Q.1. Which of the following features is common to Aloe soc, Psorinum, Rumex and Sulphur (Bihar/ AYUSH/HMO/2014):
a) Headache < in winter
b) Itching of the skin < from cold > by warmth
c) Early morning diarrhoea, driving the patient out of bed.
d) When passing flatus, sensation as if stool would pass with it.
Answer: (c)
Note Out of above-given variables (c) Early morning diarrhoea, driving the patient out of bed – is suggested
Aloe soc:
Diarrhoea: has to hurry to closet immediately after eating and drinking (Crot. t.); with want of confidence in sphincter ani; driving out of bed early in the morning (Psor., Rum., Sulph.).
When passing flatus, sensation as if stool would pass with it. (Olean., Mur. ac., Nat. m.).
Headache across the forehead < by every footstep (Bell., Bry.); with heaviness of eyes and nausea. Headaches: are worse from heat, better from cold applications (Ars.); alternating with lumbago; after insufficient stool. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes
Headache: preceded, by flickering before eyes, by dimness of vision or blindness (Lac d., Kali bi.); by spots or rings. Headache: always hungry during; > while eating (Anac., Kali p.); from suppressed eruptions, or suppressed menses; > nosebleed (Mel.).
Diarrhoea: sudden, imperative (Aloe, Sulph.); stool watery, dark brown, fetid; smells like carrion; involuntary, < at night from 1 to 4 a. m.; after severe acute diseases; teething; in children; when weather changes.
Skin: abnormal tendency to receive skin diseases (Sulph.); eruptions easily suppurate (Hep.); dry, inactive, rarely sweats; dirty look, as if never washed; coarse, greasy, as if bathed in oil; bad effects from suppression by sulphur and zinc ointments. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes
Early morning diarrhoea; from 5 to 10 a. m. (Aloe, Nat. s., Pod., Sulph.); stools painless, profuse, offensive; sudden urging, driving out of bed in morning.
Skin: itching of various parts; < by cold, > by warmth; when undressing, uncovering or exposing to cold air (Hep., Nat. s., Olean.). Ref: Allen’s Keynotes
Sick headache every week or every two weeks; prostrating, weakening (Sang.); with hot vertex and cold feet. Skin: itching, voluptuous; scratching >; “feels good to scratch;” scratching causes burning; < from heat of bed (Mer.); soreness in folds (Lyc.).
Diarrhoea: after midnight; painless; driving out of bed early in the morning (Aloe, Psor.); as if the bowels were too weak to retain their contents. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes
Q.2. Vertigo on seeing the flowing water is the characteristic feature of (Bihar/AYUSH/HMO/2014):
a) Theridion
b) Conium maculatum
c) Ferrum metallicum
d) All of the above
Answer: (c)
Note Out of above-given variables (c) Ferrum metallicum – is suggested
Stem: ‘Vertigo on seeing flowing water’
Review of variables
Options | Variables/ Review | Remark |
Vertigo: on closing the eyes (Lach., Thuja-on opening them, Tab.; on looking upward, Puls, Sil.); from any, even the least noise; aural or labyrinthine (Meniere’s disease). |
Theridion curassavicum | -NA- |
Vertigo: especially when lying down or turning in bed; moving the head slightly, or even the eyes; must keep the head perfectly still; on turning the head to the left (Col.); of old people; with ovarian and uterine complaints. |
Conium maculatum: | -NA- |
Vertigo: with balancing sensation, as if on water; on seeing flowing water; when walking over water, as when crossing a bridge (Lys.); on descending (Bor., Sanic.). |
Ferrum metallicum | -True- |
-NA- | All of the above: | -NA- |
Ref: Allen’s Keynotes
Q.3. Complaints appear diagonally; upper right and lower left is found in (Bihar AYUSH Homoeo/ MO/QP/2014):
a) Ambra grisea
b) Bromium
c) Medorrhinum
d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
Note Out of the above-given variables (d) All of the above-is suggested
Stem: ‘Complaints appear diagonally; upper right and lower left’
Repertory: O.E. Boericke.
Rubric-Complaints; Symptom-Appearance-
-Diagonally, upper left, lower right side–Agar., Ant. t., Stram.
upper right, lower left side–Ambra, Brom., Med., Phos., Sul. ac.
-Above downwards [from]–Cact., Kal.
-Below, upwards [from]–Led.
-Gradually–Calc. sil., Cinch., Radium, Tellur.
Cease gradually–Arg. n., Plat., Stann., Stront. c., Syph. Cease suddenly–Ign., Puls., Sul. ac.
Ref: Repertory Oscar E. Boericke
Review of variables
S. No. | Variables | Review | Reference Mat Med | Reference Repertory |
a. | Ambra grisea |
Yes | Allen’s Keynotes-NA Boericke Mat Med-NA |
Repertory O.E. Boericke |
b. | Bromium | Yes | Allen’s Keynotes-NA Boericke Mat Med-NA |
Repertory O.E. Boericke |
c. | Medorrhinum | Yes | Allen’s Keynotes-NA Boericke Mat Med-NA |
Repertory O.E. Boericke |
d. | All of the above | Yes | -NA- | -NA- |
As the information is not available in Allen’s Keynotes and Boericke Mat Med
Extended information
Complaints appear diagonally; Upper right, lower left side-Amb, Brom, Med, Phos, Sul-ac.
Ref: Pg-75, Principles of Prescribing by K.N. Mathur.
Other: Agaricus muscarius:- Symptoms appear upper right and lower left. Ref: Boericke Materia Medica
Bothrops lanceolatus:- Diagonal course of symptoms. Ref: Boericke Mat Med
Q.4 ‘Stool crumbles at the verge of anus’ is a PQRS of (Bihar AYUSH Homoeo/MO/QP/2014):
a) Sanicula only
b) Magnesium mur only
c) Both Sanicula and Magnesium muriaticum
d) Nor Sanicula or Magnesium muriaticum
Answer: (c)
Note Out of the above-given variables (c) Both Sanicula and Magnesium Muriaticum-is suggested
Review of variables
Options | Variables/ Review |
Remark |
Constipation: no desire until a large accumulation; after great straining stool partially expelled, recedes (Sil., Thuja); large evacuation of small dry, gray balls, must be removed mechanically (Sel.). Stool: hard, impossible to evacuate; of grayish-white balls, like burnt lime; crumbling from verge of anus (Mag. m.); with the odor of limburger cheese. (Ref: Allen’s Keynotes) |
Sanicula only | -NA- |
Constipation: stool hard, scanty, large, knotty, like sheep’s dung; difficult to pass; crumbling at verge of anus (Am. m., Nat. m.); of infants during dentition. (Ref: Allen’s Keynotes) |
Magnesium mur only | -NA- |
See as above – Sanicula. | Both Sanicula and Magnesium mur |
-True- |
-NA- | Nor Sanicula or Magnesium mur |
-NA- |
Q5. In the following which pair is not correct (Bihar AYUSH Homoeo/MO/QP/2014):
a) Spigelia-Rheumatic
b) Baryta carb-Tubercular
c) Alumina – Sycotic
d) Ammonium carb – Haemorrhagic
Answer: (c)
Note Among the above-given variables (c) Alumina – Sycotic – is suggested.
Review of variables
S. No. | Variables/ Review |
Remark |
Rheumatic affections of heart (Kali, Led., Naja); systolic blowing at apex. (Ref: Allen’s Keynotes) |
Spigelia- Rheumatic |
True |
Especially adapted to complaints of first and second childhood; the psoric or tubercular. Scrofulous, dwarfish children who do not grow (children who grow too rapidly, Cal.) (Ref: Allen’s Keynotes) |
Baryta carb- Tubercular |
True |
Spare, dry, thin subjects; dark complexion; mild, cheerful disposition; hypochondriacs; dry, tettery, itching eruption, worse in winter (Petr.); intolerable itching of whole body when getting warm in bed (Sulph.); scratches until bleeds, then becomes painful. (Features point to Psora) Ref: Allen’s Keynotes. |
Alumina- Sycotic |
-NA- |
Haemorrhagic diathesis, fluid blood and degeneration of red blood corpuscles; ulcerations tend to gangrene. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes. |
Ammonium carb- Haemorrhagic |
True |
Q6. His contribution is more on ‘Relationship of Remedies’ (Bihar AYUSH Homoeo/MO/QP/2014):
a) Dr Gibson Miller
b) Dr J.T. Kent
c) Dr William Boericke
d) Dr Nash E.B.
Answer: (a)
Note Out of above-given variables the (a) Dr R. Gibson Miller – for contribution on ‘Relationship of Remedies’– is suggested
Stem: Contributor on ‘Relationship of Remedies’
Robert Gibson Miller wrote Studies of Homeopathic Remedies, on the Comparative Value of Symptoms in the Selection of the Remedy, Relationship of Remedies and Sides of the Body. Remedies relate to one another in different ways; a remedy may be complementary or inimical or antidotal to another. This is an important aspect to consider for successful prescribing.
Review of variables
Dr Gibson Miller:
Robert Gibson Miller (1862 – 1919) was an Englishman born in Kent in 1862 and was educated at Blair Lodge and the University of Glasgow, where he graduated in medicine in 1884. An orthodox doctor who converted to homoeopathy, Robert travelled to St. Louis to train with James Tyler Kent and on his return; he founded the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital. His books and ideas are still very influential today for modern homoeopaths.
Ref: http://sueyounghistories.com/archives/2008/02/09/robert-gibson-miller-and-homeopathy/
Dr J.T. Kent:
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American Homoeopathic physician. British scholar of homoeopathy Francis Treuherz has characterized James Tyler Kent as “the ultimate homoeopath of the period when homoeopathy flourished in America.” Treuherz has noted Kent’s pioneering use of extremely high dilutions (called “high potencies” by adherents of homoeopathy) and “meticulous scholarship in the creation of his repertory” as among Kent’s primary attributes as the homoeopathic exemplar of his generation.
Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Tyler_Kent
Dr William Boericke:
William G. Boericke (28 November 1849– 1 April 1929), was an Austrian-born American physician and ardent, an influential exponent of homoeopathic medicine. He is known in the field today as the compiler and editor of the Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. The ninth edition has endured as his most republished version due partly to its then final inclusion of a mini-repertory by his brother, Oscar Eugene Boericke, MD, also a homoeopathic physician.
Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Boericke
Dr Nash E.B.:
Eugene Beauharis (E. B.) Nash (born 1838) was one of America’s leading 19th-century homoeopath. He graduated from Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College in 1874. He served as Professor of Materia Medica in the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and also taught at the Homoeopathic Hospital of London. He is best known as an author of books on homoeopathy. His obituary in The Homeopathic Recorder remembered him as, “one of the great teachers of medicine…[who] will live in his books and in the hearts of the many doctors he has helped to be better physicians.”
Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._B._Nash
Q7. Colchicum patient complains of the following type of urine (NHMC/MD/Ent/2014):
a) Turbid
b) Dark coloured inky
c) Milky white
d) Bloody offensive
Answer: (b)
Note Out of the variables given above (b) Dark coloured inky – is suggested
Stem: Colchicum
Urine: dark, scanty or suppressed; in drops, with white sediment; bloody, brown, black, inky; contains clots of putrid decomposed blood, albumin, sugar. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes.
Urine: Dark, scanty or suppressed; bloody, brown, black, inky; contains clots of putrid decomposed blood, albumin, sugar. Ref: Boericke Mat Med.
Q.8. Mercurius is antidoted by (NHMC/MD/Ent/2014):
a) Aurum met
b) Hepar sulph
c) Acid nitric
d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
Note Most suitable choice suggested among above variables is (d) All of the above.
Stem: Mercurius
The bad effects of Merc. are antidoted by Aur., Hep., Lach., Mez., Nit. ac., Sulph., and by a strong [high] potency of Merc., when the symptoms correspond. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes.
Q.9. Intermittent flow of urine, great difficulty in passing urine, urine flows, stops and flows again from prostate and uterine affections is one of the features of (NHMC/MD/Ent/2014):
a) Conium
b) Berb. vulg
c) Apis mel
d) Sabal serulata
Answer: (a)
Note The choice suggested among the above variables is (a) Conium.
Stem: Conium
…worse at night, when lying down, and during pregnancy (Caust., Kali br.). Great difficulty in voiding urine; flow intermits, then flows again; prostatic or uterine affections. Menses: feeble, suppressed; too late, scanty, of short duration; with rash of small red pimples over body which ceases with the flow (Dul.)… Ref: Allen’s Keynotes
Review of variables
S. No. | Variable/ Review |
Remark |
See as above | Conium | -Yes- |
Urine: greenish, blood-red, with thick, slimy mucus; transparent, reddish or jelly-like sediment. Movement brings on or increases urinary complaints. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes |
Berb vulg | -NA- |
Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts; can scarcely retain the urine a moment, and when passed scalds severely; frequent, painful, scanty, bloody. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes |
Apis mel | -NA- |
Constant desire to pass water at night. ENURESIS; paresis of sphincter vesicae. Chronic gonorrhoea. Difficult urination. Cystitis with prostatic hypertrophy. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes-NA-Ref: Boericke Mat Med. |
Sabal serrulata |
-NA- |
Q10. ‘Coryza ending in diarrhea’ is found in (NHMC/MD/Ent/2014):
a) Pothos
b) Allium cepa
c) Silicea
d) Selenium
Answer: (d)
Note The choice suggested among the above variables is (d) Selenium.
Review of variables
S.No. | Variable/ Review |
Remark |
Sneezing, with pain in throat. Pain in chest, with difficult breathing. Tongue feels numb. Asthma; relieved by stool. Ref: Mat Med by Boericke |
Pothos | -NA- |
Coryza: profuse, watery and acrid nasal discharge, with profuse, bland lachrymation [profuse, full of acrid tears, bland and fluent coryza, Euph.]. Acrid, watery discharge dropping from tip of nose [Ars., Ars. iod.]. Spring coryza: after damp northeasterly winds; discharge burns and corrodes nose and upper lip. Hay fever: in August every year; violent sneezing on rising from bed; from handling peaches. Nasal polypus [Mar.v., Sang., Sang. nit., Psor.]Ref: Allen’s Keynotes |
Allium cepa |
-NA- |
Itching at point of nose. Dry, hard crusts form, BLEEDING WHEN LOOSENED. Nasal bones sensitive. Sneezing in morning. Obstructed and loss of smell. Perforation of septum. Ref: Mat Med by Boericke |
Silicea | -NA- |
Coryza ending in diarrhoea. Hungry: at night [Cina, Psor.]; longing for spirituous liquors, an almost irresistible maniacal desire. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes |
Selenium | -Yes- |
Q11. ‘Sciatica, pain worse standing and resting on floor’ is found in (NHMC/MD/Ent/2014):
a) Rhus tox
b) Causticum
c) Valeriana
d) Colocynth
Answer: (c)
Note The choice among the above given variables suggested is (c) Valeriana.
Review of variables
S. No. | Variable/ Review |
Remark |
Muscular rheumatism, sciatica, left side [Col.]; aching in left arm, with heart disease. Great apprehension at night; fears he will die of being poisoned; cannot remain in bed. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes |
Rhus tox | -NA- |
Rheumatic affections, with contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the joints; tension and shortening of muscles [Am. m., Cimex, Guaiac., Nat.]. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes |
Causticum | -NA- |
Sciatica: pain < when standing and letting foot rest on floor [Bell.]; when straightening out limb, during rest from previous exertion; > when walking. Ref: Allen’s Keynotes |
Valeriana | -Yes- |