Testosterone is responsible for the distinguishing characteristics of the masculine body. Testosterone is produced during fetal life and a few weeks after birth, then essentially no testosterone is produced during childhood until the age of 10 to 13 year. Then the testosterone production starts and remains almost throughout life.
- Development of male sex characters during fetal life
- Testosterone, secreted by the genital ridge and developing testes, is responsible for the development of male sex characters including the growth of penis and scrotum.
- Testosterone causes the development of prostate gland, the seminal vesicles and the male genital ducts.
- Testosterone is helpful in suppressing the formation of female genital organs.
- Testosterone is responsible for the descent of the testes into the scrotum during the last two months of fetal life.
- Development of Primary Sexual Characteristics in an Adult
- Testosterone secretion after puberty causes the testes, the scrotum and the penis to enlarge about 8 fold until the age of 20.
- Development of Secondary Sexual Characteristics:
- Distribution of Body hair: Testosterone causes growth of hair over the pubis, chest, face, umbilicus region and above.
- Baldness: Testosterone decreases the growth of hair on the top of the head.
- Effect on the voice: Testosterone is responsible for the typical masculine bass voice.
- Effect on the skin, and development of acne: Testosterone increases the thickness and ruggedness of the subcutaneous tissue.
- It also increases the rate of secretion of the sebaceous gland and over secretion of this gland on the face can result in acne formation.
- Muscular development: Testosterone is responsible for development of increasing musculature following puberty.
- Bone growth and calcium retention: Testosterone increases the total quantity of bone matrix and it also helps in calcium retention.
- Effect on metabolism: During active sexual life, rate of metabolism increases to somewhat 5 to 10 % above the normal value.
- Effect on electrolyte and water balance: Testosterone has a slight effect on sodium retention and this results in a slight increase of extracellular fluid.
Reference: Textbook of Practice of Medicine with Homoeopathic Therapeutics by Kamal Kansal & Rakesh Kaushal