The book has been compiled with immense information about each drug arranged in a fashion so as to make it easy, accessible and comprehensible at the same time. This is a complete textbook of Materia Medica for students and a reference book for practitioners.
The book covers around 350 drugs along with many rare ones such as Badiaga, Chimaphila umbilata, Duboisinum etc.
The presentation and layout has been tailored in a manner so as to provide complete details on a single sheet and at a quick glance.
Includes viva notes for exams
Covers many riveting concepts such as Origin of Homoeopathy , Dreams , Pulse , Trios of remedies etc.
About the authors
Dr Anuradha. V. Chavan graduated from Dhondumama Sathe Homeopathic College, Pune with distinction in Materia Medica. She completed her MD from Y.M.T. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & P.G. Institute, Kharghar, Mumbai. She has been teaching Materia Medica in Satara Homoeopathic College for the last 17 years and has also treated thousands of patients in this period. Her articles on Homoeopathy have been published in various national and international journals like Heritage, National Journal of Homeopathy and Classical Homoeopathy. She has also authored various books concerning promotion of Homoeopathy.
Book Review of "Complete Homoeopathic Materia Medica at a Glance: With Viva Notes"
Dr Ravi N. Bhosale