Dr B S Suvarna
B.A, D.I.Hom[Lond.], M.I.H, PhD, PGDPC (Psychotherapy & Counselling, USA)
Jeevan Shanthi
Karnataka State, India
Healthy life style changes such as exercising regularly and quitting smoking can reduce your risk of heart disease, but another important change is one in dietary habits , reduction in the certain types of fat that are closely watched by your physician are cholesterol and triglycerides cholesterol is a fat like substance found only in animal products . the highest sources of cholesterol comes from organ meats (example liver) and eggs , but other common sources are any type of meat poultry , cheese and butter fat . Americans currently consume 400-500 milligrams of cholesterol a day , but the recommended amount is only 300 mg per day for the average person . By changing your eating pattern you can reduce your fat intake to the recommended level of not exceeding 30 % of your daily calories.
Cholesterol is essential for life to make strong cell membranes and hormones , the body manufactures about 1000 mgs of cholesterol can cause fatty plaques on arterial walls which narrows the artery . This condition is known as atherosclerosis . The build up of fat on the vessel walls can occlude and in some case totally block the flow of blood to organs like the heart . when atheroslerosis occurs in heart vassels also known as coronary heart disease , chest pain and heart attacks can result . The method of cholesterol transport in the blood separates cholesterol into good and bad types . The harm ful type of cholesterol is known as low –density lipoproteins ( LDL”S) , lipoprotein is a combination of fat (lipo) and protein . LDL”S are the most common type of cholesterol , because excessive amounts of this , lipoprotein stick to vessel walls forming plaques . High density lipoproteins (HDL”S) are known as good cholesterol are known as good cholesterol because high levels of HDL’S are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease . HDL’s unstuck LDL’s from vessel and transport cholesterol out of the arteries.
A home test is available in your pharmacy to test your total cholesterol levels , follow the instructions supplied with the test to be sure you get the most accurate measurement . it is a good idea to take the test first .thing in the morning after you have not eaten (water is ok) past 8 pm , the night before , if this measurement is high , see your physician , through your physician a more definitive panel of tests are available which measures your total cholesterol and triglycerides and measures the components of LDL and HDL in you blood , depending on your age and some medications you may be taking the desired level of total cholesterol in your in your blood stream should be should be under 200 mg/dl , a cholesterol and fat reduced diet combined with regular physical exercise can help lower cholesterol in the blood . However , some people need medication as well do if your screening test is high from your pharmacy , be sure to see your physician.
Your fat intake should not exceed 30 % of your daily calories , there are two main types of fats which you may read about , saturated fats tend to increase your LDL’s and are found mostly in animal products .these facts are solid at room temperature . two vegetable oils are high in saturated fats and should be avoided . palm and coconut oil to reduce the amount of saturated fat , cut back on items such as butter , lard and cheese . poly unsaturated fats such as corn soy sunflower and saf flower oils reduce the amount of LDL’s but also reduce the amount of HDL’s in your blood . polyunsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature , the best fats to use are mono saturated fats from peanut oil , canola oil or olive oil which reduce LDL’s but do not reduce the good HDL’s.
A single egg yolk contains 250 mg of cholesterol which is about the maximum daily intake recommended (300mg) and eggs are high in fat , but the egg white is a good source of protein . thus the best recommendation on eggs is to use them in moderation and where possible use an egg white product as an egg substitute . Try to limit egg consumption to approximately three a week in all times you eat ( including baked goods ) .Try to bake, broil, steam, microwave or poach your foods and avoid fried foods . Use vegetable cooking sprays instead of greasing pans . for protein in your diet eat more fish , dried peas and beans and skinless poultry .
If you do eat meat , trim off all excess fat and be sure on all meats to limit your portions to approximately 3-6 ounces per day . To reduce fat in dairy foods , use skim or lower fat milk (<2%)and yogurt , try the reduced fat cheese and when possible look for the cheese or partial skimmed ricotta , whole grains in breads , cereals and pastas are a good choice. Oat meal and oat bran is a good choice , oatmeal and oat bran is a good choice since it appears to have some cholesterol lowering effect , be sure to read any commercial baked products , carefully since many may be prepared with the bad oils such as palm or coconut .,eat all of the fruits and vegetables you want , they are naturally low in saturated fat , but avoid avocados and coconuts which are exceptions to the rule . when eating out avoid fast food chains and be sure to look for heart healthy items on the menu . Do not be afraid to ask how an item is prepared and ask if changes are possible to make it healthier for you , most restaurants are becoming aware of the need for heart healthy items and if remember you are customer .
These are general guide lines which can help you to a healthier life style.
Fitness is a combination of body composition , muscular performance and cardiovascular fitness with the later being one of the most important components , improving cardiovascular increases your supply of oxygen and energy to your body . it also decreases your risk of heart disease , stroke high blood pressure and other life threatening diseases cardiovascular fitness can lead to prolonged endurance and will help you perform to your best abilities when a heart is well conditioned , it is like any other muscle –it becomes stronger and more efficient.
A normal heart beat s at approximately 70 beats /minute at rest , but a conditioned heart can beat as few as 40 beats/minute , as you can see a healthy heart has to work half as much to get the same amount of oxygen to your body , aerobic (means with oxygen ) exercise which involves steady constant motion of the muscles increases the body’s demand for oxygen . In this manner aerobic exercise works your heart muscle making it bigger and stronger , examples of aerobic exercise works your heart muscle making it bigger and stronger . examples of aerobic exercises are walking , running , swimming and cycling , while you want the exercise to be intensive you don’t want to overdo it , the best way to monitor the amount of work you are doing is to measures your heart beat.
A target heart range (THR) for you is 60-75 % of 220 minus your age . when exercising take your heart beat frequently and increase your exercise to reach your target heart range , but if you start to exceed it , slow down at the beginning aim for the low end of your target heart range and as you become more fit ,gradually work into the higher range , exercising for 20-30 minutes three times a week will help you to become more fit .
Physically exercise should be given the same importance as any important event , regardless of what exercise you choose , 20-30 minutes 3 times a week should be religiously placed into your schedule are:
1] walk on your lunch hour or coffee break
2] change social activities from getting a drink to getting together for a soft ball game , bicycle , ride or a walk
3] do a business exercise session rather than a business lunch
4] pedal your way to fitness and enjoy the scensry and the company of family or friends .
To increase your physical activity does not always mean going to the gym , try putting it in to your routine , if you do this you are more likely to keep doing it because you don’t have to go out of your way to exercise , some tips to improve your physical activity
1] park your car at the far end of the aisle and walk , we battle for the closest parking places , but in reality those who get ones far away are getting the biggest prize
2] at the malls , try entering the mall away from your destination you wish to visit or make a habit of walking the mall before you begin shopping (it’s a good way to check out who is having having sales)
3] take stairs whenever possible –particularly if you are going 4 floors or less . even if you work on the 60th floor , try climbing a few flights and then taking the elevator just shy of your floor and walk the rest of the way
4] hand deliver messages rather than using the phone , inter office or e-mail
5] wash your own car on good days instead of the car wash
6] take your dog for a walk
7] don’t use the remote control , get up and change the TV channel
A fun way of encouragement for you and your co-workers is to have contests with your co-workers on the most creativity ways of sneaking activity into a daily routine.
What we eat can make a big difference to the health of our hearts . we can reduce our chances of developing heart disease by eating a diet that is high in fruit and vegetables , high in fiber and low in salt and fat , particularly saturated fat.
A healthy diet can help to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
If you already have coronary heart disease , eating a well balanced diet can also help protect your heart from further problems.
What we eat can make a big difference to the health of our hearts . we can reduce our chances of developing heart disease by eating a diet that is high in fruit and vegetables , high in fiber and low in salt and fat.
The four major risk factors for heart disease are smoking , having high blood pressure and being physically inactive.
However , being overweight , diabetes , drinking too much alcohol and having too much salt in our diet also increases the risk , Afamily history of heart disease is also a risk factor.
Bear in mind , our risk of heart disease depends on how many risk factors we have and how strong each individual risk factor is , giving up smoking and taking more aerobic exercise are important first steps many of the other risk factors such as high cholesterol , high blood pressure , being overweight and salt can all be improved by eating a healthier diet.
Cholesterol is a fatty material that is made mainly in the liver , it is essential part of every cell and is the building block of many important steroid hormones , however , too much in the blood increases the risk of heart disease .
Cholesterol uses the body’s circulation as it’s transport system and travels around the vehicles made up of proteins, these combinations of cholesterol and protein are called lipoproteins and there are 2 main types –low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL)
LDL transports cholesterol from the liver to the cells , where certain amounts are needed . However any remaining cholesterol can be chemically changed ( a process called oxidation ) and taken up by the cells in the artery walls where it starts to build up – its this process that causes narrowing of the arteries or atherosclerosis , consequently high levels of LDL cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease –that is why it is sometimes called bad cholesterol.
In contrast , HDL carries excess cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver , where the body gets rid of it , as a result high levels of HDL cholesterol are thought to protect against heart disease and so are some times called “good cholesterol “
Your blood cholesterol levels can be measured by a simple blood test , your doctor will look at figures for your LDL and HDL cholesterol . All these values are measured in units called millimol’s per litre of blood , usually shortened to mmd/1 , healthy levels are as follows:
1] Total cholesterol –less than 5mmol/1
2] LDL cholesterol –less than 3 mmol/1
3] HDL cholesterol – more than 1 mmol/1
Your doctor may prescribe medication , however it’s also important to look at your diet.
In most cases the aim is to reduce your total cholesterol , particularly by lowering levels of LDL or bad cholesterol . but it’s also important to raise levels of HDL or good cholesterol . In particular , losing weight is one of the most important things you can do to lower your cholesterol if you are over weight or obese .
Better still , losing the excess kgs will also help to reduce other risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure and diabetes , overall you should cut down on the total amount of fat you eat , for a healthy heart diet no more than 30% of your daily calories come from fat .
This means if you have a daily calorie intake of 1500 calories , you should have no more than 50 gm of fat ; if your daily calorie allowance is 2000 calories , you should have no more than 66 gm of fat a day . It is important for heart health to make sure you are eating the right types of fat , too there are three main types of fat in food – saturates, mono-unsaturates and poly-unsaturates. Most foods contain a mixture of these, but there are generally classified according to the type of fat found in the largest amount .
Foods high in saturates include fatty meats , full fat dairy products , butter , lard , cream , cheese and many processed and take away foods . these types of fats increase LDL or bad cholesterol so it is important to eat fewer of them , foods high in saturated fat include ;
1] meat piece
2]sausages and fatty cuts of meat
3] butter
4] ghee
5] lard
6] cream
7] hard cheese
8] cakes and biscuits
9] foods containing coconut or palm oil
But unsaturated fat can actually reduce cholesterol levels , so try to replace foods containing saturated fats with foods that are high in unsaturated fats , including:
1] oily fish
2] avocados
3] nuts & seeds
4] sunflower olive , corn , walnut and rapeseed oils and spreads
5] vegetable oils
Like saturated fats , trans fats can rise cholesterol levels , trans fats may be found in foods that contain hydrogenated fats , including some types of biscuits , cakes , fast food , pastry , margarine and spreads so , as part of a healthy diet , we should try to cut down on foods containing hydrogenated or saturated fats and replace them with unsaturated fats . and don’t forget that should also reduce the total amount of fat we eat , so try micro waving, steaming , poaching , choose clean cuts of meat and go for low fat varieties of dairy products and spreads (or eat just a small amount of full-fat varieties )
Good sources of poly unsaturates include pure vegetable oils and spreads such as sunflower corn and soya oils and margarines and some vegetables , these types of fat help to lower LDL or bad cholesterol but they also lower HDL or good cholesterol
Good sources of monounsaturates include olive oil , repressed oil , avocados , nuts and seeds , these types of fats lower LDL or bad cholesterol , but they help to maintain levels of HDL or good cholesterol.
Ultimately as well as eating fewer fatty foods in your diet , it is important to swap foods high in saturates for foods rich in unsaturates . it might sound complicated but in practice it is simple for example , if you really must fry , use a simple for example , if you really must fry , use a simple for example , if you really must fry , use a small amount of olive oil rather than butter.
Triglycerides are another type of of blood fat or blood lipid , like high cholesterol , raised triglyceride levels in the blood can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke . Being overweight or obese , having a high fat , drinking too much alcohol and not taking enough exercise can all contribute to high triglyceride levels , usually , blood tests to measure cholesterol also measure triglyceride levels , any thing about 2mmol/1 is considered high . the good news is a healthy heart , diet that helps to reduce cholesterol will also help to reduce triglyceride and should help you to lose weight at the same time.
Most fiber rich foods are low in fat , which makes them a great choice for a healthy heart , but they are also packed with vitamins minerals and naturally occurring plant chemicals called phytochemicals.
What comes to heart disease prevention and other conditions such as cancer –it appears to be this whole package of fiber and nutrients that is important . Indeed there is good evidence that eating a high fiber diet with more whole grain foods such as whole meal bread, brown rice and whole grain breakfast cereals can help to prevent heart disease – one large study found that women who are around three servings of whole grain foods a day were 30% less likely to suffer from heart disease.
Further more a particular type of fiber called soluble fiber may also help to lower blood cholesterol levels . this type of fiber is found in some fruits , vegetables oats , barley and pulses such as beans , lentils and peas all low fat foods that are also a great choice if you are also trying to lose weight . in particular , soluble fiber is thought to bind with cholesterol and prevent it from being reabsorbed into the blood stream . this lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood , there fore reducing the risk of heart disease soluble fiber also forms a gel in the intestine , which is carbohydrates , this helps to keep blood sugar levels steady preventing carb cravings that are also often combined with fat we are taking biscuits , chocolate , toast and jam muffins dough nuts .
Garlic prevents blood from becoming over sticky – decreases LDL cholesterol and increases the good HDL cholesterol , eating garlic is good against atherosclerosis . Vitamin C in garlic protects against oxidation of LDL cholesterol , cooked garlic can benefit , but raw garlic is more potent and works faster .
Ginger helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and presents LDL oxidation.
Cooked garlic can benefit but raw garlic is more faster , it helps to mainrain healthy cholesterol levels and presents LDL oxidation.
All vegetables are good for heart but those with lutein and caroteine are best.
It heps lowering the blood pressure and protects against heart diseases but as they common high amount of oxalates should not be taken more than twice a day.
Cooked and processed tomatoes are just as beneficial as fresh ones , vitamin B6 , niacin , potassium and folate are abundant in tomatoes and are potent protectors against heart disease
Eating only half a raw onion a day raises HDL by about 25% in many people
Fruits are also very good for keeping the heart healthy
Eating 2 apples a day is beneficial , these lower the risk of heart disease and stroke and maintain the healthy cholesterol level
They support the heart cells and helps maintain the blood vessel tone
It is always been a heart friendly food , eating fish at least twice a week could reduce the risk of heart disease
Drinking no more than one or two units of alcohol a day is thought to help protect against heart disease – but only in men over the age of 40 and post menopausal women , mean while alcohol also helps to raise HDL or good cholesterol and may reduce the stickiness of the blood . however people who persistently exccd sensible drinking limits , that is a maximum of 3 units a day for women , men are more likely to suffer from risk factors associated with heart disease such as high blood pressure , binge drinking can also cause abnormal heart rhythms and regular heavy drinking may lead to an enlargement of the heart .
A healthy diet contains plenty of fruit and vegetables and starchy foods such as whole grain bread , pasta and rice and is low in fat (especially saturated fat) salt and sugar.
There is good evidence that eating a diet that is rich in a variety of fruits and vegetables can help to lower the risk of coronary heart disease , aim to eat at least 5 portions each day , they can be fresh , frozen , dried or tinned.
Eating oily fish regularly can help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and may help improve the chances of survival after a heart attack , aim to eat at least 2 portions of fish a week one of which should be oily .
Too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle , increase blood pressure and may also lead to weight gain .
Too much fat in your diet particularly saturated fat can increase your blood cholesterol levels which can increase your risk of developing coronary heart disease . to help reduce your cholesterol level you should cut down on the total amount of fat you eat and replace saturated fats with monounsaturates and poly unsaturates and cut down on foods containing trans fats
Reducing the amount of salt you eat will help keep your blood pressure down and may reduce your risk of coronary heart disease.
High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart for heart disease so it is important to keep under control . In fact research shows that people with high blood pressure are 3 times more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke than people with normal blood pressure . as well as losing weights , one of the most important things you can do is eat fewer salty foods and avoid adding salt to dishes when cooking or eating them adding salt to dishes when cooking or eating them . this is because salt contains sodium and its high in takes of this raise blood pressure.
We should each have less than 6 gm of salt a day . foods such as bacon , cheese and pickles are salty because of how they are made . soy sauce , yeast , yeast extract and stock cubes are also high in salt , often foods such as breakfast cereal , baked beans , biscuits , soups , pizza and ready meals are high in salt . the amount of salt they contain varies from one brand or recipe to an other , so compare different products by checking the labels
Most fruit and vegetables are low in fat and high in fiber – both of which are important for a healthy heart diet . but fruit and vegetables are also packed with antioxidants which help to protect against heart diseases .
Antioxidant vitamins such as beta carotene and vitamin C and E work their magic by mopping up harmful free radicals , which can cause oxidation of LDL cholesterol – a problem that potentially speed up the process of the narrowing of arteries
In addition , many fruit and vegetables are also good sources of naturally occurring plant chemicals such as flavonoids , which act as powerful antioxidants . no doubt you have heard it before , but health experts recommend eating 5 servings of different fruit and vegetables everyday and more colors you go for the greater the variety of nutrients you will get .
1] Help maintain a healthy weight
2] help lower your blood cholesterol level
3] help keep your blood pressure down
4] help prevent atheroma (fatty material) from building up inside your arteries
5] help prevent blood cots forming , eating a well balanced diet can help you improve your general health and can help protect against other conditions such as some cancers and diabetes. Fortunately, there are plenty of things and more often than not , looking at your diet and losing weight if necessary are the simplest changes you can make to help heart health
Swan appears to have taken his hint from Burnett’s work and potentized the remedy , using a gall stone for his preparations , like many of the rest of the nosodes originally introduced by Swan , the work was necessarily empirical , yet he affirms after much experience that it is almost at once and this after failure with nux vomica , cinchona , podophyllum and other apparently well selected remedies.
Yingling reports some cures of gall stone colic ;relieves reports some cures of gall stone colic and other diseases of the liver.
Clarke says , it is found in the blood , in the brain , the yolk of eggs , seeds and buds of plants , but is most abundant in the bile and biliary calculi.
It occurs in the form crystals with a mother –of pearl luster and is fatty to the touch . it is soluble in both alcohol and either.
Ameke claimed to have derived great advantage from its use in cases diagnosed as cancer of the liver , or in such obstinate engorgements that malignancy was suspected.
Burnett claims to have twice cured cancer of the liver or in such obstinate engorgements that by reason of their intractable and slow yielding to well selected remedies make one think interrogationally of cancer . in such conditions where the diagnosis is in doubt , especially if the patient has been to repeated attacks of biliary colic , Cholesterinum he claims is very satisfactory and at times its action even striking. Cholesterinum 2M not only promptly relieved acute attacks , but has effected a practical cure .