Natrum Fluoratum - homeopathy360

Natrum Fluoratum

‘Nat-f and incest’, so strong is the relationship between these two. Since I have discovered this relationship, I have been able to offer more help to people with a background of incest – J. Scholten

Natrum fluoratum, molecular weight 42, appears in the form of colourless crystals, cubic or tetragonal in shape. The triturations are prepared from the salt. The symptomatology was completed in 1956 by Gutman of New York, on twenty-one provers. The experimentation lasted fifty days,and it was 6C, in tablet form, which was used.
Due to the nature of fluorine, the action of the remedy is myo-neurotrophic. The most important characteristic symptoms is the sudden muscular contracture.
Agitation and depression. Loss of ability to speak. State of stupor. Nervous. Sudden pains, coming and going, in the muscles and joints. Pains while resting or from lack of distraction,reduced by pressure. Pains in the region
of the left scapula. Muscular pains, as if aft er receiving a punch.
Picture of natrum fluoratum
Essence: Incest, forbidden sex.
They have the feeling that they have done something that is forbidden, the
way incest is forbidden. Because of the taboo on the subject they can’t talk
about it. If they did, they might not be accepted by others anymore, and they
already feel very lonely anyway.
Digestive system
Pain in the mouth, with salty or soapytasting saliva. Digestive heaviness and
discomfort, nausea. Stomach-ache, painful hungry feeling, not eased by
nourishment. Cramping pain in the stomach. Constipation or diarrhoea,
with expulsion of wind. Lack of appetite. Blood-streaked vomit.
Circulatory system
Weak heart. Irregular pulse, rapid, weak, jumping.
Sense organs
Eyes: Mydriasis. Cramping pains in the eyelids.
Urinary and genital organs
Urinary Oliguria. Urine retention.
Pain in the shoulders. Muscular, cramping, sudden pains. Hardening
of the bones. Cramps in the calves and cyanosed, bluish coloring of the legs.
Pruritus of the skin, without eruption.Itching eruption in the left axilla. Passing eruption on the legs. Copious cold perspiration.

  • From resting


  • From pressure
  • From distraction
  • Laterality Left side

Principal symptoms
? Sudden muscular pains, coming and going, in the muscles and
? Hypotension
? Weakness
? Pulse frequent, irregular, thread, weakness
Clinical symptoms
? Tetany
? Writer’s cramp
? Cramps in the eyelids
? Gastric and intestinal cramps
Potencies: From 6x to 30c
Related remedies
Cuprum met
Violent, intermitt ent, cramping pains, of the eyelids, stomach, calves, and
feet, aggravated by the cold.
1. T.F. Allen: Encyclopedia of Homeopathic Pure M.M. published by B Jains, New Delhi.
2. Reversed Combined Repertory.
3. Robin Murphy: Lotus M.M. published by B. Jains, New Delhi.
4. World wide web
5. RADAR 10.5003. (E. H. – J. Scolten Elements)
6. ISIS 2.0007 (Elements by J. Scholten)
7. Frederik Schroyens: 1001 Small Remedies published Homeopathic Book Publisher, LONDON.
8. O.A. Julian: Materia Medica of New Remedies.
9. ISIS 2.0007 (Reversed Combined Repertory)
Source: The Homoeopathic Heritage, December 2010

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