Remedies in Homeopathy, Best 10 Top Homeopathic Remedies

Results With Rare Remedies Of Homoeopathy

Case no-1 : Insomnia

Elderly lady with nervous prostration , unable to get to sleep until seven ‘o’ clock in the morning , week in , week out ; restless , sensitive to noise , mentally over excited lively and gay during the night with occasional twitching has tried all sorts of sedatives without success . I compared scutellaria ,valerian and cypripedium and gave the latter in 1M potency , one dose and placebo each night . The patient slept ten hours the first night , only a very occasional night until 2 am for six weeks , then return of insomnia , repeated cypripedium 1M , one dose ; sleeping well.

Case no. 2—Facial Neuralgia :

Acute swelling and redness of one side of the face with swollen gland under the chin , pain and tightness of the occiput and neck , worse putting the head back , extreme sensitiveness of the bones of the nose to touch , dryness of the mouth and throat , no sweat – cinnabaris 1M  , one dose , face normal in a couple of hours and relief of all symptoms which had been severe several days by night .

Case –3 . varicose ulcer :

Stout woman with a varicose ulcer over the lower right shin , shallow , black , offensive , her one complaint “ terrible burning “ anthracinum 50 M , one dose

Burning relieved with in the hour and ulcer healed in a few days and did not return , although she had it months and had even had a small haemorrhage from it . Her chronic case came out to Graphities , which has since been given her and she has lost twenty pounds and walks miles and stands all day at her work with out recurrence .

Case –4 , Head ache :

Violent head aches , as if the patient would go crazy ,with loquacity , sensation as if the skull opened and shut , or as if waves in the head changing to penetrating pain , on motion , numbness of the vortex , Carboneum – sulphuratum 200 , one dose with almost immediate relief . this patient’s chronic remedy was sulphur . Return of similar head ache again yielded to carbo. Sulph. And has not returned since .

Case-5 , Mammary Tumor :

Middle aged woman with almond –sized tumor in her right breast near the nipple , stitching pains , shooting inward , chill after stool , burning vesicles on the right side of the tongue . phellandrium aquaticum 10 M one dose symptoms swiftly cleared and lump gone in three weeks , no return in two years .

Case –6 , Acute Sinusitis Trouble :

Young woman with a history of pneumonia and pleurisy came for sudden obstructive coryza , constant blowing of the nose but nothing comes , pain at the nose root with stuffed feeling , dry harassing night cough , sensation as if floating in the air , Sticta pulm.10 M  ,one dose , patient reported next morning , first good nights sleep in a week and nose almost cleared .

Case –7, Heart trouble :

Middle aged man , hypochondriac , palpitation on first lying down , choking sensation in morning , heart troubles him whenever he thinks about it , excessive weakness , must lie down , feeling as if the heart were temporarily paralyzed , burning sensation in the lower throat ;  Oxalic acid 10 M , one dose . Relief of heart symptoms and extreme prostration , more cheerful outlook . The range of remedies a  prescriber uses is sometimes singularly hackneyed of three or four symptoms of a more or less peculiar or keynote character will bring you to a relatively unusual remedy which will fit the case , go over your prescriptions for the last year or for any month and see what the gamut is and what remedies are frequently repeated , undoubtedly not only the genus epidemicus but the meteorological conditions influence the remedies indicated , I have often noticed that a certain remedy or group of remedies will be called for on the same day , constant study of the less familiar remedies will widen the scope of our usefulness .

Case –8 , Heart trouble :

Frail , delicate , exquisite lady of 60 years with a weak heart , electrocardiograph showed branch-bundle block , apprehensive , drowsy sensation as if the heart stopped with faintness , relief in the cold air and from lying , sore feeling in the abdomen with heart distress – convallaria 10 M , one dose , relief of symptoms and gradual increase of strength . This prescription was almost an intuitional one

Crataegus and china , sulphur , having been given before without marked improvement , she resembled lily of the valley ( convallaria ) .

Case-9 , Pulmonary Tuberculosis :

Mr. XY age 60 years , had severe cough 3 months ago , was X- rayed

Diagnosis : Pulmonary tuberculosis , he was given streptomycin injection followed by reactions ;rash all over the body with burning sensation , allergic to Ethambutol , given Garamycin but developed oedema all over the body with black discoloration on the body , itching and burning , redness of the eyes with pain . Had blocking of ears with vertigo during streptomycin injections , skin peels off , gas trouble , fainting twice , cough , persistent at night , evening rise of temperature P.H-nil ,F.H.-T.B (sister ) , hot blooded , worse at night , depressed , sad , fear of disease , desire for company , blood ex-WBC –15000 , P-67 % ,L-24 % ,E-8 % ,ESR-88 mm/1hr.  Streptomycin 30 , morning and evening for 15 days , all reactions subsided , pain and swelling of breast –Ars. Iod.200 and it was continued for one year , no complaints hence forth .

Case no.10, Suppressed Menses ( amenorrhoea ) :

Mrs. YZ aged 30 yeas old was complaining of “suppressed menses “(amenorrhoea)

She was married . Generally her menstruation was regular . by this time though nearly 36 days had gone – there was absence of menstrual discharge , her husband was regularly using contraceptives , but she unnecessarily suspected that she might have been conceived , she always feared of “ becoming pregnant “ during and after every coitus , though she knew very well  that her husband was following the temporary family planning methods

The symptoms are as follows :-

  1. pulse full and slow
  2. hungry but no desire to eat .
  3. great drowsiness
  4. fear of becoming pregnant during and after every coitus (fright )
  5. distant noises keep her awake
  6. intense thirst
  7. desire to uncover .

The materiamedica with repertory by Boericke was consulted , on Boericke  repertory ( page 835 ) ; menstruation suppressed from fright  Act, sp,   Aconite .,bryonia., cimicifuga ., col., lyc., opium.,  Kent’s repertory ( page 729 ) gave ; acon.,bry.,calc.,coffea.,gels.,kali-c.,lyc.,nux-v.,opium.,   materiamedica study showed opium to be the simillimum .

On first date , one dose of opium 30   was prescribed to the patient , next day she told that she had a sound sleep after taking the medicines . her mental worries were also found less , so the next dose opium 200 was administered , what a surprise !! on third day , her menstrual discharge reappeared as usual , no problems afterwards .

Case no. 11, Sciatica :                                                                                                      Mr xx , male age 50 years , suddenly attacked with acute pain in the right leg , shooting downwards like a knife , this has kept him awake now for some time . He had a similar attack some years ago and was in bed for many weeks , he fondly hoped he would not be laid up again for long as his job was at stake . The pain was worse sitting , worse lying that side in bed , but was improved , strange to say when walking , taking these three modalities as they were undoubted and well marked ;

Better walking ( sciatica ) Kent ‘s page no.1066 :- Agar.,Am-m.,Ars.,Bell.,Dulc.,Ferr.,Indgg.,Kali-iod.,Kali-sulf.,Lyc.,Puls.,Pyrogen.,Rhus-tox.,Senega.,Tub.,Valer.,Verat.,

Worse lying that side : i.e., painful side : Kent’s Page no.1065 ; Kali-iod Lyco.,Rhus-tox., Reading Lyco and Kali-iod , there was little to choose between the two drugs but Lyco.,was the picture in all details , drawing and tearing pains in limbs , especially while at rest and night , one foot hot the other cold ( might easily be a sciatic symptoms ), sciatica worse at right side cannot lie painful side , numbness , cramp in calves and toes .

Modalities : worse right to left but also from above down wards , so Lycopodium 10 M ., one dose back at work in 4 days . This may have been a slight attack but a stitch in time will often save nine , given the case early one can do so much more than when after many weeks , so many mechanical factors some into play and not only alter the prognosis but even the symptomatic picture . when in a local condition the modalities are well marked , it is always very worth while to run these through the repertory and then to read each drug in the materiamedica .

The sciatica patient who will stand in one’s waiting room because he is worse if he sits is more often  Kali-iod than Lycopodium , but the combination was lycopodium .

Case no. 12, Chronic Neuralgia :

Mrs, V,D , aged 60 years came to me on 10-07-2007 for treatment . She was having severe pain in the left calf muscle every night from 11 pm till 2 am only when lying in bed , there was no pain if , on account of some engagement she did not go to bed . pain < rest <summer season > winter season . The pain started in 1961 after child birth and since then it had persisted in spite of all sorts of treatment  . Her husband was serving in defense department and had consulted eminent physicians with no result , the pain was so severe that she could not sleep during the period of the pain .past history did not reveal anything worth mentioning except that she had a brain tumor surgically removed , after this she had facial paralysis of the left side , which still persists , she preferred sour food , disliked sweets , patient chilly , vaccinated against small pox in child hood .

Thuja 200 one dose , 2nd day Kali bichrom 1M , two dose , 15 minutes apart .from the night of 12-07-2007 the pain gradually subsided , but became severe again on 21-07-2007 .

21-07-2007 ; Thuja 200 one dose morning , Kali bichrom 1M , 2 doses 15 minutes apart in the evening . The again subsided , the patient called on me on 02-08-2007 and reported that the time of the pain had now shifted . It was then between 12 midnight and 3 am but in much less degree 02-08-2007 ; Kali bic 1M , 1 dose

on 02-09-2007 , the patient reported that the occurrence of the pain was then not regular , but occurred , occasionally between midnight and 3 am , the position was static , 2-9-2007 ; Kali bic 10M , 2 doses 15 minutes apart

Since 2-9-2007 , the pain is almost completely absent . she has been advised to report when the pain appears again . 29-11-2007 , there has been no pain as reported by her husband .

In Kent’s repertory at page 1391 in the chapter on generalities , under the heading periodicity appear ; “ Neuralgia every day at the same hour –Kali bichrom

On the basis of this , “ kali bichrom “ was given excellent result .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

B.A, D.I.Hom[Lond.], M.I.H, PhD, PGDPC (Psychotherapy & Counselling, USA)
Jeevan Shanthi
Karnataka State, India