Delhi Homoeopathic board elections successfully concluded on 23rd Aug ‘2018 with very good show of the team of Dr. K.K Juneja who won the recently held Delhi elections. Doctors registered in delhi homoeopathic board show good enthusiasm and come in good numbers to support there favourite individual candidate. Total 9 candidates participated in the election. Following are the teams and Members :
First team includes :
- Dr KK Juneja
- Dr Aditya Kaushik
- Dr RC Aggarwal
- Dr Sandeep Kaila
Second Team :
- Dr Priyank Sharma
- Dr Ajay Raghav
- Dr Devendra Kr. Bhardwaj
- Dr Raj Kr. Sahota
One Independent Candidate :
- Dr D.C. Prajapati
Result: Below is the outcome of the Delhi board election, where Dr Juneja beats opposite team easily and maintain the legacy of 30yrs of functionality in Delhi Board.
1. Aditya narain kaushik 522/701
5. Kewal krishan juneja 563/701
7. Ramesh chand aggarwal 465/701
9. Sandeep KAILA 505/701
Winners of elections of Delhi board of homoeopathic. Thank u for coming and voting… Cheers to this team.