Myristica Sebifera is a remedy of great antiseptic powers and one of the most efficacious remedies for ulcerative and suppurative conditions in every tissue, especially in cellular tissue and periosteum. It hastens the process of suppuration and shortens the period. The pain during the inflammatory and suppurative stage is removed within 24 to 48 hours.
I have successfully used it in traumatic infections, parotid abscess, fistula-in-ano, panaritium, carbuncles, septicaemia, felons, paronychia , boils caused by streptococcous infections, peritonsillar abscess, septic tonsillitis, scrophulous glands, phlegmasia cellularis, cellulitis, filarial abscess, furuncles, poisonous ulcers, osteitis, periosteitis, ulcerous dermatitis, otitis media and perityphlitis.
In cases of whitlow and panaritium, where lancinating and throbbing pains are present, it acts miraculously when compared with penicillin and orthodox surgical operations. If surgical treatment is applied, the affected finger is spoiled and gets irreparably damaged for a lifetime. But under Myristica one would never meet that fate. F or an external application in whitlow panaritium and abscess, hot Calendula compresses, antiphlogistine and linseed poultices are very useful.
Myristica matures abscesses, hastens suppuration and shortens its duration and builds an outlet for the drainage. It has acted very well even in such cases where penicillin did not help at all. After drainage is established, there come in Hepar and Silicea to hasten the process of healing. Hepar sulph is required in cases where pus is thick, yellow and the patient is very sensitive and the touch of wound excites the pain. Silicea is applicable in cases where the patient is chilly and the discharge is thin and white. Both Hepar sulph, and Silicea are to be given in 200c potency. Myristica acts well in D3 (3x) and D6 (6x), given every 4 hours.
Clinical Cases
C. P., a station master. Fistula-in-ano. Seven outlets. Profuse drainage of thin watery pus, extremely weak. Silicea 30c did not help. Myristica D6 completely cured in a month and the patient is hale and hearty for’ the last eight years.
S. B., a photographer, suffered from Panaritium in the right index finger; extreme burning pain, could not sleep for three nights, extremely restless. Myristica 3x was given every three hours; pain completely disappeared in 24 hours. Had a very sound sleep. It burst on the third day and was completely cured in a week.
M. M., a cabman, was suffering from a carbuncle in the dorsal region. Excessive burning, lancinating pain; sleepness. Myristica 3x was administered every four hours. The pain disappeared in 48 hours. Externally antiphlogistine was applied. After being drained off, Silicea 200. was given and the patient was completely cured in three weeks.
H. M., a lawyer, was suffering from Filariasis of the right leg. Had occasional attacks. Last attack in August 1956. H etrazam was given. Remained under allopathic treatment for three weeks. Penicillin and Combiotic injections were administered but the result was an abscess. There was extreme pain, burning and lancinating in nature, and a great doughy swelling. Myristica 3x was given with the result that pain completely disappeared in 48 hours arid the abscess burst, draining off the pus. Swelling was reduced in two weeks; completely cured in three weeks.
Mrs.K. N., had an abscess over her right eye. It was so big that the whole eye was covered and she could not open it; reflex swelling on the right side of the face. Again pain was so acute that the patient was extremely restless. Penicillin 20 lacs unit was given with no response. Again, in this case, Myristica 3x was given every four hours. The pain was completely removed in 24 hours. The abscess burst on the third day and the pus was completely drained off in a day. After that Hepar Sulph. 200 was administered and she got well in a week.
1. Parotid abscess: A localized collection of pus surrounded by a wall of lymph affecting the parotid (located near the ear) gland.
2. Fistula-in-one: A narrow canal or tube left by the incomplete healing of abscesses or wounds in the anus, usually transmitting some fluid.
3. Panaritium, (paronychia): Superficial or deep septic inflammation about the margin and base of a nail.
4. Carbuncles: Hard, circumscribed, deep-seated, painful suppurative inflammations of under-skin tissue.
5. Septicaemia, septicemia: An infection characterized by the presence of bacteria in the blood.
6. Felon, (paronychia): Superficial or deep septic infection about the margin or base of a nail.
7. Paronychia: See No.6.
8. Streptococcus: Cleft fungi or bacteria which multiply by fission in which the spherical micro-bodies are arranged in strings.
9. Peritonsillar abscess: A localized collection of pus surrounded by a wall of lymph about the tonsil.
10. Septic tonsillitis: Inflammation of the tonsil pertaining to or produced by putrefaction.
11. Scrophulous glands: Morbid tuberculous condition of glands, especially chronic enlargement and cheesy degeneration.
12. Phlegmasia cellularis: Inflammation of cellular tissue.
13. Cellulitis: Shorter term for No. 12.
14. Filarial abscess: A localized collection of : pus surrounded by a wall of lymph associated with a kind of thread- worm.
15. Furuncles: Local inflammatory infections -commonly involving a skin gland or hair follicle and ending in suppuration.
16. Ulcers: Losses of substance occurring on the skin or mucous membrane, due to a gradual necrosis (death) of tissue.
17. Osteitis: Inflammation of bone.
18. Periosteitis, periostitis: Inflammation of the fibrous membrane covering the surfaces of bones.
19. Ulcerous dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin characterized by loss of substance due to necrosis (death) of tissue.
20. Otitis media: Inflammation of the middle ear.
21. Perityphlitis: Inflammation of the portion of the membrane enclosing the intestines which surrounds the large blind pouch in which the large intestine begins and the appendix.
Source: The Layman Speaks: A Homoeopathic Digest, October 1957.