Diabetes Mellitus and Homeopathy - homeopathy360

Diabetes Mellitus and Homeopathy

In 1999, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined diabetes mellitus as “a metabolic disorder of multiple etiology, characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The effects of diabetes mellitus include long-term damage, dysfunction and failure of various organs”

Homeopathy and  Miasmatic Understanding of Diabetes
Homeopathy believes that chronic ailments cannot be cured using the Principle of Similimum. If we try to treat them using similar remedies, they will reappear. Hence it is very important for us to understand the underlying miasm and choose a remedy based on individuality of the person.
Treatment of Diabetes – A Miasmatic approach
Tubercular – The Underlying Miasm of Diabetes
“Clinical” Diabetes is classified as a Pseudo-Psora (Tubercular) Miasm. Diabetics, as a rule, are tubercular.
Key Indications for Pseudo-Psora: The key words of tubercular miasm are “Dissatisfaction and Incapability of tolerance”.  The patient is very intelligent, a keen observer and a programmatic planner who wants his life constantly busy but possesses a sedentary lifestyle.  Due to his nature of dissatisfaction he/she is not capable to continue his relations. As the miasm progresses and predominates, weight loss, depreciation and destruction are the first indication of this miasm.  Other indications are cosmopolitan habits, mentally keen but physically weak individuals.  Symptoms of this miasm are ever changing, i.e. rapid response to any stimuli (e.g. any slightest change of weather or atmosphere), emaciation inspite of taking proper diet and drink, tendency to cough and cold easily.  Sometimes they have constant hunger and eat beyond their capacity to digest or they have no appetite in the morning but hunger for other meals.
The Tubercular patient is known for his inner discontentment, romantic and longing nature, and constant need for change and travel. The dress and style often exhibit a romantic and poetic sensitivity. However, though the romanticism is very appealing, it leads to a sense of ennui and boredom with the mundane routine of life. The patient is unable to explain the cause of this dissatisfaction at all and may feel that it is a normal part of life. Frequent changes in the job, in relationships, in homes and the desire to travel are part of this same tendency. Another aspect of the Tubercular miasm is compulsive behavior and ritualism. The patient may return knocking at the office door 3 or 4 times after the interview has ended with some slight detail he wishes to impart. This reflects an inner compulsion which can also be expressed in ritualistic behavior. In young girls under 25 years of age, the least mental disturbance causes an imbalance. Assimilation power goes lower and lower as the miasm becomes more and more involved, affecting the organism. Great weakness and ‘all gone empty feeling’ in the pit of the stomach between 10 and 11 am. These patients keep on asking the physician how long it will take to get a cure and live hopefully even when the conditions are not rosy. They will do anything, however absurd, to regain their health. They will go ahead determinedly to find a solution to their ill-health.
In children we see simple recurring infectious illness of childhood such as otitis media and recurring bronchitis, but also more advanced pathology such as failure to thrive, developmental defects, mental retardation and attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity. The child is unable to remain long in one place, is loud and very demanding and capricious. He may have great anger, even violence and tendency to strike others. He seems completely indifferent to punishment or reprimand. Ritualistic behavior and head-banging are common expressions of the pathology.
Tubercular miasm has strong allergic tendencies and respiratory disorders. Recurring, even unexplained fevers, connective tissue diseases and rheumatic conditions are also among the more common disorders found in tubercular cases.
Homeopathically, we believe that diabetes can exist in any of the four miasmatic stages. As the disease progresses, the miasmatic action of the disease can pass from one stage to another. Diabetes is often the result of suppressed sycosis in the primary stage. When sycosis is treated properly for a complete cure homeopathically, there are no further stages.
Diabetes mellitus is either due to Psora or Sycosis or both and a combination of the two leads to simultaneous presence of both the conditions. Psora leads to functional deficiency. At the psoric stage, the person would have increased appetite, a lot of mental anxiety etc. Sycosis leads to inco-ordination and in this stage his mind would be full of suspicions, he would have fungal infections like warts etc. At the tubercular stage, destruction starts there will be extreme weakness or debility, with retinal bleeding etc. When the cellular destruction happens due to maltreatment or non-treatment/ill management of the condition, the Syphilitic miasm starts to express. This is the stage of ultimate destruction when there may be kidney damage, retinal damage etc. The acute complications are of psoric character because they have metabolic disturbances while the chronic complications are associated with strong syphilitic background or as a result of mixed miasm.
Homeopathic Diabetic medicines with their miasmatic weightage
The following table will show us the miasmatic weightage of different remedies used in the treatment of diabetes. They have been grouped under vegetables, acids, animal products, minerals and Metals.
Phosphoricum Acidum, which is a ground remedy in the treatment of Diabetes is strongly a Tubercular medicine (+++), Serum Anguillar (Eel Serum) is strongly sycotic (+++).
Common Name
Acetic acidum
Glacial Acetic Acid
Deep acting, constitutional
• Great weakness, frequent swooning
    Persons with flaccid fibres, loose muscles,
    pale leady colour of the skin. Emaciation.
• Frequent dyspeptic troubles, burning
    in the stomach, hyperacidity, gastric
    fermentation. Salivation.
• Burning pain in the stomach followed by
    the sensation of coldness of the skin and
    cold sweats on forehead.
• Great thirst.
• Tendency to oedema.
• Copious watery urine.
Third to thirtieth potency. Not to be repeated too often.
Phosphoricum acidum
Phosphoric Acid
Both acute and chronic
• Great physical and mental debility.
• Face pale, dry and cracked lips.
• One of the best remedies of diabetes; suits
    the weakening diabetes of children.
• Profuse urination, frequent, watery or milky,
    nocturnal polyuria.
• Debility, muscular, sexual and sensorial.
• Ambylopia.
• Somnolence, profuse sweat at night and morning.
• Vertigo in the evening while walking or standing.
First potency
Common Name
Boric Acid
Boracic Acid
• It suits diabetics with urinary troubles.
• Dry cracked tongue, red.
• Gushes of heat during menopause (like Lachesis).
• Tendency to oedema of the face, especially of the eyelids.
• Sensation of intense coldness. Cold salivation.
Third trituration
Lactic acidum
Lactic Acid
• Diabetes with marked polyuria.
• Lactic acid will be useful in some cases of dyspeptic conditions with copious salivation and nausea.
• Better by eating, acid eructations.
• In rheumatic conditions with weakness and trembling by the least effort.
Third to thirtieth potency
Common Name
Carbolic acidum
Phenol- Carbolic Acid
•  Diabetes with bad condition, tendency to paralysis.
• Weakness of the heart and pulse, respiratory troubles, tendency to prostra¬tion and stupor (Opium).
•  Desire for stimulants.
• Anorexia.
• Tendency to burning eruption with vesicles and ulcerations.
Third to thirtieth potency
Fluoricum acidum
Hydroflouric Acid
• Atony of venous blood vessels and of capillaries.
• Diabetes with circulatory troubles of the lower extremities.
• Tendency to ulcers.
• Diabetes associated with syphilis, old, acquired or hereditary.
Sixth to thirtieth potency
Common Name
Nitric acidum
Nitric Acid
• Diabetes with debility and cachexia.
• Tendency to fissures, to different ulcerations of the skin which easily and are painful as if due to multiple needle pricks.
• Sweat of palms and armpits.
• Urine smells like that of a horse.
Sixth potency
Picric acidum
Picric Acid – Trinitrophenol
• A remedy of the degeneration of nerves, especially of the of the marrow, with paralysis.
• Acts especially on the lumbo-sacral marrow, goes towards paraplegia.
• Very important in case of nervous debility.
• Great weakness of the lower limbs with the sensation of drawing and heaviness of the legs.
• Aggravation by exercise.
• Irritation of the lower part of the marrow determines in Picric acidum the sexual excitation.
Common Name
Aurum metallicum
Metallic Gold
• Like Fluoric acid suits cases of diabetes associated with old acquired and hereditary syphilis.
• Mental and physical depression; periodic hopelessness.
• Tendency to paralysis.
Argentum metallicum
Deep acting
• Emaciation.
• Polyuria; turbid and profuse urine with sweetish smell.
• Seminal loss without sexual excitation.
Common Name
Plumbum metallicum
• Urine albuminous, frequent, ineffectual tenesmus, low specific gravity, emission drop by drop.
• Diabetes with paralytic tendency.
• Chronic interstitial nephritis with severe pain in the abdomen.
• Skin troubles, asthenia.
• Hyposthenia, tendency to coma or convulsion.
• Possible ocular lesions, optic neuritis, paralysis of the external muscles of the eyes.
• Paralysis of the lower extremities.
• Rapid and marked muscular atrophy.
Third to thirtieth potency
Uranium nitricum
 Nitrate of Uranium
• Great emaciation, debility, tendency to ascites, general dropsy.
• Excessive thirst.
• Voracious appetite, abdominal distension.
• Polyuria, defective digestion and assimilation.
• Sexual weakness.
• The liver is attacked and goes towards degeneration and hypertrophic cirrhosis (Cartier), after a first phase of congestion.
• The arterial tension is often high.
• Enormous appetite and thirst, yet he loses flesh.
Second trituration
• Degeneration of the liver and of arteries.
• Arteriosclerosis.
• Fatty degeneration of the liver.
6-12 potency. The best form is Natrium Vanadicum 2mg daily by mouth.
Argentum nitricum
• This remedy is to be preferred to the preceding in cases  of tremblings, sexual weakness.
• Paralysis of the extremities with numb¬ness for which walking becomes difficult (Argentum nitricum is indicated for sorts of polyneuritis).
Sixth trituration and higher. Not to be repeated frequently.
Common Name
Arsenicum album
Arsenious Acid – Arsenic Trioxide
• In diabetes it is indicated by weakness and prostration if the latter alternates or co-exists with restlessness.
• Periodicity of troubles.
• The diabetes is accompanied by digestive troubles.
• Periodic diarrhea of blackish stools having fetid smell or paralysis.
• Polyneuritis with jerkings, heaviness, tremblings.
• There often is thirst but for small quantity of cold water rarely repeated, or there may be no thirst.
• Urine scanty, burning, involuntary, albuminous. Ephithelial cells, globules of pus and blood.
• Indicated in diabetes with tendency to gangrene; grave humid gangrene with pain and horrible putrid smell.
Third to thirtieth potency. The very highest potencies very often yield brilliant results
Deep acting
• Deep action not only on the liver, but also on the pancreas.
• It is a very important remedy of diabetes.
• Unquenchable thirst for cold drinks.
• Exaggerated hun¬ger which reappears just after meals.
• Diabetes complicated with digestive troubles.
The skin is dry and desqua¬mated.
•  A remedy for all sorts of degeneration, fatty degeneration of kidneys, renal calculi.
• Sexual troubles, impotency after an exaggerated desire, with lascivious dreams, involuntary seminal loss.
• Nervous troubles – Motor paralysis with weakness, tremblings by the least exercise.
• Sensation of numbness.
• Eye troubles – Cataract ambylopia, diplopia, paresis of the motor muscles of the eyes of grave lesions of the retina and of the optic nerve. Glaucoma. Inflammation of retina in Bright’s disease.
Third to thirtieth potency
Common Name
Sublimated Sulphur
Deep acting
• Less important than Arsenicum Album.
• Cures patients in the early stage of diabetes.
• The individual drinks much, eats less. Tendency to cutaneous eruptions.
• Sensation of weakness and of goneness, especially in the stomach towards 11 a.m. obliging the patient to eat something for amelioration.
• Profuse and light coloured urine, constant urge to urinate, burning and smarting while urinating.
Acts in all potencies from the lowest to the highest
Silica, Pure Flint
Deep acting
• Hematuria, enuresis with red or yellow sediment
• In all these cases all the remedies of suppuration of septicemia, may be indicated: Arsenicum Album, Echinacea, Pyrogenium in very grave cases, Lachesis, Apis, Belladonna, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Ar¬nica in other cases as well as Silicea. Because Hepar is better than Silicea in the acute cases it will stop menacing suppuration, the latter on the contrary may sometime favour the suppuration dangerously.
• By its suppurative tendency Silicea will very often be indicated with Hepar Sulphur in diabetics who have furuncles.
• Silicea suits chronic suppuration that is weakening and with fistula.
Sixth to thirtieth potency
Common Name
Natrum muriaticum
Chloride of sodium
Deep acting
• This remedy is to be placed at the top in the treatment of diabetes.
• It can very often stop the rate of sugar in the urine when indicated.
• It is indicated by polyuria and polydipsia.
• The patient drinks often and urinates abundantly. Cannot pass urine in a public place.
• Other symptoms; eats well but becomes emaciated (consumptive diabetes).
• Sweats while eating.
• Sexual weakness; weakness after coition;  weakness of extremities with lameness and drawings.
Twelfth to thirtieth and higher. The very highest potencies often yield the most brilliant results. Infrequent dosage.
Natrum sulphuricum
Sulphate of Sodium – Glauber’s salt
Constitutional remedy
• This remedy is frequently indicated in diabetes with polyuria, abdominal flatulence, hydrogenoid constitution.
• Urine loaded with bile, brick dust sediment, excessive secretion.
• General aggravation by humidity.
• Tendency to plethora, to obesity, to fattiness with retention of water in the tissues.
• Tendency to localized rheumatism.
• Stiffness, crackings in the articulations.
• This remedy is suited to diabetics with gout and rheumatism.
First to twelfth trituration
Common Name
Hahnemann’s Tinctura acris sine Kali
• Suits paralysis of diabetics with numbness, cracking of knees, stiffness and heaviness of muscles.
• Special hydrogenoid condition with the tendency to big flat warts.
• Involuntary urine while sneezing or coughing.
• General aggravation in good dry weather.
Third to thirtieth attenuation. In chronic ailments, higher potencies once or twice a week.
Acute or chronic
• It suits diabetics with denutrition, voracious appetite and great thirst.
• Hunger is such that the patients are anxious while waiting for the meals.
• Suits diabetics who become tubercular.
• Rapid emaciation.
• Great debility, sweats by the least effort.
Sexual impotency.
 Third to thirtieth potency. The crude drug in a saturated solution may be required.
Common Name
Jambol seeds
• Szygium is indicated by intense thirst, weakness, emaciation.
• Polyuria with elevation of the density of urine.
• It is also indicated by a tendency to ulcerations.
Mother tincture, 2x, 3x
Chimaphila umbellata
• It affects much of the kidney and causes troubled and fetid urine, difficulty or burning.
• It has also experimental glycosuria.
• The prostate is irritated and swollen, the whole perinum is congested.
• Scanty urine contains mucopurulent sediment.
• Aggravation: Worse in damp weather, from sitting on cold stones, left side
 Tincture to third attenuation
Common Name
Rhus aromatica
Fragrant Sumach
• Diabetes with pale urine, very abundant, of high density.
• Fre¬quent albuminuria.
• Severe pain at the beginning or before micturation.
Tincture, in rather material doses
Bryonia alba
Wild Hops
• Stomach sensitive to touch. Sensation of a stone in the stomach after meals.
• Dryness of lips, of the mouth and of the throat.
• Liver sensitive and painful.
 First to twelfth attenuation
Common Name
Fringe tree
• Abundant urine, polyuria of high density containing sugar and biliary pig¬ment at the same time, or much urobilin.
• Clear, soft and pasty stools.
Iris versicolor
Blue Flag
• It seems to act rather on functional troubles of the pancreas as a digestive gland rather than islets of Langerhans.
• Aggravation: Worse in the evening and at night, from rest
• Amelioration: Continuous motion
Tincture to thirtieth potency
Common Name
Club Moss
• Little or no thirst.
• Often suits benign diabe¬tes with insufficient liver and sexual weakness.
• Aggravation: Warm room, right side, noise, from higher to lower parts of body, in bed, between 4 – 8 pm.
•  Amelioration: Motion, hot food and drinks, after midnight, in cold weather or rooms, by removing clothes
• Antidote:  Aconitum Napellus, Causticum, Graphites
• Complimentary: Pulsatilla, Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur
Both lower and highest potencies give excellent results
Nux vomica
Poison nut
• Sedentary life. Desire for stimulants.
• Frequent constipation, in¬efficacious urging.
• Aggravation: Worse morning, mental exertion, after eating, touch, spices, stimulants, narcotics, dry weather
• Amelioration: Better from a nap in the evening, wet weather, while resting in damp
• Antidote: Coffea, Ignatia
Complimentary: Sulphur, Sepia
First to thirtieth potency and higher. Nux Vomica is said to act best when given in the evening
• Great sensitiveness to air current, to cold and to touch.
• Marked periodicity of all symptoms
• Aggravation:  Worse on slight touch, draught of air, loss of vital fluids, after eating
• Amelioration: bending double, hard pressure, open air, warmth.
Colchicum (Meadow Saffron)
 • Weak heart. Pains in the extremities on the least movement.
• Urine contai¬ns blood, albumen and sugar.
• Great prostration, sensation of intense coldness and tendency to collapse.
• Dry mouth. Thirst, nausea and vomiting.
• Aggravation: Least touch, motion, loss of sleep at night, sunset to sunrise, smell of food.
Common Name
Erythroxylon Coca
• Hypochondriasis. Wants to be left alone (Sepia).   Cannot bear high altitude and life in the mountains.
• Aggravation: Worse ascending high altitudes
Tincture to third attenuation
Arrow Poison
• A remedy indicated in cases of nervous origin (with Arnica if diabetes is caused by traumatism of the skull).
• Aggravation: Worse dampness, cold weather, cold wind, 2 am, right side
 Sixth to thirtieth potency
Common Name
Dwarf bean
• Diabetes with palpitations, a rapid heart.
• A weak and soft pulse.
• A sensation of approaching death.
Sixth and higher. A decoction of the shells as a drink for diabetes, but look out for severe headaches
Lycopus virginica
Bugle weed
• Rapid and painful heart, weak and intermittent pulse
• Abundant aqueous urine,
• Protrusion of eyeballs.
• Pluriglandular troubles (heart, thyroid, pancreas)
First to thirtieth potency
Common Name
Dried Latex of the Poppy
• Prostration, hebetude.
• Tendency to coma, myosis.
• Torpor, ster¬torous respiration, sweats, dark red colour of the face.
Third to Thirtieth and 200th Potency
An Alkaloid from Opium
• Nervous, pancreatic diabetes.
• Occipital headache, tremblings, itching.
• Eructations. Great thirst.
• Frequent dry cough, worse at night.
 One quarter of a grain doses to third trituration
Common Name
Helleborus niger
Snow rose
• Muscular weakness. Pale face, swollen. Tendency to oedema.
• Fetid breath. Tongue red and lips dry, cracked.
• Urine diminished or absent.
• Aggravation: Worse from evening till morning
• Unconsciousness, involuntary movements of hands or scratch lips automatically
• Antidote:  Camphor, China
Tincture to third potency
Beechwood Kreosote
• Tendency to burning ul¬cers, with irritating discharges, very excoriating, fetid, corrosive.
• Humid gangrene.
• Red lips. Very rapid caries of teeth – become black.
• Fetid breath. Fetid urine
• Aggravation: Worse in open air, cold, rest, when lying, after menstruation
• Amelioration: Better by warmth, motion, warm diet
Third to thirtieth potency, 200th in sensitive patients
Common Name
Secale cornutum
Ergot or Rye
• It acts better in diabetes with debility, emaciation.
• Despite good appetite and ex¬cessive thirst, tongue dry and cracked.
• Formication and numb¬ness of the extremities with the sensation of very tight brodequin on the ankles.
• Sensation of burning.
• Wants to be uncovered however the parts exposed are cold to touch
• Petechiae, livid or blackish spots.
First to thirtieth potency
Unicorn root
• Urine contains albumen phosphates in excess.
• Melancholia, better by distraction and if the patient is kept in mental activity by work or by conversation.
• Sensation of heaviness in the sacrum and pelvis and sensation of uterine congestion.
• Prostration, languidness.
Wants to be uncovered however the parts exposed are cold to touch
• Amelioration: Worse motion, touch
  Tincture to sixth attenuation
Common Name
• Diabetes with abundant urine and sexual weakness inspite of the desires which are violent and persistent. Profuse micturation
• Premature senility. Violent spasmodic tendency with muscular stiffness, tremblings and weak¬.
First to third potency
Crotalus horridus
• Grave cases with albuminuria, high coloured urine, containing blood.
• Eyes: photophobia, non inflammatory retinal hemorrhages
• Tendency to hemorrhages.
• Palpitations.
 Third to sixth potency
Common Name
Elaps corallinus
Coral snake
• Nausea and vomiting.
• Sensation of intense coldness in the stomach.
• Headache, vertigo, aversion to light.
• Possible hemorrhage, black discharges.
 Sixth to thirtieth potency
Bushmaster of Surucucu
• Possible hemorrhages.
• Excessive loquacity.
• Dreams of death, his own death, of funerals.
• Hyperesthesia of teguments.
• Aggravation during sleep.
Eighth to 200th potency. Doses not to be repeated frequently. Single dose to be allowed to exhaust its action
Common Name
Lac defloratum
Skimmed Milk
 • Profuse urine, headache with throbbing in the temples. Prostration.
• Constipation.
 Sixth to thirtieth potency and higher
Tarentula hispanica
Spanish Spider
• Intense restlessness (a remedy of chorea, hysteria and epilepsy).
• Vertigo, palpitations (antidoted by Lachesis).
Sixth to thirtieth potency
Nutritional Supplements and Dietary Advice for Diabetics
Beneficial Juices
Kale, spinach, turnip greens, sweet pepper – sources of Vitamin B6
Kale, parsley, green pepper, broccoli – sources of Vitamin C
Spinach, asparagus, carrot – sources of Vitamin E
Potato, green pepper, apple, spinach – sources of Chromium
Carrot, garlic, ginger root – sources of Copper
Beet greens, spinach, parsley, garlic – sources of Magnesium
Spinach, beet greens, carrot, broccoli – sources of Manganese
Parsley, garlic, spinach – sources of Potassium
Ginger root, parsley, potato, garlic, carrot – sources of Zinc.
Dietary Recommendations for Diabetics
A. Key Principles    
  • Achieve weight control through reducing calories
  • Reduce intake of dietary fat (specifically saturated fat)
  • Individualize guidelines for carbohydrates based on the type of diabetes and control of blood sugar levels.
B. Meal Plans for Diabetes 
Don’t skip meals! Most people with diabetes should plan low-fat, low-salt diets. These diets are well balanced in major nutrients, including carbohydrates – they are not considered low- carbohydrate diets. A well-balanced diet is one that can help lower blood sugar to a normal range without causing low blood sugar or high fat levels in your blood, while promoting weight loss. Eat high-fiber foods such as beans, vegetables, and whole grains. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Ask your doctor for the name of a qualified dietitian who can help make a meal plan you can live with.
  • Increase your fibre intake.
  • Choose all types of non-starchy vegetables, eg: spinach, broccoli. Consume generous amounts of onion and garlic.
  • Include whole meal bread, whole wheat biscuits, unpolished rice, beans, lentils and fruits.
  • Have at least 2 servings of vegetables every day.
  • Reduce your fat intake, especially saturated fats.
  • Choose lean meat, low fat dairy products.
  • Use unsaturated oil for cooking eg: canola, corn, soyabean or olive oil.
  • Practice low fat cooking methods eg: steam-grill.
  • Choose foods (no sugar added) with ‘Healthier choice’ label.
  • Reduce intake of salt and salty foods.
  • Cut down on added salt and monosodiumglutamate (MSG)/pre-packed seasonings (soup powders).
  • Avoid preserved or salted foods.
  • Use more fresh ingredients, herbs and spices.
  • Avoid gravy on rice when eating out.
C. What should Diabetics do to stay healthy?  
  • Follow the healthy eating plan that you and your doctor or dietitian have worked out. Check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, sores, swelling, redness, or sore toenails.
  • Be active a total of 30 minutes most days. Ask your doctor what activities are best for you.  Brush and floss your teeth every day.
  • Take your medicines as directed.  Control your blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Check your blood glucose every day. Each time you check your blood glucose, write the number in your record book.  Don’t smoke.
  • Carbohydrate exchange system
  • Less sugar and sugary foods
Exercise is extremely important in the management of diabetes because of its effect on blood glucose and free fatty acids. Exercise burns calories and helps to control weight, eases stress and tension, and maintains a feeling of well-being. In addition, regular exercise improves the body’s response to insulin and may make oral anti-diabetic drugs and insulin more effective. It also promotes circulation, and lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Persons with diabetes should be encouraged to lead a normal life and participate in sports and exercise programs. Generally they should not be excluded from physical activities or games, unless there are complications and on the advice of a physician. The main risk when exercising is hypoglycaemia, therefore blood glucose should be checked before exertion, and if appropriate, medication dosage may need to be reduced before exercise, or the individual may need to take an extra carbohydrate snack. Before starting any exercise program, the health provider should do a thorough physical examination to find out whether or not it is safe for the patient to exercise.
Yoga & Diabetes  
Yoga is a body balancing system. Its therapeutic application utilizes the body’s power to generate its own medicines that have no negative side effects. Therapeutic hatha yoga may be considered as complementary medicine, adjunctive to modern allopathic medicine. Type 1 diabetes is caused by no production of insulin and this is very difficult to treat with Yoga. Type 2 diabetes that is caused by lifestyle and stress can be effectively treated with Yoga.
Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation is very good exercise for people suffering from diabetes as it increases the blood supply to various parts of the body, improving insulin administration, it gives all the benefits of exercise if practiced at 4 rounds per minute. If practiced at slow speed, it offers the benefits of asanas. Among these twelve positions, ten are asanas only. The first one and the last one are two positions. All these asanas and positions are very easy to perform and can easily be practiced by people of all ages. Together these twelve positions constitute the process of Surya Namaskara and twenty-five Namaskaras form one Avriti (frequency).
Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar must be performed in open and airy space. Perform Surya Namaskara slowly without feeling tired (fatigue), change the feet each time and perform on each of the feet successively.
Conclusion-Living with Diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder recognized as early as Aristotle yet today is still poorly understood. Although diabetes is thought of as a disease of blood sugar balance, it is actually more accurately characterized as a metabolic disorder of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Diabetes is the oldest disease known to humankind, dating back to hieroglyphics depicting a person wasting their muscle mass into their urine. Diabetes has become a global epidemic, yet the disease and insulin metabolism are not fully comprehended or appropriately managed. The huge increase in diabetes incidence reflects an enormous rise in type-2 diabetes due to increased aging, obesity, poor nutrition coupled with high stress, and physical inactivity. There are an expanding number of diabetic abnormalities in the vascular, nervous, immune, and hormonal systems with systemic damage throughout the body.
It is time for Homeopathic practitioners who practice safe, effective alternative medicines to provide valuable options to people seeking help, as allopathic medicines have no answer to this chronic ailment.
Homeopathy – the treatment that believes in holistic, totalistic and individualistic approach. Treating the disease with harmless, non toxic remedies.

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