Homeopathic Treatment In A Case Of Advanced Cancer - homeopathy360

Homeopathic Treatment In A Case Of Advanced Cancer

A woman patient aged 70 years, suffering from advanced cancer of left ovary came to my clinic for treatment of malignant intestinal obstruction secondary to carcinoma ovary with ascites . The patient had earlier underwent 6 cycles of chemotherapy for 4th stage of ovary carcinoma plus all other supporting treatment in a nursing home in Bangalore . The patient had been admitted in a local hospital for treatment of vomiting with constipation. She was unable to take anything orally and so was put on 4th fluids only . On examination it was ascertained that it was intestine obstruction secondary to carcinoma ovary.

Patient was moderately built and nourished with a febrile pulse 90 / min.

BP 110/70 mm Hg ,

No pallor /icterus /cyanosis / clubbing /lymphadenopathy /edema.

CVS : S1 S2 heard no murmurs

RS : NVBS no added sound 

PA : distention + ascites ,


Investigations : 10/12/05 ::BUN-15 SCR-1.8 ,BT -2.3 ,CT -10.30 , PT- 13.2 , INR -1.07 , PTT- 32.0 ,HB – 11.5 , TC-8800 , RBC- 3.5 , DC – p 80 % , B-03 % , L-14 % E-02 % , ESR- 04, PCV-31 , MCV-89 ,  MCH-33 , platelets 2.5 lakhs PS, RBCS are normocytic , normochromic  blood picture with neutrophilia na: 119 k ;3.9 c1-82

10/12/2005—known case of ca ovary with gross ascites with omental thickening and multiple peritoneal deposits left pleural effusion cholelithiasis .

11/12/2005 –Na-118, K-3.3 , CI-79

12/12/2005—Na-125 ,K-3.5, CI-85

Treatment given : Patient was not able to take anything orally, so plenty of 4th fluids (in local hospital) was given; electrolytes were managed; catheterization was done; Ryles aspiration was done.

Condition on discharge: Patient is stable in comparison to previous state . Sips of water was allowed.

Advice on discharge : To get admitted in any other hospital and get fluids management As told in the beginning of this article , she came for homoeopathic treatment. Surgical correction of intestinal obstruction was overruled by allopathic doctors as the patient is aged and because of the advanced cancer plus pleural effusion . The last days were to be counted .

I was consulted on 12/12/2005 the patient was in great distress.

The symptoms were constipation,retching and vomiting abdomen much distended with ascites , restless worse at night loss of appetite ,rumbling in stomach , sensation as if some thing sticking in throat , urine scanty , no thirst , no food intake of not even fluid such as juice , tender coconut . The patient was completely bed ridden due to repeated vomiting , she had become very weak .

Since the patient was to be on drips only ,  she was again admitted to local hospital but no allopathic medicines were given. On the request of patient , I agreed to treat her by homoeopathic medicines .


1. Ars.album.200 tds for vomiting

2. Hydrastis 200 tds for constipation (the next day vomiting was completely stopped) 3. China 200 bds for weakness .

She passed stool 2 times; motion and urine normal , regular food intake , fruit juice , tender coconut , was able to take all liquid food , mentally happy , slept well.

The medical officer was surprised and on checking her BP, pulse were found to be normal. She was advised to take food in small quantity from 15/12/2005.

She was well on homoeopathic medicines till 29/12/. Suddenly on 30/12/2005 , the abdomen was found to be distended due to ascites , so the hospital doctor tried to remove it by tapping. But unfortunately the patient aggressively removed the syringe in the middle . The doctor thought it would be better to remove ascitic fluid the next day. But she passed away later that day.

What I would like to highlight here is that her intestinal obstruction was cured by homoeopathic medicines which could not be operated by surgical means .

The permanent question remained in my mind that had the patient been given supportive help earlier by homoeopathic treatment ,she would have survived for a longer period .

PS : the patient’s name and pathological/lab report are not included in this article ,as per the patient’s warden information .If need the author may be contacted to email address . 

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )
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