium people are mentally developed but physically weak , Lycopodium and DNA are similar in their action on gastro intestinal tract . Hunger pangs between meals , pain in epigastrium , gastric distension burning in oesophagus and stomach and diaorhea after eating , but the key note symptom ‘good appetite , but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat is characterstic of lycopodium . both the symptoms –increased sexual desire are covered by both lycopodium and DNA , lycopodium is similar to DNA in its emotional instability also .
Anacardium : is another important remedy for ‘dual personality ‘ he feels as if having two wills . one commanding him to do what the other forbids . He is highly forgetful and to cover up this he becomes a bit fastidious (foubister) . He also becomes highly irritable and malicious .
Natrum muriaticum : is related to DNA in headache relieved by sleep , natrum mur also gets indicated in some types of mental retardation where the child is slow in learning to talk .and the child craves for salt .
Phosphorus : is also related to DNA in headache relieved by sleep . phosphorus is also closely related to DNA in its sexual precocity . phosphorus children and adolescents are highly active ; ambicious and very affectionate . They need love and they easily reciprocate it .
Sanguinaria : is also related to DNA headache mostly relieved by sleep . Sanguinaria headache is mostly right sided and DNA headache is mostly left sided . sanguinaria headache is associated with urge to pass stool but no relief from defecation
Lachesis : is a left sided remedy like DNA , lachesis patients are loquacious , suspicious and jealous – these characters are not observed in DNA patients . Both lachesis and DNA patients are sensitive both mentally and physically
Psorinum : is akin to DNA in skin affections and in hunger pangs between meals
Antium crud : has the symptoms thickly white coated tongue , both antium crud DNA are cross and peevish
NOTE :-As DNA is not yet fully proved and as we have not got enough clinical verifications , readers who get opportunity to use this medicine , are requested and the results to the author .This will help us to get a wider drug picture of DNA.