Irritable Bowel syndrome and Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Irritable Bowel syndrome and Homoeopathy

This is one of the most common causes of gastro- intestinal disorders . It is said to be the cause of over 50 % of abdominal symptoms and is one of the most frequent referrals to hospital from general practice doctors . It produces recurrent pain , abdominal swelling , diarrhoea and constipation . IBS is one of the classic psychosomatic diseases (disorders caused by psychological factors ) and has attracted much attention from complimentary therapists . It has also been labeled mucous colitis , spastic colon , functional bowel disorder , nervous diarrhoea , chronic catarrhal colitis , vegetative neurosis .

The different names given to this syndrome suggest that the causes are not specifically known , the colon is the name given to the large bowel in which the end products of digestion are deposited . The colon like other parts of the bowel is encircled by a thin ring of mucles that contract and relax – a motion called peristalsis . This movement is normally regular and causes a wave of contractions to pass down bowel . Thus pushing the faeces towards the rectum and anus . The condition is caused by the irregular and defective muscle contraction of the large bowel . The muscles of the bowel are supplied by a parasympathetic nerve supply (i.e, one controlling the involuntary activities of the body’s organs ) and it is thought that emotional tension and anxiety leads to inappropriate and ineffective muscle contractions . Other causes are thought to be dietary factors which cause defective contraction from the inside of the bowel by passing catheters and balloons into the colon . It has been possible to measure , these jerky and rapid contractions. IBS is common in young people , it is commonly found between the ages of 20-45 years .

It is always important to exclude other causes such as lactose intolerance or cancer of the bowel , when diagnosing this condition .

IBS symptoms : Spasmodic pain , distension and swelling of the abdomen , excessive passing of wind (eructations and flatus ) together with bouts of diarrhoea and constipations. Blood is not a symptom of IBS and usually indicates more serious conditions . IBS is not a disorder of the elderly and it is important to exclude other conditions if such symptoms occur in elderly people .

 full history of the symptoms is taken and physical examination will exclude other causes , it may be necessary to examine the inside of the large bowel using a special viewing instrument called sigmoidoscope . A barium enema is a form of x- ray that

hows the large bowel and allows the doctor to exclude serious disorders (cancer and polyps motility studies which measure the level of contractions of the bowel are undertaken in special circumstances and examination of the stools will exclude infections or allergic conditions . IBS usually ceases during middle age and most people need to be reassured that it is a benign condition and does not lead to serious bowel disease . Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS (syndrome means it is a collection of symptoms of unknown cause ) used to be called spastic colon and , though no longer used the term explains the condition better . The colon muscles go in to un predictable spasm causing abdominal pain and cramps , bloating , back pain , flatulence , lethargy , head ache , fatigue and diarrhoea alternating with constipation . The problem is common and its incidence is increasing

No one is sure why , but diet and stress are widely believed to be to blame . The problem can come and go but once it starts it tends to be recurring and long lasting .

Dietary :  A healthy whole food diet is essential with regular exercise and stress control . checking for food intolerances with an experienced therapist is also advised . Relaxation exercises , visualization , biofeedback and meditation are all helpful . Diverticultis is inflammation of the large intestine caused when clots of infected waste lodge in parts of the gut wall . It is one result of chronic constipation and irregular bowel movement .

IBS is said to the most common reason for people seeking the advise of a doctor specializing in the diseases of the digestive tract

Symptoms / Medicines :

1.Considerable stomach distension with much flatulence , stools are green like chopped spinach . Diarrhoea comes on immediately after eating or drinking . Motions are loose and are made much worse by any anxiety or fear , anticipation of an ordeal such as an examination or an interview , may produce the symptoms –argentum nitricum

2.Diarrhoea alternates with constipation , stools are slimy with much mucus , but also contain hard lumps . A craving for acids and pickles –Antimonium crudum

3.Diarrhoea is frothy painless and yellow ,symptoms worse at night and after eating very weak and has a good deal of flatulence , frequent belching does not help to ease the symptoms – China officinalis

4.A pain full area just below the novel , stools are loose and are like jelly , severe colic pains in the abdomen eased by bending double and pressing on the abdomen or by applying a hot water bottle – Colocynthis

5.Abdomen is pain full , rumbling and distended , sudden diarrhoea with a burning anus , cramping pain after stools have been passed – Gambogia  

6.Stools are either lumpy and covered with mucus or very loose , brown and mixed with undigested food particles . Stools are very smelly and have a sour odour . Colic pains in both right and left sides of the abdomen , pain full constriction of the anus after experiencing a shock or a fright — Ignatia   

7.Stabing abdominal pains , stools are greenish bloody and slimy , all the symptoms are worse at night — Mercurius solubilis  

8.Loose stools more frequent during the morning are yellow and watery , large amounts of stool are passed , tight clothing around the waist causes burning sensations in the colon and abdominal pain as if bruised — Natrum Sulphuricum  

9.Early morning diarrhoea on walking , abdomen is very sensitive to pressure and colic tends to occur after drinking — Sulphur 

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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