Adenoids And Its Homoeopathic Management - homeopathy360

Adenoids And Its Homoeopathic Management

Abstract: Adenoids are the nasopharyngeal tonsils amd the most common complaint encountered in childhood. Adenoids are the gatekeepers to the entry of infection through nose. Hypertrophy of adenoids leads to the obstruction of nasopharyngeal passage in turn causing difficulty in respiration and obstructive sleep apnoea and due to this they are advised for surgical removal. Homoeopathy has a solution to it. We have medicines which help in reducing the size of the adenoids.

Keywords: adenoids,homoeopathy

What are adenoids?
Adenoids are the “nasopharyngeal tonsils” situated at the junction of the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx.
Adenoid tissue is present at birth, shows physiological enlargement up to the age of 6 years, and then tends to atrophy at puberty and almost completely disappears by the age of 20.

Aetiology of adenoids:
In some children, they are physiologically enlarged.
In some cases, they are present as a part of generalised lymphoid hyperplasia.
Enlarged adenoids arefound secondary to recurrent attacks of rhinitis,sinusitis, chronic tonsilitis and allergy of the upper respiratory tract.

Cardinal clinical features of adenoids:
Nasal obstruction is the most common symptom of adenoids.
Mouth breathing due to obstruction of nasopharynx.
Adenoid facies: “The child has an elongated face with dull expression, open mouth, prominent and crowded upper teeth and hitched up upper lip. Nose gives a pinchedin appearance due to disuse atrophy of alaenasi. Hard palate in these cases is highly arched as the moulding action of the tongue on palate is lost.”

Other associated clinical features:
They are the symptoms of the associated disease found with adenoids like rhinorrhea, otalgia, otorrhoea etc.

Physical examination:
Examination is done by depressing tongue using tongue depressor and putting a mirror upto soft palate, an adenoid mass can be seen in mirror.
Nasopharynx can be examined using a rigid or a flexible nasopharyngoscope.

X-ray skull lateral view should be advised which shows the size of adenoids and also the extent to which nasopharyngeal air space has been compromised.

Homoeopathic therapeutic of adenoids:
Agraphis nutans: Child is prone to take cold on exposure to cold winds. Catarrhal conditions; obstruction of nostrils. Adenoids, throat deafness.

Ammonium carbonicum: Stoppage of nose, mostly at night;must breathe through the mouth, a keynote even in diphtheria; longlasting coryza; “snuffles” of infants.

Calcarea carbonicum: Dry, nostrils sore, ulcerated. Stoppage of nose, also with fetid, yellow discharge. Offensive odor in nose. Polypi; swelling at root of nose. Takes cold at every change of weather.

Calcarea fluorica: Dr Kent says that “It has cured adenoids and thick, yellow green discharge from nose”.

Nux vomica: Catarrh: snuffles of infants; coryza, dry at night, fluent by day; in cold air; from sitting in cold places, on stone steps.
Sambucus nigra: Dry coryza of infants (snuffles); nose dry and completely obstructed, preventing breathing and nursing. Dyspnoea: child awakens suddenly nearly suffocated, face livid, blue, sits up in bed; turns blue, gasps for breath, which it finally gets; attack passes off but is again repeated; child inspires but cannot expire ; sleeps into the attack.

Tuberculinum bovinum: According to Dr Kent “It cured most cases of adenoids and tubercular glands of neck.”

Adenoids known to be a surgical disease is treatable by homoeopathy where medicines are selected on the symptomatology of the patient.

Dhingra P L. Diseases of ear, nose and throat. New Delhi. Elsevier: 2004.
Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory. 3rd Revised and Augmented Edition Based on 9th ed. New Delhi :B.JainPublishers(P)Ltd.; 2014.
Kent JT. Lectures on Homoeopathy Materia Medica, New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2013.
Allen H.C. Keynotes And Characteristics With Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica. 4th edition. Philadelphia: Boericke and Tafel; 1916.

Thank you,
Dr Tulika Shikha.

About the author


I am a MD (PGR).first year student at homoepathy University in paediatric department