Insights into symbolic meaning of Snakes and Their correlation with Lachesis - homeopathy360

Insights into symbolic meaning of Snakes and Their correlation with Lachesis

Resume: The rich symbolism of the snake…primordial life force and gender supremacy…shedding of the skin, casting of the old self and emerging as a new version…a symbol of adaptability and transformation…bridge between lunar and solar associations, between water and fire…double snake as an icon of Medicine…The serpent power of kundalini…representation of sexual energy…the study through the perspectives of materia medica and repertory.

The snake is the symbol of the great wisdom of Nature, for the too direct way is not the best way; the crooked way, the detour, is the shorter way.
— Carl Jung
Fig. Surukuku Snakes
Snake is a very distinctive animal; on one hand, it is very simple – cold, without legs, without hair-but its symbolism is very rich. Snake is a unifying force embodying infinite messages. It’s a subject to all types of representations and metamorphosis. The snake is one of the oldest symbols that appear repeatedly in the Bible, in the Egyptian iconography, i
n India and China. Being an absolute contrast to the human being, it incarnates the inferior psyche. Snake is seen as a life giver; it animates and keeps going. It is a double symbol of soul and libido.
Two polar (and copulating) serpents symbolize balance, equanimity, union and regeneration. This is called as Ouroboros (Greek) and is linked to the medicine as a symbol.
1. Snake symbolic meaning deals with primordial life force and with gender supremacy. In Native American Indian symbol, the snake can be a masculine symbol, associated with Phallus of lightning, which is considered of high assertive value.
It is interesting to note
 that Lachesis covers following rubrics in connection with ‘supremacy’.
  • Delusion, great person, is
  • Self appreciation increased
  • Proud
  • Haughty
  • Power, love of
  • Egotism, self-esteem
  • Dictatorial
  • Positive, assertive
2. The snake symbol has been utilized in ritual to invoke an element of pointed focus and weighty influence.
Lachesis holds more power in his vocal cords and he likes to exert his unopposed influence over others in communication. He is more focused in his arguments, can’t tolerate contradiction and can be manipulative and revengeful.
  • Contradiction, intolerant of
  • Dogmatic
  • Deceitful
  • Revengeful
3. In the Celtic symbol, shedding of skin has been linked to rebirth and renewal – casting off the old self & emerging a sleek new version; this can be connected to sleuth-like ways of the snake; connected to fertility and regeneration. It is also regarded as a symbol of secret knowledge, cunning and transformation.
Lachesis person is interested in mystic phenomena of life, in rebirth and life after death experiences. He also likes to write poems on life, rebirth, death etc.
  • Secretive
  • Supernatural (Theme Mirilli)
  • Superstitious
  • Impressionable
  • Poetry
  • Death, desires
  • Cunning/Deceitful
  • Intellectual
  • Generalities, wavelike sensation
4. Snakes span the symbolic bridge between lunar and solar associations as well as aspects between water and fire.
Lachesis has many symptoms and pathological conditions related to moon and sun.
  • Moon, full, agg.
  • Moon, full, waning, decreasing agg.
  • Moon, new, agg.
  • Moon, waxing, increasing agg.
  • Sun, agg., generalities
  • Sunlight, agg., generalities
  • Unconsciousness, sunstroke, after
The Five elements – earth, water, air, fire, ether – are regarded as the foundation of the world and they explain the relationship between external and internal, between macrocosm and microcosm.
5. Fire is the power to transform solids into liquids, to gas, and back again. It creates the impulses of nervous reactions, our feelings, and even our thought processes. Fire is considered a form without substance. The personality belonging to Fire principle is – Aggressive. Dynamic. Strong. Persistent. Reststless. Selfish. Overdeveloped ego.
Lachesis is represented here as follows:
  • Impulsive
  • Aggressive; violence, vehemence
  • Restlessness
  • Activity, desire for
  • Thoughts, persistent
  • Selfishness
  • Positiveness
  • Will, strong
  • Women, mannish
6. Water characterizes change and represents the liquid state. Our blood, lymph and other fluids move between our cells and through our vessels, bringing energy. Our blood, lymph, and other fluids move between our cells and through our vessels, bringing energy. The personality belonging to water principle is – Unstable. Oscillating. Indecisive. Impractical.
  • Indecision, irresolution
  • Mood, changeable
  • Inconstancy
  • Capriciousness
  • Hysterical
  • Will, contradiction of
  • Generalities, swinging, sensation
Lachesis is one of the prominent remedies for dropsies of cardiac, hepatic, renal and cerebral origin. It has anasarca too; as well as pleural effusion. Lach is used for exudates and debris of inflammations, to dry up and absorb. Lach is a chief remedy for CCF (pulmonary oedema).
See that the above explanation fits in well with the personality profile of Lachesis as developed through proving symptoms and conceptual understanding. Even the pathologies are explainable on the basis of fire and water principles.
7. Disappearing in colder months and summoned by the sun marks the snake’s connection to the shadow worlds with its successful ability to live within the dark realms for extended periods of time. Alternatively, the snake softly moves into the embrace of the sun, and so it encapsulates the ancient magician’s creed of moving in perfect rhythm of natural forces.
  • Light, agg.
  • Darkness, amel.
  • Heat, in general agg.
8. The double snake is an icon representing: ?
  • Connection between primal forces
  • Integration of opposites
  • Advanced communication
  • Joining together on a divine level
  • Making whole what was once fragmented and doing so in a magical, organic way.
  • Linking to the formation of DNA and its relation with (serpentine) double helix.
Lachesis patient is adaptogenic, one of the best organizers and administrators. He has the capacity to associate the fragments well with his intelligence and power of speech. His communication is straight-forward and there is a lot of theorizing, even spiritual. Lachesis is indicated for pathologies of death and life e.g. gangrene, CCF, brain strokes, MI etc. Duality is a strong feature of Lachesis behavior.
9. In esoteric traditions the coiled serpent represents the kundalini energy residing at the base of the spine. This energy is said to be of a sexual nature in most people, but it can be made to rise up the spine, being transmuted as it rises into creative potential, and ultimately into spiritual experience.
  • Lascivious
  • Passionate
  • Vivacious
  • Amorous disposition
  • Sexual desire increased
  • Clairvoyance
  • Prophesying
Some more reflections of Lachesis are presented here.
  Animal characters Remedy characters
1. Snake: A sensitive animal; intolerance of anybody 1. Hypersensitive: mind, bod
coming nearby
2. Snake: Nocturnal reptile2. Mental activity, < night
3. Snake: Sluggish in morning hours 3. < Morning
4. Snake: Life more secluded 4. Misanthropy, secretive
5. Snake: Moves quickly 5. Desire to travel; quick actions; sharp
6. Snake: A poisonous animal 6. Mind: poisoned —jealousy, suspicion.
7. Snake: Sensory pits between eyes and nostrils sense 7. Clairvoyant; prophesying
from a long direction
8. Snake: Sensitive to touch and vibration 8. < Touch, < noise
9. Snake: Sensitive to heat 9. < Sun, Summer, heat, hot drinks
10. Snake: Cold to touch 10. Coldness of affected parts
11. Remains curled and silent in winter 11. > winter, < summer
12. More furious and poisonous when hungry 12. < Fasting, > eating after
13. Snake: Sheds its skin in spring 13. < Spring
14. Snake: Gets attracted to fire 14. Dreams of fire; fire principle marked
15. Tongue: Constantly darting in and out 15. Trembling of tongue, of whole body; flow of speech irrelevant
16. Snake: Bifid tongue 16. Uses double the number of words; repeats words, duality; conflict
17. Snake: Coils itself from left to right. Most of the 17. Left sidedness. Complaints go from left to right
organs situated on left side
18. Neck of snake: Constricted, thinner portion. Most 18. Neck prominently affected; sensation of constric- vunerable to catch tion; cervical spondylosis, eczema, carbuncles etc.
19. Lies quiescent but ready at the slightest provocation 19. Slightest trigger   explosion.
to bite Impulsive. Like a volcano.
Thought  passion
obsession  compulsion  action
20. Snake bite: Application of ice 20. > Cold air, application, bath, fan
21. Snake bite: Application of tight tourniquet 21. > Hard pressure
22. Incision at the spot-to let out the blood and venom 22. > Discharges in general, > Menses, bleeding, < Sup pression of discharges
< Before and after menses
< Climaxis
23. Snake bite: circulation 23. Action more on circulatory apparatus
24. Snake bite: localized and generalized blueness 24. Cyanosis: central, peripheral; ulcers, eruptions etc. bluish
25. Snake (Python): able to swallow even large creatures 25. > Solids
26. Holding snake, it tries to raise the head up 26. Upward direction of symptoms ascending effects
27. Snake bite—the victim is not allowed to sleep, but 27. < During, after sleep
to walk
28. Voluntary movements of snake  consecutive   28. All sphincter areas, throat, cardia, anus, tubular mus waves of contraction cular walls, GIT, blood vessels, spastic contractions
29. Snake poison: mixture of neurotoxic, blood 29. Action vividly expressed as the poison (See Action).
coagulating, hemolytic, cardiotoxic, cytolytic,
proteolytic enzyme characters
30. Snake poison over-stimulates the cardiovascular 30. Chief CVS remedy; palpitation,
system. orgasms, hot flushes, tachycardia, etc.
31. Said that snake takes a revenge 31. Vindictive; malicious, revengeful
32. Snake: religious, God: Shiva Mythology: symbol 32. Religious; control of super-human  being; mania; repetition of mantras (chanting); obsessions
33. Snake: moves in zigzag 33. Thinking not straight
34. Stools: black, offensive 34. Discharges —blackish, offensive
35. Can’t recognize male or female for coitus. 35. Homosexual. Perverted sex
36. In esotoric traditions the coiled snake represents 36. Sexually oriented. Passionate. > coition. Sex is re
energy, more of sexual type gard ed as an expression of love or vice versa.
Cirlot, JE 1971,’Serpent’, A Dictionary of Symbols, Courier Dover Publications.
Complete Dynamics Repertory
Jobes, G 1961, ‘Serpent’, A Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols, Scarecrow Press.
Master, F 2008, Snakes to Simillimum Demystifying Venoms, 1st edn, BJain Publishers, New Delhi.
Tarkas, PI & Kulkarni 2004, A, A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica, BJain Publishers, New Delhi.
1. Harold Meij WB, Symbolism of the snake available at
2. ‘Symbolism and Iconography of the Serpent’, Reptilian Agenda available at
About the Author
Dr Ajit Kulkarni is an International Teacher of Homoeopathy. He is the Director of Homoeopathic Research Institute, Satara and Pune and is also Hon. Emeritus Professor for Post-gr. (M.D.) Courses in Homoeopathy in India. He is the author of: Body Language and Homoeopathy, Law of Similars in Medical Science, Homoeopathic Posology, Kali Family and Its Relations and is Co-author of A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica. E-mail : [email protected] Web-site:
Resume: The rich symbolism of the snake…primordial life force and gender supremacy…shedding of the skin, casting of the old self and emerging as a new version…a symbol of adaptability and transformation…bridge between lunar and solar associations, between water and fire…double snake as an icon of Medicine…The serpent power of kundalini…representation of sexual energy…the study through the perspectives of materia medica and repertory.
The snake is the symbol of the great wisdom of Nature, for the too direct way is not the best way; the crooked way, the detour, is the shorter way.
— Carl Jung
Snake is a very distinctive animal; on one hand, it is very simple – cold, without legs, without hair-but its symbolism is very rich. Snake is a unifying force embodying infinite messages. It’s a subject to all types of representations and metamorphosis. The snake is one of the oldest symbols that appear repeatedly in the Bible, in the Egyptian iconography, in India and China. Being an absolute contrast to the human being, it incarnates the inferior psyche. Snake is seen as a life giver; it animates and keeps going. It is a double symbol of soul and libido.
Two polar (and copulating) serpents symbolize balance, equanimity, union and regeneration. This is called as Ouroboros (Greek) and is linked to the medicine as a symbol.
1. Snake symbolic meaning deals with primordial life force and with gender supremacy. In Native American Indian symbol, the snake can be a masculine symbol, associated with Phallus of lightning, which is considered of high assertive value.
It is interesting to note that Lachesis covers following rubrics in connection with ‘supremacy’.
Delusion, great person, is
Self appreciation increased
Power, love of
Egotism, self-esteem
Positive, assertive
2. The snake symbol has been utilized in ritual to invoke an element of pointed focus and weighty influence.
Lachesis holds more power in his vocal cords and he likes to exert his unopposed influence over others in communication. He is more focused in his arguments, can’t tolerate contradiction and can be manipulative and revengeful.
Contradiction, intolerant of
3. In the Celtic symbol, shedding of skin has been linked to rebirth and renewal – casting off the old self & emerging a sleek new version; this can be connected to sleuth-like ways of the snake; connected to fertility and regeneration. It is also regarded as a symbol of secret knowledge, cunning and transformation.
Lachesis person is interested in mystic phenomena of life, in rebirth and life after death experiences. He also likes to write poems on life, rebirth, death etc.
Supernatural (Theme Mirilli)
Death, desires
Generalities, wavelike sensation
4. Snakes span the symbolic bridge between lunar and solar associations as well as aspects between water and fire.
Lachesis has many symptoms and pathological conditions related to moon and sun.
Moon, full, agg.
Moon, full, waning, decreasing agg.
Moon, new, agg.
Moon, waxing, increasing agg.
Sun, agg., generalities
Sunlight, agg., generalities
Unconsciousness, sunstroke, after
The Five elements – earth, water, air, fire, ether – are regarded as the foundation of the world and they explain the relationship between external and internal, between macrocosm and microcosm.
5. Fire is the power to transform solids into liquids, to gas, and back again. It creates the impulses of nervous reactions, our feelings, and even our thought processes. Fire is considered a form without substance. The personality belonging to Fire principle is – Aggressive. Dynamic. Strong. Persistent. Reststless. Selfish. Overdeveloped ego.
Lachesis is represented here as follows:
Aggressive; violence, vehemence
Activity, desire for
Thoughts, persistent
Will, strong
Women, mannish
6. Water characterizes change and represents the liquid state. Our blood, lymph and other fluids move between our cells and through our vessels, bringing energy. Our blood, lymph, and other fluids move between our cells and through our vessels, bringing energy. The personality belonging to water principle is – Unstable. Oscillating. Indecisive. Impractical.
Indecision, irresolution
Mood, changeable
Will, contradiction of
Generalities, swinging, sensation
Lachesis is one of the prominent remedies for dropsies of cardiac, hepatic, renal and cerebral origin. It has anasarca too; as well as pleural effusion. Lach is used for exudates and debris of inflammations, to dry up and absorb. Lach is a chief remedy for CCF (pulmonary oedema).
See that the above explanation fits in well with the personality profile of Lachesis as developed through proving symptoms and conceptual understanding. Even the pathologies are explainable on the basis of fire and water principles.
7. Disappearing in colder months and summoned by the sun marks the snake’s connection to the shadow worlds with its successful ability to live within the dark realms for extended periods of time. Alternatively, the snake softly moves into the embrace of the sun, and so it encapsulates the ancient magician’s creed of moving in perfect rhythm of natural forces.
Light, agg.
Darkness, amel.
Heat, in general agg.
8. The double snake is an icon representing: ?
Connection between primal forces
Integration of opposites
Advanced communication
Joining together on a divine level
Making whole what was once fragmented and doing so in a magical, organic way.
Linking to the formation of DNA and its relation with (serpentine) double helix.
Lachesis patient is adaptogenic, one of the best organizers and administrators. He has the capacity to associate the fragments well with his intelligence and power of speech. His communication is straight-forward and there is a lot of theorizing, even spiritual. Lachesis is indicated for pathologies of death and life e.g. gangrene, CCF, brain strokes, MI etc. Duality is a strong feature of Lachesis behavior.
9. In esoteric traditions the coiled serpent represents the kundalini energy residing at the base of the spine. This energy is said to be of a sexual nature in most people, but it can be made to rise up the spine, being transmuted as it rises into creative potential, and ultimately into spiritual experience.
  • Lascivious
  • Passionate
  • Vivacious
  • Amorous disposition
  • Sexual desire increased
  • Clairvoyance
  • Prophesying
Some more reflections of Lachesis are presented here.
Animal characters Remedy characters
  1. Snake: A sensitive animal; intolerance of anybody coming nearby
  1. Hypersensitive: mind, bod
  1. Snake: Nocturnal reptile
  1. Mental activity, < night
  1. Snake: Sluggish in morning hours
  1. < Morning
  1. Snake: Life more secluded
  1. Misanthropy, secretive

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