Practical Utility of Repertory for the Selection of the Simillimum - homeopathy360

Practical Utility of Repertory for the Selection of the Simillimum

repertoryAbstract: Repertory is a tool to reach at the Simillimum. The process of Repertorization is essentially an elimination, which starts with a broad choice and slowly narrows down giving us an adequate small group of medicines, so that the final selection is made easier with the help of further reference to the each individual rubric and its counterpart in Materia Medica. The following case demonstrates the practical utility of Repertory for the selection of the Simillimum.


Homeopathic Case Record:

Mr. KDN a 30 year old male with an anxious look on the face and a fair complexion came for his complaints of breathlessness, cough and other symptoms. He was a known case of bronchial asthma.



Date:  25-12-06 Name:  Mr K DN Age/Sex:  30 yrs/Male
Religion:  Hindu Education:  Studied till 12th standard Occupation: Service
Marital status: Married Spouse:  25 yrs
Occupation: House wife
Children: A 2 year old son.
Father: 65 years old
Occupation: Retired Military Man
Mother:  55 years Brothers: 2 Sisters: 2
Diet: Non Vegetarian Address: Mumbai



Chief Complaint

Location Sensation Modalities Accompaniments
Respiratory System
Since 3and a half to 4 years
Frequency: 1/week
Pace: Gradually increasing
Duration: Few Hours
Cough short bouts3+ with occasional white expectoration
< Winter3+
< Dust2+
< Night2+
< Change of temp2+
(Hot to Cold)
(Cold to Hot)



Past History (P/H): Nothing significant      Family History (F/H): Nothing significant


Treatment History: Inhaler- Asthaline occasionally.



Physical Generals- Patient as a Person

  • Appearance: Lean built
  • Perspiration: Normal
  • Appetite: Normal
  • Hunger: Aggravation
  • Thirst: Normal
  • Cravings: Pungent2+, Salt2 +
  • Aversion: Sweets2+
  • Stool: Normal
  • Urine: Normal
  • Sleep: Normal
  • Dreams: Gets Frightfuldreams3+ regularly and wakes up frightened
  • Sexual Function: Normal
  • Skin: Wounds healing Normal
  • Thermal State: Chilly


* The superscripts 3+, 2+, 1+ in the case denote intensity of the symptoms.


Life Space Investigation: Patient is basically from Nainital where he spent his childhood along with his four other siblings. He is the youngest among the siblings, and has two elder brothers and two elder sisters. His father is a retired army man who is a good natured but strict and disciplined person.  His childhood days were good where he studied till 12th standard and then appeared for further studies in army but was not selected in the race and had to leave his desire to become a part of Indian army.  Further studies were not possible as father was not capable of providing patient private education.  His eldest brother had  joined  army  while  patient  came  to  Boisar  and  started  working in  chemical company. He is sensitive to injustice done to others and helps that person to get justice. On few occasions he was scolded by his boss because of his unnecessary involvement in his coworkers matter. Inspite of reaction of boss patient helps to those who are in need of help. Patient is having anxiety while doing his work about proper completion of it. He is having good relationship with his coworkers. Patient is an anxious person by nature and gets disturbed sleep and persistent similar sort of anxiety about his health. Patient feels that the anxiety is felt at the chest area and it may start his respiratory complaints. Patient can’t watch, read or listen about cruelties or violence done to others. Because of his sensitivity he likes only watching comedy serials and movies. Patient was married 4 years back and stays with his family at Boisar. His wife is good by nature and there are no interpersonal relationship problems.


Examination Findings:

On examination (O/E)
General Appearance: Lean
Temp: 98.8 0 F
Pulse: 82/minute
RR: 22/minute
BP: 130/80 mm Hg
Weight: 52 kg
Systemic examination (S/E)
CNS: NAD           CVS: S1S2 Normal
R/S: Wheeze2+
Bilaterally Decreased Air Entry
P/A: Soft     LS: Not Palpable
* RR- Respiratory Rate, BP- Blood Pressure, CNS- Central Nervous System, CVS- Cardiovascular System, R/S- Respiratory System, P/A- Per Abdomen, L- Liver S-Spleen



Case Processing

  • Disease Diagnosis and Miasmatic Understanding:

Bronchial Asthma: – Disease Considerations

Precipitants: Winter3+, Dust2+, Night2+, Change of Temp2+

Symptoms: Cough in short bouts3+ with occasional white expectoration


On Examination: R/R- 22/min

                              R/S: Wheeze2+

                                       Bilaterally Decreased Air Entry




Dominant Miasm: Sycosis- Pathology [1] Bronco spasms [2] Pathological Reversible Disease


Fundamental Miasm: Tubercular-Mind- Anxiety2+ Sensitivity, Hunger agg., Dreams2+

  • Hahnemannian Classification of Disease: Chronic
  • Susceptibility with Reasons: Moderate – Few characteristics available.
  • Sensitivity: Moderate- Few qualified mental attributes
  • Potency: 200 (Considering the nature of pathology, level of susceptibility and miasmatic understanding)
  • Repetition: Infrequently
  • Selection of Repertory: This case has qualified mental and physical generals hence Complete Repertorial approach has been selected.


  • Repertorial Totality with Classification and Evaluation of Symptoms
Rubrics Classification and Evaluation of Symptoms
Mind, Anxiety Chest in
Mind, Sensitive to cruelties, violence
Mind, Injustice cannot support
Mind, Dreams Frightful3+
Generalities, Chilly
Generalities, Hunger: Aggravation
Generalities, Cravings: Pungent2+
Generalities, Cravings: Salt2+
Generalities, Aversion: Sweets2+
Stomach, Appetite: Decreased
Characteristic Mental General, Emotional, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Mental General, Emotional, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Mental General, Emotional, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Mental General, Emotional, Subconscious, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Physical General, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Physical General, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Physical General, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Physical General, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Physical General, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Physical General, Dispositional Symptom
Characteristic Physical General, Dispositional Symptom


  • Repertorial Sheet


  • Repertorial Result
Chilly Totality and Symptoms Covered Hot Totality and Symptoms Covered
Phosphorous 23/07 Sulphur 21/07
Calcarea Carbonicum 21/07
Causticum 18/07
Nitric Acid 16/07


  • Final Selection of Constitutional Remedy: After Repertorization of this case we came to a group of remedies and we will consider the first five closely coming remedies viz. Phosphorous, Sulphur, Calcarea, Causticum and Nitric Acid. Thermal state of patient is chilly therefore Sulphur is not considered for final differentiation.


Phosphorous was the first drug of choice as it is covering the totality of symptoms apart from the sensitivity towards cruelties watched, heard off or seen by patient. Only two remedies cover this symptom Calcarea carbonicum and Hepar sulphuris calcareum. Therefore, synthetic prescription of Calcarea phosphoricum is selected as the final choice of remedy.

  • First Prescription: Calcarea phosphoricum 200 single dose at bedtime
  • Advice: Breathing Exercises, Avoid Exertion and Exposure to precipitating factors


Follow up

Date Follow Up Interpretation Action
02/01/07 Coryza >3+ Cough>1+
Expectoration same
Dyspnoea >
Didn’t take any allopathic treatment
On Examination:- Vitals stable
Respiratory System: R/R- 18/min
Wheeze >
Air Entry- Right side decreased
Left side Improved
1. Subjective distress minimized
2. Objective findings are supporting to subjective relief
3. Disease Activity >
4. No new symptoms
Calc-p. 200 single dose at bed time
Placebo 2 pills qds x 7 days
10/01/07 No Coryza Cough>2+
Expectoration >1+
Dyspnoea same as last follow up
On Examination:- Vitals stable
Respiratory System: R/R- 18/min
Wheeze >2+
Air Entry- Right side Improved
Left side Improved
1. Subjective distress in terms of Dyspnoea  same
2. Objective findings better than last follow up
3. Disease Activity >
4. No new symptoms
Calc-p. 200 single dose at bed time
Placebo 2 pills qds x 7 days
19/01/07 No Cough
No Expectoration
Dyspnoea occasional  on exertion
On Examination:- Vitals stable
Respiratory System: R/R- 18/min
No Wheeze
Air Entry Bilaterally Equal
1. No Subjective distress
2. Objective findings positive
3. Disease Activity >3+
4. No new symptoms
Placebo 2 pills qds x 7 days



Since 19/01/07 the patient came only once or twice in a year during change of weather or before the onset of winter for a prophylactic measure to avoid subjective and objective distress, at that time Calc-p. 200 single dose and afterwards in multiple doses were repeated. In between acute exacerbations were managed with Kali-c., Ars-alb., Bry., as per the acute state to which patient responded very well. Considering the miasmatic load in between, the patient was administered Tuberculinum 1M infrequently. Patient is currently doing well with Homeopathic treatment and doesn’t need allopathic treatment for his acute or chronic complaints.



  • Tiwari, 2012, Essentials of Repertorization, 5th ed. New Delhi, B. Jain Publications.
  • Boericke, W 1999, Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, 9th ed. Calcutta, Modern Homoeopathic Publications.


About the Authors: Dr. Tejas Trivedi MD (HOM) ICR, Mumbai is an Assistant Professor, Department of Organon at Virar Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Virar and he has been practicing Classical Homeopathy since last seven years at Mind and Body Wellness Centre, Mumbai.


Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar, MD (Hom) ICR has been practicing Classical Homeopathy for last seven years at Mathura Homoeopathic Clinic, Latur and he is author of many homeopathic articles.

Source: The Homoeopathic Heritage, December, 2013



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