Prof. George Vithoulkas Comments On The Clinical Trials Of Homeopathy In Urological Disorders - homeopathy360

Prof. George Vithoulkas Comments On The Clinical Trials Of Homeopathy In Urological Disorders

Comments of Prof. George Vithoulkas regarding the following paper:

See the conclusion in this otherwise excellent paper : “ prescribing techniques needs to be refined further by identifying disease-specific effective drugs and their dosages for undertaking high quality trials.”

But every one knows that there are no such no such disease specific remedies in homeopathy that can produce high quality papers in Randomised Control Trials, because Homeopathy is an Individualised Medicine.A specific remedy for a certain individual, not a specific remedy for a disease. The whole scientific edifice of Homeopathy lies behind this principle.
Anyone who will attempt to show that such a remedy exists, will be either a priori biased or conclude that homeopathy does not work.
It is a pity to spend money and efforts from excellent minds in such attempts that end up in to degrading homeopathy to the status of placebo effect.

Prof. George Vithoulkas

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