RESIDENTS across South Gloucestershire are being given the chance to voice their views on the way certain health services are delivered.
A consultation looking at possible changes to prescribing gluten free products, delivery of homeopathy services and changes to criteria covering breast reconstruction after cancer surgery has been launched by Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), and will run for 12 weeks from Monday.
Members of the public, patients, community groups, GPs and health partners will have the opportunity to comment.
“No decisions will be made until the consultation has ended and the results analysed.”
The proposals include a review of NHS funded homeopathy across the area and the removal of gluten free products from the list of prescriptions for patients in Bristol aged 18 and over.
Under the gluten free proposal, GPs would still retain clinical discretion where it was felt necessary and have a limited list of products to be prescribed for under 18s.
The consultation, which launched on Monday, will run for 12 weeks and will include online surveys, face to face briefings, presentations and targeted meetings to user groups and service providers.
Anyone wishing to take part can do so by visiting