COVID-19 And Its Possible Homoeopathic Prophylaxis - homeopathy360

COVID-19 And Its Possible Homoeopathic Prophylaxis

Dr K.Saji. MD(Hom)

Source: Prepared for Indian Homoeopathic Research Centre ( IHRC, a subsidiary of Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association-IHMA ).

COVID-19, Novel Corona Virus Disease is a highly contagious viral disease, first identified in Wuhan, China, in early December 2019.
Virus : The causative agent is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which is a single stranded RNA virus.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). SARS-CoV-2 is the most recently discovered coronavirus which causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.

We now have a substantial evidence base supporting the effectiveness of homoeoprophylaxis, but the quality of the evidence is variable. Most interventions are not controlled clinical studies but are undertaken in emergency situations to prevent loss of life and suffering using observational methodology.
In the light of the recent outbreak of novel coronavirus and the report of its incidence in India, the central Ayush ministry had issued an advisory and they recommended that homoeopathic medicine Arsenicum album 30 could be taken empty stomach daily for three days as a preventive medicine against the infection.
A single time use of a prophylactic may not give a protective effect for the epidemic if it prevails for a longer period. So, it is better repeat the prophylactic medicine in the prescribed potency once or twice in a week ( as done by Hahnemann in cholera epidemic in the past ) until the epidemic subsides.
Is there any evidence that Homoeoprophylaxis is effective in flue like illness and respiratory infections ? :
Yes. Following are examples from the past.
1968: Between 1968-70, a survey conducted in Indian factories and offices compared the results of allopathic (conventional) treatment and homeopathic treatment of influenza. The purpose of this survey was to determine the effectiveness of the nosode (a remedy prepared from a disease component) as a homeopathic preventative (prophylactic). Almost 20% of the patients treated by conventional medical physicians contracted the flu. Among the homeopathically treated patients, only 6.5% came down with the disease. Those who did become ill recovered more rapidly than their allopathically treated patients. The number of working days lost by the allopathically treated patients was nearly eight and a half times greater than those lost by homeopathic patients.
2007: Human herpesvirus 1, human adenovirus C serotype 5, influenza A virus, human respiratory syncytial virus, human parainfluenza virus 3, human rhinovirus B serotype 14, and human coxsackievirus serotype A9 cause, among other complaints, colds, flu, sore throat, runny nose, cold sores, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, hand foot and mouth disease, and conjunctivitis.
Gripp-Heel, a proprietary combination remedy demonstrated significant in vitro reductions of infectivity by 20% to 40% when tested against these viruses.
2010: Human rhinovirus B serotype 14, influenza A virus , H1N1 virus, herpes simplex virus 1, vesicular stomatitis virus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza type 3, and adenovirus cause, among other complaints, flu, colds, sore throat, swollen glands, oral vesicles, runny nose, cold sores, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, hand foot and mouth disease, and conjunctivitis. Proprietary products Engystol and Gripp-Heel displayed in vitro prophylactic effects when tested against these viruses.
2011: Nosodes (remedies prepared from a disease component) or placebo was given for 30 days to 450 children in Brazil to test their effectiveness in preventing flu and acute respiratory infections. Over the next 12 months the incidence of diagnosed acute respiratory infection or flu was 3 times higher in the placebo group than those given the prophylactics. The researchers commented that the low cost of treatment and the absence of adverse effects made these nosodes a useful therapeutic option for the Brazilian Public Health Service.
Repertorisation result of available symptoms.
Rubrics Selected : ( Main Symptoms )
1.Generalities; weakness; fever; during
2.Cough; dry; fever; during
3.Fever, heat; zymotic fevers
4.Respiration; difficult; fever; during
5.Generalities muscles pain, fever during
6.Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; influenza, in or after
7.Kidneys; suppression of urine, anuria; fever, during
Repertorial Result :
Ars 3232312 16/7
Bry 2331230 14/6

Analysis of the remaining less common symptoms :

  1. Cough; loose; fever, during Ars3, Bry1
  2. Expectoration; bloody, spitting of blood Ars3 Bry3
  3. Head; pain, headache; fever; during Ars3, Bry2
  4. Rectum; diarrhea; fever; during Ars2, Bry2
  5. Nose; coryza; fever, during Ars2, Bry3
  6. Throat; pain; fever, during Ars1

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