Effect Of Homeopathic Remedies In Thyroid Disease - homeopathy360

Effect Of Homeopathic Remedies In Thyroid Disease

The thyroid is very important endocrine gland   that  secretes three hormones.
Two of the hormones  are iodinated ( have  iodine attached  to them ) and are called iodothyronines.

The three hormones  are
Triodothyronine ( T3)
Tetraiodothyronine(T4) also called thyroxine calcitonin (CT) 

When studied under the microscope the thyroid gland is composed  of follicles . these follicles are filled with a substance  known as colloid  where the iodothyoronines  are stored surrounding  these cells are para  follicular cells . these cells  produce the   hormones calcitonin that is involved in calcium metabolism . the general scheme of the hormones   Biosynthesis is as follows Iodide which is ingested in food  and water is actively concentrated     by the Thyroid gland converted to organic iodine  by thyroid   peroxidase  and in corporate tyrosine in intra follicular  thyroglobulin with in the colloid at the basal cell surface of the thyroid follicular cell . the thyrosines are iodinated at one (monoiodotyrocine ) or two   (diodotyrosine)   diiodotyrosine  triiodothyronine (Thyroxine,T4) ) diioddotyrosinet  monoidotyrosine     triodothyronine(T3) another source of T3 with  the thyroid gland is the result of the outer ring deiodination  of T4 by a selenoenzyme type 1.5   deiodinase (_5-D-1) thyroglobulin a glycoprotein containing T3 and T4  with in its matrix is taken of up from the follicle as colloid droplets by the thyroid cells  .Lysosomes containing  proteases cleave T3and T4 from thyroglobulin resulting in release of free T3 and T4 the iodotyrosines (monoiodtyrosine and dilodotyrosine) are  also released from thyroglobulin . but only very small amount reach the blood stream . iodine is removed from by intracellular  deiodinases and this iodine is used by the thyroid gland 

The T4 and T3 released from the thyroid by proteolysis reach the blood stream .where there    are bound to thyroid hormone binding serum proteins  for transport . the major thyroid hormone binding protein is thyroxine binding  globulin  (TBG) which has high vicinity affinity  but low capacity for T$ and T#  TBG normally accounts for about75% of the bound hormones others thyroid hormone binding proteins primarily  thyroxine  binding  PREALBUMIN , also called trams thy retin , which has high affinity but low capacity for T4  and albumin which has low affinity but high capacity for T4  and T3 account for remainder  of the bound serum thyroid hormones about 0.03%  of the total serum T$ and 0.3% of the total serum T3 are free  and in equllibrium with bound hormones only free T4 and T3 are available to the peripheral  peripheral tissues for thyroid  hormone  action . all reaction necessary  for the formation of  T3  and T4 are influenced  and controlled by pitiutary  thyroid  stimulating hormone (TSH) also called   thyrotropin, which stimulates follicular cells in the thyroid gland TSH binds to its thyroid  plasma  membrane receptor on the external follicular cell surface  and activates the enzyme adenylate

Cyclase . thus increasing the formation of adenosine  3.5 cyclic  phosphate   (camp)

The nucleotide that mediates  the intracellular affects TSH pituitary  TSH secretion  is controlled by a negative feedback mechanism modulated  by the circulating level of free T4 and free T3 and by conversion  of T4 and T3 in the pituitary  thyrotropin cells . T3 is the metabolically active  iodothyronine increased levels of free  thyroid hormones  (T4 and T3) in TSH secretion from  the pituitary  , where as decreased levels of T4 and T3result in an increased  TSH release from the pituitary .TSH secretion is also influenced  by thyrotropin  releasing hormone (TRH)  a3

Amino acid   peptide   synthesized in the hypothalamus .  

TRH, released in  to the portal system between the hypothalamus TRH, released in to the  portal system between the hypothalamus and pituitary binds to a specific TRH receptor on the thyrotropic cells of the  anterior pituitary and causes the subsequent release of TSH the precise regulation of TRH synthesis and release is not clear ,although thyroid hormones do play a role.

Symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism

1. weight gain and change in appearance with a deep voice

2. cold intolerance

3. Goitre

4. mental changes   -ranging from depression to madness (myxaedena  madnesss 0

5. Coma

6. Constipation

7. menstrual   Irregularly

8. poor libido

9. hair loss    

10. Coarse dry with puffy eyes

11. joint  pains

12.  carpel tunnel syndrome

13. Hypothermia   in winter

14.  muscle   weakness


  1. Palpitation
  2. Nervousness
  3.  Heart intolerance
  4. Breathlessness
  5. Insomnia
  6. Irregular periods
  7. Fast heart rate
  8. Fatigue
  9. Hairless
  10. Muscle weakness
  11. Trembling hands
  12. Weight loss
  13. Increased bowel movements
  14. Warm most skin

Case history

A  Female   of aged  48 years house wife   following complaints  weakness  , tremors  of both hands  pain  right  hypochondrium no modalities 

Cold   and cough   associated  with head ache  -full noon  , damp weather  and she had suffered  in the  past with nasal polyp

Left side    legs pain , weight  sensation  left side  arms pain , hands pain , pulling pain

Lifting ( pain severe)

She was obese, attained  menarche at the age for 14, and menstruated irregularly , 45, 90 days interval pain full during , scanty and heavy flow  reported randomly she had  been immunized  for  all , communicable disease  during child hood  had  tonsillitis at the age of 12


Calm, impulsive , intelligent  worries about complaints affectionate .


Appetite normal , thirst normal urine normal , stool normal , sleep  normal mental  intellectual state of mind          is very calm  , anxious , weeps easily  frightened easily  , depressed easily 


B.P . 130/80mm.hg pulse 75min   CVS and RS NAD


I advised thyroid profile

Mallya hospital  department of laboratory

Name:   Anitha  pai.                   
Age: 48 years 
Date – 16 February 2009

Thyroid profile T3 T4 TSH

T3 – 1.0  ng/ml          (0.7-1.7 reference range)

T4  7.7 ng/ml        5.12

TSH 9.16  ul/ml   C4 -4.0

She was put on 1 Calcarea carb 200   T.D.S

2.  Thyroidinum 30 from 16-feb -2009  to 26-05-2009

She  was clinically a  symptomatic  after one month of treatment no pain

Repeat thyroid profile

Date 26-5-2009   special biochemistry report 

Free T4  (CLIA)  results  1.01 ng / dl  reference range  0.8 -2.0 ng /dl

FREE T3 by (ELISA)  results 3.2 pg/ ml  reference range  1.2 -4.2 pg/ ml

THYROID STIMULATING  HARMONE 3.01 ulU/ml  reference range  adults ; 0.3 -6.0ulU/ml


1-30 days ; 0.5 -16.0 uiU/ml

1mth -5yrs ; 0.4-8.1 uiU/ml

6-18years ; 0.3 -6ulU /ml

She was given on thyroidinum 30 from 

26-5-2009 to  8-9-2009  

A thyroid profile was repeated  8-9-2009

T3 ng / ml  observed values  0.85 ng /ml  reference  range  adults 0.7 -2.0 

60 years  0.4 – 1.8 ng/ml

T4   observed values 6.41 mcg/dl

Reference range  adults  4.5 – 11.0

60 years  5.0 – 10.7 mcg/dl

TSH  THOROID STIMULATING HARMONE observed values  2.55 mclU/ml

Reference range  adults 0.4  – 4.2

60 years  0.5 – 8.9 mclU/ml

She symptomatically free and normal one can not always  elicit a  clinical picture  or a mass of symptoms  in spite  of detailed  interrogation . this prescription was purely clinical  knowing the  affinity  of these  drugs  to this spare of  pathology . but the gratifying  results justify  at least  the cause and effect relationship of our remedies  if not an explanation of cure 

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

B.A, D.I.Hom[Lond.], M.I.H, PhD, PGDPC (Psychotherapy & Counselling, USA)
Jeevan Shanthi
Karnataka State, India