Schizophrenia - homeopathy360


• Introduction:
-schizophrenia is a chronic ,severe mental disorder that affects the way a person thinks,acts,expresses emotions ,relates to other.
-schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder .

• Symptoms:
-schizophrenia is a mental health condition that useally appears in late adolescence or early adulthood.
-lack of facial expression
-lack of emotional expression
Other symptoms are:
-confused speech that is hard for other to understand. -forgetting /losing things

• Causes:
-schizophrenia develops when specific genetic and environmental factors combine.
-the exact cause of schizophrenia is not known.
-but cancer and diabetes,schizoprenia is a real illness.
-genetics (heredity)
-brain abnormality
-environment: like viral infections
-exposure to toxins

• Diagnosed:
-if symptoms of schizophrenia are present ,the dr. Will perform a complete medical history and sometimes a physical exam.
-the dr.may use various tests,and possibly boold tests or brain imaging studies.
-psychiatrists and psychologists use specially designed interviews and assessment tools to evalute a person for a psychotis.

• Treatment:
-schizophrenia is a lifelong condition.
-antipsychotic drug: these can be for daily use.
-counseling:-coordinated special care.
-some medicine:

• Homeopathic medicine:
-anti psoric background
-great weakness of memory
-Can not find proper word during conversation
-complaints that are continually relapsing
-< by heat
-hypochondriacal in nature
-burning anywhere.
-pulsatilla is best medicine for chronic case.
-psoric & sycotic background.
-changeability of mental conditions.
-she has hypochondrical morosenes.
-patient is highly emotional.
-fear to be alone.
-patient weeping disposition.
-discharges are thick,bland,greenish,yellow.
-patient are intellectually keen, but physically week.
-the patient is tired ,he has a very tired state of mind
-great anticipation,lack of confidance,weakness of memory,confused thought,loss of confidance in him self.
-red sand in urine.
-disease are worse in the afternoon from 4 to 8pm.

About the author

Barad Tejsvita

3rd BHMS Student