Behcet’s Syndrome is one of the Rare disease complex characterized by Mouth Ulcers, Severe Joint Pains, Genital Ulcers, Eyes Problem, Uveitis and Skin Eruptions etc.Patients suffer despite of Steroids etc.with recurrecnt episodes. We at AKGSOVIHAMS have been treating patients with very good results. Mr. KGS hd been suffering very badly with all these symptoms and despite of regular treatment from Allopathic he was not getting much relief and was not able to lead the normal life as his work demanded to travel and speak and give lectures was hampered because of Recurrent Very Painful mouth ulcers. He was unable to Eat, Chew or Speak even. Finally he started with our treatment and now is very comfortable and leading a normal life without pains, Ulcers and Eye involvement. Now he is able to eat, Chew and Speak properly and he undertakes regular lectures.He says that Homoeopathy has helped him a great deal and advocates the patients of Behcet’s Synderome to must take the help of Homoeopathy.As it is very effective and simulataneously does not have any adverse effects.
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Team Homeopathy 360
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