Respiratory Allergies And Bronchial Asthma Cured By Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Respiratory Allergies And Bronchial Asthma Cured By Homoeopathy

Dr B S Suvarna

B.A, D.I.Hom[Lond.], M.I.H, PhD, PGDPC (Psychotherapy & Counselling, USA)
Jeevan Shanthi
Karnataka State, India

This condition is based upon the sycosis inherited from the parents , hence when the violence is controlled by an acute remedy , an anti –sycotic remedy similar to the constitutional state of the child is to be given to eradicate the miasmatic cause .

Case History : A boy of 14 years , very much emaciated came under my observation for bronchial asthma . The usual diagnostic examination of the chest revealed no abnormality in the respiratory tract . The rare and peculiar symptoms were collected and “ medorrhinum “ was found to be his remedy . the remedy promptly cured him and he has put on flesh and is still hale and healthy .

During the course of investigation as a research assistant , I found that all respiratory troubles have some thing of sycosis behind him. Sycotic gonorrhoea when suppressed affects the mucus membranes of the nose and established a vicious and inveterate catarrh of the nose , the trouble increases when the climate becomes moist and damp . When this miasm is transferred to the progeny the children will certainly develop various types of respiratory troubles during the later stages of their life , in all adenoidal growths enlarged tonsils , glandular enlargements and all troubles where there is infiltration and proliferation of tissue , it is sycotic miasm that is behind the scene , it drives the patient in this direction .

In the organic troubles of the respiratory organs sycosis produces infiltration , fibrosis and non-haemorrhagic types of pulmonary tuberculosis , hydrothorax and pneumo thorax are also found in cases infected with suppressed sycosis , on the other hand cases which have suppressed syphilis may develop ulcerative types of diseases , in simple cold the nostrils are ulcerated , in organic respiratory troubles we have ulceration shown by the haemorragic types . All suppurative processes are established by the syphilitic miasms are difficult to obtain . In a case of confirmed P.T.B.,where there are cavities of the lungs it is found that there is infiltration also , in some case fibrosis is observed ;in some other cases pneumo thorax etc., this clearly shows that the miasms acquired or inherited get mixed up and produce complicated forms of disease , this is the reason why compound remedies like lycopodium , calcarea carb, sepia , etc., which are capable of influencing the complicated miasms are frequently indicated in the treatment of organic troubles , another ailment which is frequently met is “ eosinophilia “ . The modrn medicine relegates it to allergy . It offers no curative medicine , in our search for the causative factor we found it to be owing to the suppressed or inherited sycotic miasm . The remedies frequently indicated on miasmatic basis are kali carb , sepia , lyco , natrum sulf , thuja , etc., it is a wonder that arsenic album though seemingly indicated palliates or gives partial relief , because it can not influence the sycotic miasm which is at the base of the trouble .

Another point we are able to note is the respiratory troubles find an expression in the early years of life , if all the children are treated constitutionally they develop a sort of immunity in them which protects them from developing any inveterate respiratory troubles in their after life .

In the early years of life, generally, it is psora that that erupts frequently , if the psoric miasm is neutralized from the parents is thrown out and loses its ground to develop any further trouble , one more condition which came under our observation is that a child suffering from tinea capitis ( an eruption on the head ) when suppressed produces respiratory troubles which are difficult to treat . Tinea capitis resembles sycotic eruption which when suppressed produces respiratory troubles especially bronchial troubles . Needless to say that modern medicine offers nothing in these troubles , on the other hand homoeopathy deals such cases with admirable success and cures them radically in all curable cases , in advance cases it provides the best palliation which can not be obtained otherwise , the only trouble is that the physician should have a clear and deep knowledge of the miasmatic causes , underlying the various respiratory troubles which afflict the human family .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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