Most of the sports injuries are of the traumatic type such as a bruise, muscle strain, ligament sprain, fractures, etc. Others include muscle soreness, muscle cramps, stiffness, cuts and abrasions. The effect of these injuries is two-fold. One the cells that made up soft tissues gets damaged and the second is fatigue and weakness. Sometimes fear can also lead to injuries. The body response to traumatic injuries is inflammation.
Inflammation is characterised by pain, swelling, heat, redness and loss of function.
“The process of inflammation is a necessary response to injury which, through a range of complex processes, allows the renewal and healing of damaged tissue” [1] [click to tweet].
A study after the Los Angeles Marathon found that one in seven runners came down with an upper respiratory infection after taking part in the race, compared with just two out of 100 runners who didn’t compete [2]. The most commonly found upper respiratory infections are tonsil, pharyngitis, sinus, otitis media, cold and rhinitis.
German Soccer stars use homeopathy [3,4]
Back in 2008, a magazine article stunned the critics of the homoeopathic treatment approach [4]. 24 out of 26 doctors (92.3%) who work for the Bundesliga’s first- and second-division sides (German football league) prescribed homeopathic cures for 76% of the football clubs.
“The success stories are impressive,” said Peter Billigmann, a sports doctor and the head of the Koblenz Institute for Performance Diagnostics and Sports Medicine that carried out the study, in an interview with the Spiegel news magazine. “Homeopathic substances don’t have any side effects, and we’re on the safe side where doping is concerned.”
The world anti-doping agency (WADA) considers homeopathic remedies free of restriction unless they have been produced from substances listed as prohibited [22].
Professor Billigmam acknowledged that Homoeopathy is effective in reducing the physical stress on the physique caused by the exertion in exercise and called traumeel, the diclofenac of homeopathy and recommends its topical use [15].
He acknowledged that there is a faster recovery from injury and obtained impressive results from giving a combination of Echinacea compositum Cosmoplex®,Engystol®,Lymphomyosot® and Gripp-Heel® for one month, three times a year (January,April and October) to athletes [16]
“I am a doctor that uses homeopathy and not a homeopath. I am open to all techniques. I consider that there is only one medicine comprising various techniques. We doctors have to know how to use the entire arsenal. As a sports doctor, I quickly discovered that except for anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants, I was very limited in the care of athletes. I, therefore, tried to find something else. I began to use homeopathy, first occasionally, and then more and more.
At first, the athletes were surprised and some of them even wary. So I explained how and why homeopathy acts. The greatest value in sports? Its speed of action. I can use it directly on the soccer field, within seconds of the trauma, and note the results almost immediately. For example, in traumatology with Arnica, and without any adverse reactions on the stomach or liver. I also use homeopathy to treat ORL, stress or dermatology problems.
The players are highly trained. Therefore, they are a population at risk with a slightly defective immune system. We have to protect their health, accompany them in their performance by limiting the risks to a maximum. This involves emphasis on prevention, taking into account the personality of each player. I try to get to know them as well as possible, on all levels. I now know that this approach is that of homeopathy. Abroad, I have often been told that France is ahead in sports medicine. Homeopathy has certainly contributed to this” [11]
“Homeopathy can provide a preventive and curative action, as well as stimulate the body’s natural defences; and speeds up recovery. There is no risk of doping which produces a high level of acceptability among athletes” [20]
-Jean-Marcel Ferret, doctor to the French soccer team from 1993 to 2004, the period which included their World Cup win
David Beckham used homeopathy for a broken foot just prior to the 2002 World Cup [5].
“I support what they do, and I know that homeopathic medicines are used by many celebrities and their entire families. Following homeopathy has helped me immensely and boosted my confidence thereby improving my performance.” [21]
-Marko Pantelic, Serbian Football Player
“My health is my top priority, from eating a balanced diet to the types of medicine I use.
Training six times a week is incredibly demanding and it’s more important than ever to keep my body in the best possible condition.
Homeopathy offers me a positive and natural way to prevent sporting ailments such as exertion, muscular pain and aching joints, without any residual effects on my performance.
I use remedies such as Ruta grav, which helps treat sprained ligaments, Gelsemium for pre-race jitters, Arnica for bruising and Bellis perennis to treat exertion.
They all offer athletes a natural alternative to traditional and sometimes harmful medicines.” [6]
-James Ellington, British Olympic sprinter and 2nd fastest sprinter in UK
“I am a fan of arnica and recommend all the Athletes in my Street Athletics programme have it in their kit bag to help with sprains and strains.” [7] -Linford Christie, 1992 Barcelona Olympic 100m sprint Champion
Jim Rogers and Neil Ridsdale holds the record for the fastest time on the Yorkshire Wolds Way, ran the 79 miles from Filey to Hessle in an incredible 13 hours and 23 minutes.
Jim said, “Several trials of homeopathy have considered the effects on sports injuries, such as ankle sprains, muscle strains and muscle soreness after exercise, while others have homed in on the kinds of health problems many athletes are prone to, including upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, hay fever and cramps.” [8].
3. Heptathlon

Louise Hazel in action during London Olympic 2012
Louise Hazel said, “As a professional Athlete I believe it’s incredibly important to carefully consider what you are putting into your body. That is why I take a natural approach to my health and well-being. As an Olympic Athlete, I have used Homeopathy countless times to assist with the various bumps and bruises that I have suffered from hitting hurdles. My favourite Homeopathic remedy is arnica and I wouldn’t dream of using anything else. Homeopathy offers a range of natural remedies.”
“I use homeopathy to treat everything from early signs of coughs and colds to sports injuries, for myself and my family.
I embrace homeopathy as a way of life, visit my homeopath every few months and use a whole host of remedies. Homeopathy has worked wonders for me personally and I cannot deny its effectiveness.
As a mother to three teenagers, I have raised my children on homeopathy, using remedies whenever they have been unwell as well as for their general wellbeing.
Taking a leaf out of their mother’s book, my children have even been known to lecture the school doctor on the benefits of homeopathy as opposed to traditional medicines such as antibiotics.” [9]
Annabel used homeopathy for her left ovarian cyst in 2003.
“I’d grown up believing diseases were out there waiting to get us. When I saw Hilery Dorrian (a homeopath), I was astonished to see my ideas of health turned on their head. She explained to me that homeopathy treats the real causes of illness in the body, not just the symptoms – as conventional medicine does. The whole concept made so much sense to me. It was a huge turning point.
“Hilery didn’t perform a physical examination. Instead, she asked me about my background, my personality, my emotions, what made me stressed – even my parents’ health. She constructed a picture of me and gave me a remedy made up exactly to treat my left ovary.”
After taking the prescribed pillules, her cyst gradually became less painful; the throbbing stopped; and she never went back to her GP. She is convinced that the homeopathic remedies she took enhanced and perhaps speeded up the healing process.
“And at home, we all rely on homeopathic medicine. When I or one of the children [Amber, Charlie, 13, and Lily, 11] have a cold, we take pulsatilla [a native British flower]. And I always have handy some arnica for bruises, calendula for cuts and grazes, belladonna [not poisonous at this level of dilution] for a throbbing head, and nux vomica [a tree extract that contains traces of strychnine], which I take after the occasional over-indulgence. It gets rid of that ‘uhhh’ feeling in the morning.”
When the family went to Thailand for a wedding, Amber suffered severe food poisoning. “I gave her Arsenicum album, which worked very quickly. She went from throwing up all night to dancing at the party.”
Annabel’s husband, Mel Coleman, a 46-year-old former yachtsman and now a businessman, is also a convert.
“I’m passionate about homeopathy,” she says. “I sing its praises at dinner parties where I find my audience is one-half sceptical and one-half increasingly curious.”
And she backs the notion that homeopathy might be useful at Wimbledon. “I’ve used gelsemium in the past to calm my nerves before presenting Wimbledon, but it’s possible it may also work for Andy Murray. However, homeopathic remedies are designed to help with specific symptoms and Andy’s may be different to mine.” [18]
– Annabel Croft
More Tennis Superstars scoring with Homeopathy: Martina Navratilova, Boris Becker (Olympic Player) [5]
“When I fall on the ice, I treat my bruises with arnica tablets or cream, which seems to help” [10].
More Skating Superstars scoring with Homeopathy: Elvis Stojko (figure skating) [5].
“On the field, with the slightest trauma, I prescribe Arnica. I always have tubes and doses on me.
During the preparation of athletes, homeopathy has a special place in the treatment of stress. Finally, it is complementary to other treatments in the lesions of tendons.
In our practice of sports medicine, we have to be quickly effective. Without being a homeopathic physician, homeopathy is part of my therapeutic arsenal. I know where it can be used and how.” [11]
– Dr. Philippe Lageyre, sports doctor, he accompanies the rugby teams
Rugby player Will Greenwood (UK) also uses homeopathy [12] 7. JAVELIN THROW
– Kate Schmidt (USA), two-time javelin Olympic bronze medalist uses homeopathy [13] 8. CRICKET
Zaheer Khan used arnica for “tightening of quadriceps” [14] 9. GOLF
Jose Maria Olazabal (Spain) used homeopathy for rheumatoid arthritis in multiple joints [5, pp. 91] More Golf Superstars scoring with Homeopathy: Nancy Lopez [5] 10. EQUESTRIAN
Sonja Johnson, Member of the Australian Equestrian Team, silver medalist at Beijing Olympics 2008, supported the use of homoeopathy.
3 days before she was due in Hong Kong she rang a homoeopath for advice about her horse’s hoof abscess which was not responding to orthodox treatment. After homoeopathic treatment her horse was well enough to compete, and won the silver medal for the Aussie Equestrian team.
She said, “I was first introduced to the advantages of homoeopathy in life and particularly sport and sport horses when based in England in 1997.
We all want to keep ourselves and our equine partners in as good a shape as possible to perform the job at hand.
Non-homoeopathic medicines have their place; however, with the drug testing of athletes being so stringent these days, anything that can give you a therapeutic benefit while being within the rules is a huge bonus.
My Witch’s kit (Helios Homoeopathic Kit for Accidents and Emergencies), as we affectionately call it in the family, is always in the float and provides me with great amusement as I watch the sceptics become believers after they benefit from its use.” [19]
11. Arsenicum Album 6c was rouinely used for Boxing Team in Indian Military Aademy, Dehradun in 1959-60. Homeopathic medicine is being used by Basketball Team of Indian Army Service Corps. Homeopathic medicine was given an Official Status in 9th Asian Games, 1982 where it was given to Indian Contingent as sports medicine [25]
12. More Sports Superstars: Scoring with Homeopathy [5]
Paul O’Neill (New York Yankee), Kelly Slater (surfing), Arnie Kander (Strength and Conditioning Coach, NBA Detroit Pistons), David Moncoutié (cyclist), Pat Riley (basketball coach, Miami Heat), Hermann Maier (skiing), Misty Hyman (swimming), Marie-Hélène Prémont (mountain biking)
The most commonly used homeopathic medicines are Arnica Montana, Arsenicum Album, Ruta Graveolens, Rhus Toxicodendrom, Hypericum, Ledum Pal, Calendula, Symphytum, Bellis Perennis, Bryonia and Strontium Carbonicum. Among them, Arnica and Rhus tox are most widely used. You can know more about these and other remedies here [23].
Clarke’s ‘A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica’ describes Arsenicum Album thus: “Arsenic is the remedy for the effects of prolonged endurance. It has the power of strengthening the muscles of the limbs and that of the breathing apparatus.”
About traumeel, Dr. Peithner AG said, “It is the best documented homeopathic drug whose effect could be demonstrated in comparative studies already” [17]
About Arnica, Dr. Bart Flick, orthopaedic surgeon from Louisiana said, “The sooner I get a dose of Arnica to a person with a ligament or soft tissue contusion, the faster there is a resolution to the problem. Arnica cuts healing time in half or less”. [5]
Remedies for Injuries-1
Remedies for Injuries-2
- Homeopathic medicines speed up the healing process and get the sportsperson back to training and performing more quickly.
- No Risk of Doping: Doping is use of illegal drugs to increase performance in field. Since homeopathic medicine are colloidal solutions and contains nanoparticles, they do not show up in any drug testing procedures (blood tests).
- High-Quality Research Evidence available in 39 statistically significant human research studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals mentioned below
Ruta Graveolens 30C for the treatment of pain in plantar fasciitis (foot) (2000) // n=14, non-individualised
Use of Arnica to relieve pain after carpal-tunnel release surgery (2002) // n=37, t= 2 weeks, 3 times per day, Oxford Quality score=5/5
Homeopathic Treatment of chronic low back pain (2009) // n=129, t=2 years, quality of life improved
Efficacy and safety of a homeopathic gel Spiroflor SRL in the treatment of acute low back pain(2001) FULL TEXT // SRL (Symphytum, RhusTox, Ledum Pal) is equally effective as Cremor Capsici Compositus FNA but has better safety profile, Double-blind Randomised Trial with n=21, high quality study
FIBROMYALGIA (Pain and Inflammation in muscles) (earlier called as fibrostis)
Arnica, Bryonia & Rhus Tox for Fibromyalgia (1986) // n=24, significant improvement in pain (p<0.05) and sleep (p<0.05), Jaded score=3
Rhus Tox 6c thrice daily vs placebo for treatment of Fibromyalgia (1989) // FULL TEXT // fibromyalgia (earlier known as fibrositis) (Pain & Inflammation in muscles,n=30, non-individualised study, RT given thrice daily, significant fewer tender points compared to placebo (p<0.005), improvement in pain and sleep compared to placebo (p=0.0052), Therapeutic success was observed in 11/30 homeopathy patients and 4/30 in placebo group, this study got replicated in above rheumatology journal (2004), Jadad score=4, Linde Quality=3
Improved Clinical Status in Fibromyalgia patients treated with homeopathic remedies Vs Placebo(2004) FULL TEXT // n=53, t=3 months, individualised 41 remedies in LM potency, significant fewer tender points compared to placebo, 25% improvement in tender point pain on palpation (p=0.008), improvement in Fibromyalgia score (P<0.05) and Global health rating (p<0.05), improvement in McGill Affective pain score compared to placebo (p<0.01), significant improvement in quality of life and depression, Jaded score=5, SIGN=GOOD
Individualised Homeopathy as an adjunct to usual care for fibromyalgia (2009) FULL TEXT //n=47, p<0.01 on Fibromyalgia impact Questionnaire score in favour of homeopathy (7.62 vs 3.63), randomized, OTP controlled, Jadad score=2
PHARYNGITIS (Inflammation of the mucous membranes of nose & throat)
Homeopathic & antibiotic treatment strategies in recurrent acute rhinopharyngitis (2005) // Inflammation of the mucous membranes of nose & throat.In 499 patients homeopathy yielded significantly better results than antibiotics in terms of effectiveness, number of complications and quality of life
OTITIS MEDIA (inflammation of middle ear)
Individualised Homeopathic treatment of otitis media (2001) // n= 75, 8 different remedies in C30 potency; 4 most commonly used (88%) were Pulsatilla nigrans, Chamomilla, sulphur, Calcarea carbonica; 3-5 pellets 3 times daily, significant decrease in symptoms at 24 and 64 hrs after treatment in favour of homeopathy (P<0.05) compared to placebo, OR=1.84, Jadad score=5
Homeopathy in acute otitis media (2001) FULL TEXT // n=230, t=12 hours, 72% of those using homeopathy had significant relief. Resolution rates were 2.4 times faster than in placebo controls. Compared to conventional treatment the homeopathic approach was 14% cheaper
Homoeopathic treatment of otitis media (1997) FULL TEXT // n=131, duration of pain of 2 days in homeopathy-group & 3 days in conventional group. 70.7 % & 56.5% of children receiving homeopathy & conventional respectively did not have another ear infection the next year
Effect of Homeopathic Arnica Montana on Bruising in Face Lifts (2006) FULL TEXT // n=129, Arnica every 8 hours for 4 days post-operation, significant difference in favour of homeopathy on day 1 (p<0.005) and day 7 (p<0.001), sign level=1-
Efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome (2004) FULL TEXT // Triple-Blind Study, n=93, t=6 months, homeopathy significantly improved function and fatigue compared to placebo, p=0.04 Weak but equivocal evidence that the effects of homeopathic medicine are superior to placebo, OR=1,47, Jadad score=5
Effect of Arnica 30X on muscle soreness in marathon runners (2003) // muscle soreness immediately after a marathon run was lower in the Arnica treated group than in those treated with placebo (p=0.04)
Effects of the Arnica 30X on 1995 Oslo marathon runners (1998) FULL TEXT // n=71, reduces muscle soreness immediately after the marathon (p=0.017). Severity score after running was 6.27±1.85 in homeop. patients and 7.28±2.48 in placebo patients, Sign level=1+, Arnica 30x 5 pills twice a day for 3 days
A trial comparing two homeopathic drugs against placebo for muscular cramps found the homeopathic preparations to be therapeutically superior. Allgemeine Homeopathische Zeitung 1976; 221: 26-31
Rhus Tox, Traumeel, etc for treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy (1986) FULL TEXT
Traumeel S ointment for tendon injuries (2005) // traumeel superior to diclofenac gel
Traumeel superior to conventional medicine (2008)
Comparison of acetylsalicylic acid with Eupatorium perfoliatum 2X in treatment of common cold(1981) // homeopathy equals conmed
Euphorbium, Pulsitilla & Luffa for viral infection of respiratory tract, Influenza A virus & rhino virus(2001) FULL TEXT Euphorbium Compositum, a combination remedy
Gripp-Heel (Aconitum 4X, Bryonia 3X, Eupatorium 2X, Lachesis 11X, Phosphorous 4X) for respiratory viral infections (2007) FULL TEXT
Cost-benefit evaluation of homeopathic versus conventional therapy in respiratory diseases(2009) FULL TEXT // treatment by homeopathy costs 50% less
To investigate the effectiveness of homeopathy in medical primary care in upper and lower respiratory tract complaints, 01 Feb 2008, pp. 3-19
Euphorbium Compositum nasal spray for sinusitis (1995) FULL TEXT // n=155, Subjective responses showed a greater improvement in those using homeopathic combination remedy
Homeopathic treatment of patients with chronic sinusitis (2009) FULL TEXT
Homeopathy in acute rhino-sinusitis (2007) FULL TEXT // n=144, t=21 days, homeopathic treatment resulted in freedom from complaints in 90.3% of the patients & improvement in a further 8.3%, whereas in placebo group, the complaints remained unchanged or became worse in 88.9% of the patients, p<0.0001, combination remedy (sinfrontal)
Sinfrontal for Acute Maxillary Sinusitis (Sinus + tooth pain) (2007) // n=113, combination remedy
Sinfrontal (Cinnabaris 4X, Ferrum Phos 3X, etc) in the treatment of maxillary sinus (sinus + tooth pain) (2009) // ENT & respiratory tract infections
RHINITIS (Hay Fever/Pollinosis)
Treatment of pollinosis with Galphimia Glauca 4X(1983) // Jaded score=5
Potent placebo or potency? A model using homeopathically prepared pollen 30c in hay fever(1985) // Jaded score=3, n=39
Grass Pollens in 30c potency vs placebo for hay fever(1986) // n=144, Symptoms severity (VAS) decreased 17.2±28.8 mm in homeop. patients and -2.6±33.6 mm in placebo patients, p=0.018 in favour of homeopathy, Linde Quality=5
Treatment of pollinosis with the homeopathic preparation Galphimia Glauca2c and placebo (1990) // n=243, average t=33 days, odds ratio=2.19 in favour of homeopathy
Meta-analysis of homeopathic treatment of pollinosis with Galphimia glauca(1997) // The odds ratios of all of the four individual studies favoured homeopathy, and in two of the four studies the result was statistically significant. After the results were pooled, the odds ratio of 1.87 suggested that Galphimia glauca is significantly more effective than placebo
Comparing Luffa compositum-Heel nasal spray with cromolyn sodium spray in the treatment of allergic rhinitis(1999) FULL TEXT // Double-blind Randomised trial with n=146, combination remedy Homeopathic Nasal Spray containing Luffa, Galphimia, Histamine and Sulphur is as efficient and well tolerable as conventional therapy as Cromolyn Sodium
Potentised Allergan 30c Vs Placebo in allergic rhinitis(2000) FULL TEXT // n=51, inhalant Allergan 30c, Mean nasal inspriatory peak airflow improved by 21 % in homoepathic patients and 2 % in placebo patients, Jadad score=5, “It may be time to confront the conclusion that homeopathy and placebo differ.”
Treatment of allergic rhinitis with potentised allergenand placebo(2005)// n=34, t=4 weeks, Jaded score=5, potency=30c
Homeopathic treatment of allergic rhinitis(2009) FULL TEXT // n=46
Usefulness of 13 homeopathic medicines in the management of acute rhinitis(2010) FULLTEXT // Nux-Vomica, Merc, Belladonna, pre- and post-score assessment as per acute rhinitis symptom score developed by CCRH showed statistically significant improvement (p<0.05)
Galphimia glauca 4X in treatment of pollinosis (1995) FULL TEXT // n=164
Tonsilotrena for tonsillitis (2006) FULL TEXT
Arnica montana 30C for post-tonsillectomy analgesia (2007) FULL TEXT // pain after tonsils removal, n=111, Arnica group had a significantly larger drop in pain score from day 1 to day 14 (28.3) compared to the placebo group (23.8)
Arnica and China
China and Natrum Mur
Arsenicum Album, Vanadium, Ferrum Mettallicum
The evidence of benefit of homeopathic medicines as a leading sports medicine all throughout the world is well established. Peak performance should be considered in everyone’s lifestyle, not just in sports persons. What are you waiting for?
- Peak Performance, PP 214, page 1
- Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 1990; 30(3):316-28
- German Soccer Stars uses homeopathic medicine
- Professionals rely on Natural Medicine
- Dana Ullman, Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and
- Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy, p.89-90.
- Homeopathic healing: The stars who swear by alternative medicine
- Homeopathy Awareness Week 2012
- Homeopathy in Sport
- Homeopathy Works. We should know, we use it
- Closer magazine, 24-30 January 2009, p73
- Homeopathy in Medicine
- Homeopathy Awareness Week 2012
- Nelson goes for gold in Homeopathy Awareness Week
- Zaheer Khan takes to homeopathy
- DZS (2009) Individuell trainieren – Prof.Dr. P. Billigmann im Interview zum Thema Fussball
- Medical tribune (2004) Professor Billigmann stärkt Sportler homöopathisch
- Performance improvement with homeopathy
- Annabel Croft: Why I have come to rely on homeopathic medicine
- Olympic success helped with homeopathy
- A champion’s approach to sports medicine
- Serbian Footballer Steps Forward in Supporting Homeopathy
- Q&A on Athletes and Medications: What about homeopathic products and alternative medicine?
- Materia Medica of common remedies for sports-injuries
- Enhancing performance – is it possible with Homeopathy?
Author: Dr Nancy Malik