Abstract: A case of seizure attack was treated at N.I.H OPD. Many stigmas do revolve around seizure attacks even in the present society. But, this article will help understand the causative factor which apparently seem to be unknown, but, actually has a psychological impact on the mind. Homeopathy digs through the anamnesis of the case to search a simillimum and the patient gets cured.
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain characterized by recurrent seizures, which are brief episodes of involuntary movement that may involve a part of the body (partial) or the entire body (generalized), and are sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness and control of bowel or bladder function. Epilepsy is defined as having 2 or more unprovoked seizures. [1]
Excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells has been found to be the cause of such seizures. Seizures can vary from the briefest lapses of attention or muscle jerks to severe and prolonged convulsions. Seizures can also vary in frequency, from less than 1 per year to several per day. [1]
Case History
A boy 16 years old visited the N.I.H OPD with his mother. She told that he got severe convulsive attacks, sometimes 4-5 times per day.
Past History of Present Illness
On probing the case we learnt from the mother that during his early childhood he suffered from severe skin eruption which was suppressed by allopathic ointment and once he had an injury on the head as disclosed on further interrogation.
I needed more information for finding out the simillimum!
After discussion with the boy with very tactful questioning, we learnt that the boy had a habit of masturbation a few years back. Altogether, it was found that convulsion started from fingers of the hand.
Associated symptoms during attack was: face became blue and thumbs clenched.
ICD-10-CM Codes
G40.1 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures
Case Analysis and First Prescription
The case was very clear. I referred Synthesis Repertory by Dr. Frederik Schroyens for repertorisation. Though Cuprum metallicum was not found in disposition to masturbation in the repertory [Synthetic Repertory by F. Schroyens], only the symptom – indication helped me to prescribe Cuprum metallicum.
Cuprum metallicum 200, one single dose was prescribed.
Within a few days skin eruptions re-appeared and disgust feeling of masturbation gradually reduced.
It was a case having nature’s expression in those areas which were involved in the sin, therefore the convulsive attack started in the fingers. A punishment from finger to the fingers! Patient’s memory in the palm always reminds a feeling of guilt and shame. The background of the case reminded me to prescribe Cuprum metallicum 200, one single dose. Convulsive attacks were nothing but shaking off his guilt from the mind and blue appearance of face, was guilty and depressed expression. Guilt memory in mind and its repercussion on the muscles of palms were still alive in silent form. The whole attitude of the patient was in a nutshell, a graphic expression of what we have in Cuprum metallicum. His clenching thumb and the shake is an effort at unconscious level, an expression of guilt.
Dr Samuel Lilienthal in his book Homoeopathic Therapeutics has discussed Cuprum metallicum for epilepsy as:
Nocturnal epilepsy, or when the FITS RETURN AT REGULAR INTERVALS (menses),beginning with a sudden scream; unconsciousness; loss of sensibility and throwing the body upward and forward; convulsions commencing at the fingers or toes or in the arms with coldness of the hands and feet, and pallor or lividity of face; clenching the thumbs; suffocative paroxysms,; frequent emotion of urine; turbid urinal; piercing violent screaming; difficult comprehension or stupor; convulsions of children during dentition or from retrocession of an exanthema; extreme violence of the convulsions, with pale or livid face, slow pulse (often a sign of feeble muscular action of the heart), coldness of hands and feet; patient foretells the attack.[2]
The understanding of the case and patient is just to justify the memories in the muscles as well as convulsive attitude with its phenomenological expression of the guilt and suppression of the skin. Characteristic indication always has priority above all.
- Megiddo I, Colson A, Chisholm D, Dua T, Nandi A, and Laxminarayan R (2016). Health and economic benefits of public financing of epilepsy treatment in India: An agent-based simulation model. Epilepsia Official Journal of the International League Against Epilepsy doi: 10.1111/epi.13294.Available from: http://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/epilepsy
- Lilienthal Samuel. Homoeopathic therapeutics. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. Available from: https://books.google.co.in/books?id=CMMXEyH_rIkC&pg=PA391&lpg=PA391&dq=Nocturnal+epilepsy
- Schroyens F. Synthesis Repertory. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
Authored by: Dr LM Khan
Compiled and Presented by: Dr Abha
Adapted from:
A case of seizure attack was seeing at N.I.H OPD long ago; a boy with 16 years old; his mother told that he got severe convulsive attack sometime 4-5 times per day. On probing the case we learn from the mother that in his early childhood he has got severe skin eruption was suppressed by allopathic ointment and one injury on the head was also found in interrogation. I need more information for simillimum.
Discussion with the boy with very tactful questioning we learn that; boy has masturbation since few years back. Altogether it was found that convulsion is started from fingers of the hand and concomitant was during attack – face becomes blue and clenched thumbs.
It was a case having nature’s expression to those area which is involved to the sin, therefore convulsive attack started with the finger, a punishment from finger to the fingers. Patient’s memory in the palm having always reminds a feeling of guilty and shame. Concomitance and background of the case remind me to prescribe Cuprum metallicum 200, one single dose. Within a few days skin eruption re-appeared and disgust feeling of masturbation develop is gradually reduced.
Convulsive attack are nothing but shaking off her guilt from the mind and blue appearance of face, guilty and depressed expression guilt memory in mind and muscles of palms are still alive in silent form, whole attitude of patient is in nutshell a graphic expression, we have in Cuprum met. His clenching thumb is an effort at unconscious level as a guilt and shake.
Though Cuprum metallicum is not found in disposition to masturbation in the repertory [Synthetic Repertory by F. Schroyens], only the symptom – indication helped me to prescribe cuprum metallicum. The understanding of the case and patient is just to justify the memories in the muscles as well as convulsive attitude with its phenomenological expression of the guilt and suppress of the skin but indication has always having priority above all