CHME Toronto, Canada Webinar In Collaboration With HHF And Homeopathy 360 By Dr Mayur Mahajan - homeopathy360

CHME Toronto, Canada Webinar In Collaboration With HHF And Homeopathy 360 By Dr Mayur Mahajan

Continuous Homeopathic Medical Education [CHME] Toronto, Canada Webinar n Collaboration With HHF And Homeopathy 360 on Sunday,14th June 2020.

Time: 10 am to 1 pm [EST] [7.30 pm to 10.30 pm IST]

Invites you to a fun filled educational journey into learning children through their behaviours and treating pain from a different perspective.

To take us on this journey we have with us :
Dr Mayur Mahajan
M.D. [Homeopathy] President: Hahnemann Homeopathic Forum [HHF]; Authored 2 books: Little Angels [Pediatric] and Pain [Role of Homeopathy in any type of pain]; Head Researcher in Congenital Anomalies; Youtube channel Mayuresh Mahajan Homeopathy
More than 23 years experience in Homeopathy

1] Understanding Little Angels [Children]…Behavioral Materia Medica… with Applicable Clinical Tips.
2] Pain: How to efficiently treat with Homeopathy

Share this information with friends. Webinar will be on Zoom and possibly on Facebook. Please register in Advance. Fecilitator:
Akshay Banker
MD [Homeopathy] Banker Homeopathic Clinic Toronto, Canada
+1 647 868 4340
Email: [email protected]

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