The science was invented by Dr Hahnemann (A German Philosopher, MD Allopathic Doctor, Multi linguist, Translator) who had claimed to have invented New Principle of treatment much based on philosophy , written and rewritten six time with lots of amendments with lots of controversy and contradiction which has been assumed of unique type containing topics like (1) Vital Force (2) Organon (3) New Principle (4) Observation (5) Disease Classification (6) Theory Of MINI MONO (7) Law of Similar (8) Genus Epidemicus (9) Doctrine of Signature (10) Great Theory of MIASMS (11) Theory Of Dynamization.
I register that none of above was unique. On micro tracing almost all of his advocations are found to be derivatives of writings of ancient medicos or Medical philosophies, with few glimpses presented below.
Vide range similarity between philosophy of Indian System ( Ayurveda) and Homoeopathy was observed when a small book “ The Science of TRIDOSA” (page-V(32) ,That three cosmic elements has convincingly indicated that TRIDOSHA system fully embraces hearing’s doctrine of law of direction of cure.
To confirm this, I compared characteristics of Basic Principles of Ayurveda (Vat, Pitta & Kafa) from (1)to(4)and Miasms as mentioned in basic philosophy of homoeopathy ( Psora, Syphilis &Sycosis)from (9)to(16) and astonished to find enumerable symptoms comparable (similar) of Psora with Vat, syphilis with Pitta and Sycosis with Kafa ( App- 1)
Also Quoting article by Dr. D.P. Agarwal and Lalit Tiwari “ Ayurveda : Traditional Indian Medicine system and it’s Global Dissemination” that 16th century father of medicine Paracelsus borrowed heavily from Ayurveda because Basic Indian book Charak Samhita was translated in PARSIAN by Manak and in Arabic by Abdul Habib and all these books must be collected by Department of History of medicine which was started first time in world at Leipzig and at Brukenthal Palace (sibiu) Romania ,where work of Hippocrates, Galen & Dioscorides were also stored.
On tracking the Life History of Hahnamann it was revealed that he had been a librarian and catalogist at Brukenthal (sibiu) libraly (Page-4(18) and studied ANCIENT SCIENCES and LITERATURES & (Page-28(24)Different Languages during his stay for 20 months (1977-79) and started writing on various medical articles ,publication and translations.
Brief details of topics as mentioned in Para 1 is given below
THEORY OF VITAL FORCE -Before Dr. Hahnaman’s theory of Vital foce ( page-77 (20), there was theory of “VITAL PRINCIPAL” and LIFE FORCE Presented by Joseph Barhej (1734-1806) (page 14 (18) and in RIG VEDA too (page 14 & 68 (34).
ORGANON -Dr. Hahnaman wrote a book named “ ORGANON OF MEDICINE” which is much similar to NOVUM ORGANUM written by Francis Bacon (1561-1626 AD) basically it refers to book named “ORGANUM” by great philosopher ARISTOTLE (384-322 BC) who was student of Plato and Teacher of Alexander The Great. (Page 18(18).
PATIENT AS WHOLE -On Organon book, (page 13(18) , Dr. Hahnamann advocates to treat “sick Man as Whole” but same was projected by GIONRIO BAGLIVI (1668-1706) SICK MAN” TO SAY “ Patient as whole”.
NEW PRINCIPLE -Dr. Hahnemann wrote an essay on “New Principle” but when it was searched back the Idea was of Hippocrate as stated by Dr. DD Benarjee (page 11(18), “ that he had no other alternative than to depend on ideas of Hippocrate “ This depicts that H’man’s philosophy to some extent was percolated from basic ideology of Hippocrates.
OBSERVATION -Dr. Hahnaman insisted upon “power of observation before and after medication (page-13 (18), but before him Thomas Sydenham ( 1624-1689) reviver of Hippocratic theory of POWER OF OBSERVATION AND EXPERIENCE that“ He should make note of observation made by him “ was prevalent in and around medical world which indirectly denotes that is not original brain product of Dr Hanamann.( page-76(20).
THEORY OF MINI MONO -Doctor Hahnemann’s philosophy of MINI MONO and SIMPLE substance was advocated in aphorism 272(Page-82(20), was pre existing in Ayurveda and made prevalent as part of Hippocratic philosophy by Thomas Sydenham just before 17th century (page-13)18).
In Aphorism 5,72 of Organon of Medicine Dr. Hahnamann classified disease in (1) Acute (2) chronic (20) but it was done during AD 100 by ARETAEUS (page-12) (18).
PRINCIPAL OF SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTURE-Basic Principle as stated by Dr. Hahnaman is “Let like be treated by likes” or “ similia simlibus curenture “ (page 27-(18) but it was existing prehistorically in Ayurveda as “let like be treated by like(Page-139(5) or “ similar attracts similar (Basic Principle of Ayurvedic Philosophy) also Dr. Dudgeon quotes a long list of authors who before Hahnemann indicated clinical usefulness of LAW OF SIMILAR (21).
GENUS EPIDEMICUS- While treating CHOLERA ASCIATICA he searched out term GENUS EPIDEMICUS which was established by Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689) & others (page-2 (21), including HIPPOCRATES (22) ( It was known in Ayurveda in term of Janpadodhvansh)
“ DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURE Philosophy of of Homoeopathy( Specially Kents) had advocated DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURE” which was existing at pre-vedic period hence it can’t be an unique to homoeopathy( Net down load-23 ).
Dr. Hahnaman’s Biography indicates that he had changed his home/residence about 20 times or more (page-7(18), with 11 children (page-513 (19) , how he could gather money and hire a people to experiment on human being leave doubt about perfection of his work or there is areson to belive that something was pre fixed in his mind ,impregnated during his librarianship period.
THEORY OF MIASMS– In homoeopathy following constitution are described Psora,Syphilis, Sycosis (25 & 13), but when compared with TRI DOSAS OF AYURVEDA( VATA, PITTA & KOFA(2,4,5) it stands similar & identical to Psora, Syphiliis & sycosis of homoeopath(app-1)
THEORY OF DYNAMIZATION -Further his pain and interest to learn various languages, his secret of joining as librarian after obtaining MD degree and finally declared to have true and rational mode of treatment i.e. DYNAMIZATION which had existed in Ayurveda in Name of BHASMA (Triturisation and Mili micro fine Powder preparation)(page-35 (29), Again referring to original article by Silvia Vaises Priven (MD PH.d) & others title “ Hahnemann in Sibiu (33) which stated that “Dynamization had strong roots in medieval ARABIC ALCAMAY and Hahnemann could have had an access to such sources while he was at Sibiu.
Dr Hahnemann selected Alcohol which had power to penetrate deep in to inert substance and extract out back with curative power of medicinal substance to be called MOTHER TINCTURE(36)in homoeopathy , same was known in Ayurveda called FANT/KWATH( water or other media base)(Page-7&28(29 ).
Hahnemann theory of dynamization says absence of visible subatance or particles an unique type of treatment but same was preexisting in name of ARC system of medicine in south Indian part called as Dravida way of drug preparation(30) His close friends did not agree with his new ideas and speculation (page-4 (31) ,
And last but not least that during first word conference on history of Homoeopathy in April-1995 hot discussion had taken place on the point “ Did Hahnemann copy PARACELSUS (26) the answer was yes from various commentators. It was quoted that Dr. Hahnemann have avoided the to answer the question “ who is your role model”.
More light can be obtained from my flow chart (app.2) which will cater to the sources of ideas could have been impregnated, ignited and usheredup by Dr. Hahnemann before discovery of Homoeopathy.
Fascinating part of homoeopathic philosophy is that after 12 years of practice Dr. logically thought and discovered theory of MIASMS, something a new but characters of MIASMS presented are almost parallel to that of Ayurvedic TRIDOSAJ (MIASMS) i.e. VATA, PITTA, KOFA (App-1) , it leaves a question why so ?
In same book (32) Howard had stated that Homoeopathic medicine contains all three elements i.e. FIRE,AIR, & WATER have faculty of strengthening all the elements of DYNAMIC fields of body (by virtue of principle Similar attracts Similar prevalent in Ayurveda)
Dr. Hahnemann , had stayed and learnt various languages & studied ANCIENT SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHIES OF MEDICAL STALWARTS , and supported by forgoing paragraphs we are convinced to understand that Dr. Hahnamann had been touched by ideas of Ancient medicos specially PARACELSUS (22) and had referred literatures of others (page-93(19) but history of Ayurveda denotes that they have visited Naland and Taxashila Universities of India (page-137,155,144,147(28) and(Page257 (35) have adopted Indian materia medica and philosophy of TRIDOSA
From above presentation it become self explanatory that philosophy of homoeopathy is miniature copy or extract of Indian medicine philosophy (Ayurveda)
- Essentials of Aruveda by Dr.L P Gupta from Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratisthan 8 U.A. Bungalow Road, Jawaharnagar, Delhi – 7 – Reprint – 2001.
- The principle and practice of Kaya Chikitsa (Aurvedic internal medicine- by Dr. Suresh Babu from Chaukhambha Orientala, Varansi First edition – 2003.
- Aurvediya Vikruti Vigyan (Hindi) by B K Dwivedi Chaukhamba Krushnadas Academy, varansi 1st Edition, 2003.
- Basic Principle of Aurveda by Dr.V B Athavle Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan Delhi, 1st Edition, 1999.
- Introduction to Kay-Chikitsa by C. Dwarkanath chaukhambha orientalia varansi. Third edition 1996.
- Fundamentals of Aruvedic Medicines (R & E edition) by Vaidya Bhagvan Das 1999 from sri Satguru publication.
- Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann by R.E. Dudgeon 3rd Indian reprint from Calcutta Economic Homoeo Pharmacy 1981.
- Organon of Homoeopathy by Dr.B.K.Sarkar by M. Bhattacharya & co. 1983 Calcutta.
- Miasms Their effects on Human Organism. Raju Subramaniam B.Jain July-2001.
- Homoaopathy for you by Dr.Farooqui by Scorpio publication Bombay, 1st edition, 1981.
- Comparison of chronic Miasms by Phyllis Speight BJ Publication New Delhi, 1994.
- Comparative study of chronic Miasms by Dr. Y R Agraval 1985, vijay publication, New Delhi.
- Miasmatic Diagnosis Dr.S K Banerjea, B.Jain publication New Delhi.
- Indication of MIASMS B J Publisherby Harimohan ChoudharyRep.1997
- Spirits of organon by T.C. Mandal V I to III reprint 2004 by B.Jain publishers
New Delhi.
- Miasmatic Diagnosis in Homoeopathy. New Central book agency, Kolkata-
by Bimalmandal –
- Hahnamann and Paracelsus by JH Clarke MD by Potter Mordland sylvain
- Guide to organon of medicine & Hom. Philo. B.Jain Publisher Reprint 2001
- Life and letters of Dr. S. Hahnemann by Thomas Lindley Bradfoid,
Jain publisher reprint- 1986
- Organon of medicine by Samuel Hahnemann, Economic Homoeo
Pharmacy Calcutta 1981
- British Homoeopathy During two centuries by Peter Morreel part I origin of Homoeopathy & Hahnemann (net)
- Hippo crate ( Net Down Load)
- Views of Pioneer on Doctrine of signature ( Net down Load)
- Life Sketch of Samuel Hahnemann by Thomas and Brad ford B Jain Publisher Delhi 1986
- Lecture on Homoeopathic Philosophy by J T Kent by B Jain Publi.Rep. 2004
- ISBN 34 06 407005 world history of H’pathy by peter Morral
- AV- History of Ayurveda (Hindi) Hindi sahitya sammelan prayag 6th edition 1978
- Ayurveda KA ITIYAS & PARICHAYA (HINDI), Chakhambha sanskrut
pratisthan Delhi- 3rd edition 1993 - Ayurvediya Bhesajya kalpna by Harishnkar N Sharma Pub. University Publication Gujarat Gov.1997
- Ark Prakashan by Pandit Mukundram Khemraj Srikrushnadas Publication Bombay-4 , 2002
- Hahnemann Anti miasmatic prescribing by Richard H. Pitcairu Ph.D (Net)
- The science of Tridosha – The cosmic elements on homoeopathy by
Bintosh Bhattacharya with introducing by Howard D stangle USA printed
by firm KLM private Ltd. Calcutta 1992
- Hahnaman in Sibiu by Silvia Waisse. Priven (MD-PhD) possible influence of
ideas of Barond’Holbach - Vital force in health & disease by pro. SK Ramchandra Rao, Satguru publication 2002 Indian books centre Delhi India ISBN81-7030-741-4 by Joseph Barhej
- A Hand book of History of Ayurveda by K Nistheswar and Dr b Vidhyanath Pub. Chowkhamba Series Varansi
- Homoeopathic Pharmacy By-Goel Bombay
Aurvedic | Homoeopathic. | |
MIASMS are three VAT, PITTA, KOFA Characteristic of each MIASM. | Miasms are three, PSORA, SYPHILOS, SYCOSIS Characteristic of each MIASM. | |
1 | It is controller of all functions (LPG-10) | It is causation of all functional disease (HMC-13) |
2 | It is most important of 3 doseaj (LPG-110) | It is most ancient of 3 Miasms (HCD-9) |
3 | It is all pervasive, instantaneous (DWA-111) | Most universal most pernicious (YRA-6) |
4 | It very closely resembles nerve impulse (SB-113) | Nervous system is first affected (HCD-75) |
5 | It is cause of Maximum disease (LPG-110) | It is parent of multitudes of functional and pathological change(YRA-6) |
6 | It controls other two DOSAJ(LPG-125) | It controls other two Miasm (HCD-11) |
7 | It resides in ectorm (LPG-111) | It affects ecfodermal derivatives (TPM-111) |
8 | It Governs functions in general & Particular (LPG-116) | It produces only functional disturbances (BKB-360) |
9 | It has tendency for dislocation and fracture (ATH-139) | Tendency to dislocation and fracture (HCD-69) |
10 | It is active and hyper sensitive (SB-99) | It is active (SKB-104) and hypersensitive (HCD-77) |
11 | Emotional (ATH 120) talkative (ATH-150) | Emotional (SKB-10) Talkative (Phil-6) |
1 | Sour pungent test in mouth (ATH- 102) | Copper metallic taste in mouth (YRA-23) |
2 | Excess Pitta can Cause gangrene (SB-60) | Gangrenous condition (BKS-317) |
3 | Excess pitta will increased discharges (SB-60) | Discharge ameliorates (BKS-317) |
4 | Agg at night 10 to 2 PM | Pain < night (Phylip-15) |
5 | Agg by heat (ATH-102) | Pain < Heat (Phylip-15) |
6 | Mouth Bitter test in (SB-60) | Mouth Metallic coppery test (Philp-39) |
7 | Ulcer when pitta is aggravated (SB-60) | Ulceration (Philip-39) |
8 | Nose-It is responsible for smell (DW-145) | Nose- Loss of Smell (Philip-29) |
9 | Ameliorated by cold (ATH-102) | Desire Cold thing to eat (Philip-47) (BKS-317)Better by cold(YRA-28) |
10 | Aggravation from motion (DW) | Aversion to Meat (Philip-47_ |
11 | Agg. From Sour (DW) | Desire wine & time (HMC-41) |
12 | Aggravation Heat (DW) | Aggravation Heat & Night (HMC -41) |
13 | Bleeding tendency (SB-60) | Blood represents syphilis (SKB-12) |
14 | Burnings (SB-60) | Burning, bursting & tearing sensation (SKB-90) |
15 | Perspiration +++ (SB-60) | Profuse perspiration (YRA-23) |
16 | Putrid smell (SB-60) | Putrid smell (YRA-23) |
17 | Excessive Trist (SB-60) | Desire cold drinks (YRA-26) |
18 | Desire for cold water (BKD-15) | Desire cold drinks (YRA-26) |
19 | Ameliorated by Sweet, dance, music (ATH-102) | Desire sweet (HMC-41) |
20 | Aggravated by Raining season (ATH-102) | Aggravated by storm(farook-76) |
21 | Ameliorated by Dry climate (ATH-102) | Open air, cold climate (YRA-26) |
22 | Ameliorated by pleasant smell and music(ATH-102) | |
23 | Ameliorated by Cold bear (ATH-102) | Desire cold (HMC-41) |
24 | Pitta can cause oedema (SB-60) | Oedema & Anasarca (HMC-Extre) |
25 | It is described as fire (Agni) (DW-193) | It is called destructive MIASM (HMC-49)Itcorresponds to consumine fire (HMC-49)notes on Miasm |
1 | i. Coldness -it is cool (SB-63) |
i-Ame. by cold(Extre-R Subra-187) |
ii Whiteness(SB-63) |
ii-Sedimentation-Skin(R Subra-187) | |
iiiHeaviness – it is heavy (SB-63) | iii-Heaviness (in migrane) SKB-25 | |
ivSweetness – it is sweet(SB-63) | iv-Sweet leads to gear up weight gain(Gen) | |
v-Ame. by discharging energy by running, singing, riding, long speech(Ath-137) |
v- Ameliorated by onset of discharge(SKB-11)Violent motion (P.Spei.) | |
vi-Add to body growth (DWA-219) |
vi-Proliferation (BKS-370) |
vii-Presence of TUMOURS (SB-98) | vii-Tumors Fibroid sand Warts growth (YRA-17) | |
2 | i-Speech- speaks only required, (ATH P-117 to 126) | i-Secretive (RSub-178) |
ii-Hair- Dark, Strong, thick. (ATH P-117 to 126) | ii-Too Much growth of Hairs (BKS-370) | |
iii-Thirst- Little (ATH P-117 to 126 &142) | iii-( Left to readers decision) | |
iv-< Rain, Cold, Humidity , Winter…do… |
iv -< Rain, Rainy weather (SKB-116) | |
v-<, fat, High Food…do… |
v -< Fatty Meat , High Seasoned (SKB-116) | |
vi-< Feb to April…do… | vi< ( Left to readers decision) | |
vii- Charectristict of Disease…do… | vii– It is characterized | |
– obstruction |
– stasis in internal organs (Raji-s-146) | |
-Slowness,Dullness, Drawseyness | – Extremely slow (SKB-103) | |
-Stiffness | – Stiffness (SKB-14) | |
-Whitness / pallor | – Anemic (PNB-301) | |
-Supprased digestion |
– eating can’t digest(HMC-61) | |
-Hardening of tissues | -Condylomata, Augmented (SKB- | |
-Goitre,Obesity(Deposits and Concretion, |
-Gouty and Uric Acid Concretion(HMC-65) | |
– Increase in size,Tumours, (SB-98) |
– growth of any tissue (Skb 91to 101) | |
viii-< 6-10 AM or 6-10 PM(SB-106) |
viii-< Mid Nigh or AM(Speig-15) |
ix-Mouth Test – Sweet/ Sour (SB-98) |
ix–Mouth test Putrid, Musty fishyHMC- 62, YRA-19) | |
x- Cirrhosis, Skin- Anus- Pruritus (SB-98) |
x-Hepato Sleenomegaly (SKB-62) Puritus anus (SKB-116) |
xi-n Urticaria (SB-62) |
xi-Spider Spot on upper Part of Face (Raju-s -146) | |
xii- Presence of Catarrh (SB-98) | xii-Catarrhal discharges (Raju’s -146) |
- LPG-Essentials of Aruveda by Dr.L P Gupta from Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratisthan 8 U.A. Bungalow Road, Jawaharnagar, Delhi – 7 – Reprint – 2001.
- SB-The principle and practice of Kaya Chikitsa (Aurvedic internal medicine_ by Dr. Suresh Babu from Chaukhambha
Orientala, Varansi First edition – 2003. - BKD -Aurvediya Vikruti Vigyan(Hindi) by B K Dwivedi Chaukhamba Krushnadas Academy, varansi 1st Edition, 2003.
- ATH-Basic Principle of Aurveda by Dr.V B Athavle Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan Delhi, 1st Edition, 1999.
- DWA-Introduction to Kay-Chikitsa by C. Dwarkanath chaukhambha orientalia varansi. Third edition
- VBD-Fundamentals of Aruvedic Medicines (R & E edition) by Vaidya Bhagvan Das 1999 from sri Satguru publication.
- HCD-Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann by R.E. Dudgeon 3rd Indian reprint from Calcutta Economic Homoeo Pharmacy 1981.
- BKS-Organon of Homoeopathy by Dr.B.K.Sarkar by M. Bhattacharya & co. 1983 Calcutta.
- Sub/Raji-The Nucleus Dr.E S Rajendra, Mohan publishers kalicut kerala.
- _Homoaopathy for you by Dr.Farooqui by Scorpio publication Bombay, 1st edition, 1981.
- Philip/Speig– comparison of chronic Miasms by Phyllis Speight BJ Publication New Delhi, 1994.
- YRA-Comparative study of chronic Miasms by Dr. Y R Agraval 1985, vijay publication, New Delhi.
- SKB-Miasmatic Diagnosis Dr.S K Banerjea, B.Jain publication New Delhi.
- HMC- Indication of MIASMS B J Publisherby Harimohan ChoudharyRep.1997
15- Spirits of organon by T.C. Mandal V I to III reprint 2004 by B.Jain publishers New Delhi.