Dynamic nature of medicine kept Dr. Hahnemann and others spell bound the actual route to be administered to the patient..  He was trying to find out best route to administer the dynamic property, which has to be received by dynamic vital principle. Dr. Hahnemann made several investigation and observation to determine the best route for administration of the homoeopathic dynamic Medicine.
Administration of drug using the hair from a distance is a subject which needs exploration as a possibility. The definitive change in the patients seen during the course of this work compels to think of the efficacy of this method.
The concept of transmission of homoeo drug energy from a distance is the extension of the philosophy of Hahnemann. It needs an unbiased and thorough investigation into the facts and principles.
Research on high dilutions has existed since long but the number and quality of publications has increased in the last decade. Reviews and meta-analyses have even been performed but often ignored or even denied. The “homeopathic potency factor” differentiates its dynamic healing abilities and depth of cure from other health care approaches. In fact, homeopathy works so deeply that even genetic weaknesses and predispositions to disease dating back a thousand years into our family chain can be corrected.
Homeopathic potency is achieved through a complex, labor-intensive laboratory procedure consisting of serial dilutions and 40 succussions (intensive shakes) that establish a therapeutic imprint or energetic makeup of the substance in the water molecule. For example, one part of a substance mixed with nine parts of water creates a 1X (1+9=10) hence the X. Then one part of the 1X remedy mixed with 9 parts water and succussed 40 times creates 2X potency. One part of the 2X potency mixed with 9 parts of water and succussed 40 times creates a 3X potency, and so on. The C potencies are done in the same manner, with a ratio of one part substance to 99 parts water. The difference between the X and C potencies mathematically is a 6X=3C, 12X=6C, and so on. One scale is not superior to the other. As you can see, homeopathy is not a component-intensive product, but rather a very labor-intensive product. Higher potencies are much more expensive and not commonly seen in the marketplace. 1M potency has been attenuated 1,000 times or 990 times the labor of 10X or 10C potency.
Higher potencies, such as the 200X potency, are the fore mentioned laboratory procedure done 200 times or attenuations. 1M potency is a similar procedure done a remarkable 1,000 times. LM potency is an incredible 1:50,000-dilution ratio. Ironically, the further you go with the serial dilutions and successions (potency), the stronger and deeper the therapeutic actions. At 24X, we have reached Avagadroes Number, indicating we have gone beyond the molecular level or, theoretically, we have no molecules of the original substance left.
Evolution of Homoeopathic Principle
Gradual evolution of Homoeopathic principle and finally having a conceptual image made Dr. Hahnemannn to modify and reinvestigate into many of the procedural facts which led to create a smooth flow in practical application. Shift of paradigm from material concept to dynamic influence in life required a major change in almost all the procedure to be followed in order to apply medicine to the diseased person. Investigation of the case in case taking shift in concept of symptoms during evaluation, repertorial process for selecting singular medicine to the actual route for administration in the patient needed to be  structured most adaptable to the principle so discovered in Homoeopathy.
Dynamic nature of medicine kept Dr. Hahnemann and others spell bound the actual route to be administered to the patient. Dynamism is an influence, which affect any system without getting involved into it as such definitely it pose a challenge to  discover the actual Route of administering a dynamic medicine to a diseased individual. The accepted traditional route of administration of oral through the mouth can be easily conceived in the light of material nature of the medicine. Also the tactual, rubbing, injecting the medicine into the physical body seems plausible for the material nature of the crude medicine. This was being followed in a traditional way and still today is considered as one of the route for administration even for the dynamic medicine for homoeopathy but the scientific mind of Dr. Hahnemann could not digest it in tote.  He was trying to find out best route to administer the dynamic property, which has to be received by dynamic vital principle. Dr. Hahnemann made several investigation and observation to determine the best route for administration of the homoeopathic dynamic Medicine. He found out that these dynamic medicine act most surely and most powerfully in the form of vapors by olfaction i.e. inhalation. He discussed these just in the footnote of sec 288 of the 5th edition “it is especially in the form of vapors, olfaction and inhalation of the medicinal aura that in always emanating from a globule impregnated with a medicinal fluid in a high development of power, and placed dry in small vial, that the homoeopathic remedies act most surely and most powerfully”. Dr. Hahnemann was of the view that dynamic medicine always emanates the medicinal aura which is surely accepted by the aura of the vital principle. Thus the administration mode is a contact between the two power, that in medicinal power and vital principle. Regarding the actual process he further writes “the homoeopathic physician allows the patient to hold the open mouth of the vial first in on nostril, and in the act of inspiration draw the air out of it into himself and then, if it is wished to give a stronger dose, smell in the same manner with the other nostril more or less strongly according to the strength it in intended the dose should be; he then corks the vial and replace in his pocket case, to prevent any misuse of it, and unless he wishes it he has no occasion for a apothecaries assistance in his practice.
Regarding the power retained in the globule, he admits that he has experienced that power in retained undiminished for at least 18 to 20 yrs even after a thousand operations.
It is thus quiet clear that Dr. Hahnemann was not satisfied with the oral or tactual route of administration and sought a better route where he accepted olfaction is the best; the dynamic property of a substance includes its incessant vibrations which are always in search of a medium to be in routed. Dr. Hahnemann called it medicinal aura. The dynamic properties also involve remote administration to a particle separated from its quantum particle. Thus it seems possible for homoeopathic dynamic medicine to be transmitted from a distance. Dr. Hahnemann could not go further due to the natural limitation of his life. Discovery of Dr. B. Sahni of Remote Administration of Homoeopathic Remedies from distance using natural belonging of the patient needs careful observation.
Concept of Quantum Energy Teleportation
Hypothesis of Quantum energy teleportation was also put forward  by Japanese physicist Masahiro Hotta of Tohoku University which proposed that it may be possible to teleport energy by exploiting quantum energy fluctuations of an entangled vacuum state of a quantum field. The hypothesis proposes that energy may be injected into a zero-point fluctuation of the field at one place, and extracted from a fluctuation at another place. Even for interstellar distance energy transfer, the amount of teleported energy is nonzero, but negligibly small. In contrast, the teleportation protocol will be effective in small quantum worlds of nano-scale devices like quantum computers. The idea is a continuation of quantum teleportation which was originally proposed by C.H. Bennett, et al. in 1993 and experimentally confirmed by various experiments in the following years. Protocols of the quantum teleportation transfer quantum information, but cannot teleport energy itself. Quantum energy teleportation is a quantum protocol which transfers locally available energy, in an operational sense, from one subsystem of a many-body system to another in an entangled ground state by using local operations and classical communication (LOCC). The locally available energy indicates the energy which can be extracted from a subsystem by local operations and harnessed for any purpose. The transfer speed can be much faster than the velocity of energy diffusion of the system. It does not allow energy transportation at superluminal (faster than light) speed, nor does it increase total energy itself contained in a distant place. Though zero-point energy of the ground state exists everywhere in the system and contributes to the amount of the total energy, it is not available by use of ordinary local operations. However, if information about a local zero-point fluctuation, which carries a portion of the zero-point energy, is obtained by a measurement of a distant subsystem via ground-state entanglement, the energy becomes available, and can be extracted by a local operation dependent on the information. The extraction of the energy is accompanied by generation of negative energy density, which is allowed in quantum physics of many-body systems including quantum fields, and retains the local energy conservation law. The remote measurement, which provides the information for energy extraction, injects energy into the measured subsystem. A portion of the injected energy, which amount is larger than that of the energy extracted from the zero-point fluctuation, becomes unavailable because of entanglement breaking by the measurement, and cannot be retrieved by local operations in the measurement region. Thus, during the protocol, the amount of locally available energy decreases in the measurement region, and it increases in the energy extraction region. The injected energy is the input of this teleportation protocol, and the extracted energy is the output.  Quantum teleportation, or entanglement-assisted teleportation, is a process by which a qubit (the basic unit of quantum information) can be transmitted exactly (in principle) from one location to another, without the qubit being transmitted through the intervening space. It is useful for quantum information processing , however it does not immediately transmit classical information, and therefore cannot be used for communication at superluminal (faster than light) speed. Quantum teleportation is unrelated to the common term teleportation – it does not transport the system itself, and does not concern rearranging particles to copy the form of an object.
After conducting  trial on the concept of remote administration of medicine following the methodology of classical homoeopathy and observing the results, it may be noted that the concept cannot be overruled outright. Considering the changes that have took place in patients who participated in the study, especially the acute ones, the importance of this possibility can be understood.
The lack of any material contact between the medicine and the patient is a subject which needs an understanding on the dynamic plane. The theory of transmission of drug energy from a distance is based on the concept of the electromagnetic field of the patient. It is indeed a revolutionary thought and its acceptance needs elevation in the scientific explanation of the homoeopathic action.
Administration of drug using the hair from a distance is a subject which needs exploration as a possibility. The definitive change in the patients seen during the course of this work compels to think of the efficacy of this method. The changes are rapid and ameliorating in the patients and especially the acute ones cannot be dispelled as a chance occurrence. The phenomenon draws attention towards the results and demands further exploration.
The possibilities of the positive outcome of this therapeutic procedure are infinite. There are many advantages which have been discussed in the review of literature. The explanation of this method on the scientific platform will definitely boost the usage for benefit of humanity. Patients seated in any corner of the world would be treated by this wonderful  therapeutic procedure.
The reduction in the amount of the dose was a phenomenon that was introduced by Hahnemann himself. Contrary to the traditional practice of giving heavy doses of mixtures of medicine, Hahnemann advocated the use of simple and minimum. The gradual introduction of potency and the concept of arousing the latent powers of the crude medicine by the process of potentisation was the next thing in the homoeopathic philosophy. With further evolution, Hahnemann has advocated the administration of medicine by mere touch and even olfaction. Further, advocacy of the phenomenon of mesmerism gives an insight into the thought process of the master. Transferring the healing powers or the positive energy to a patient from the healer when they are not materially connected speaks of the dynamic transference.
The concept of transmission of homoeo drug energy from a distance is the extension of the philosophy of Hahnemann. It needs an unbiased and thorough investigation into the facts and principles.

  1. Sahni Dr.B. Transmission of Homoeo Drug Energy From a Distance, 3rd Edition, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  2. Masahiro Hotta, Quantum Energy Teleportation: An Introductory Review, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
  3. Hahnemann-Organon of Medicine-6th edition, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  4. Hahnemann-Lesser Writing, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  5. Hahnemann-Chronic Diseases, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  6. T. Kent- Lectures on Homoeopathy Philosophy, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi
  7. T. Kent- Minor Writings, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  8. T. Kent- Lesser Writings, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
  9. Sarcar B.K., Commentary on Organon of Medicine, Published by Bhattacharya & Company Pvt. Ltd., 73 Netaji road, Calcutta
  10. A. Robert-Principles and practices of Homoeopathy, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi
  11. Close-Genius of Homoeopathy, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi


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