Arterio – Sclerosis
Induration of the Arteries. Far for me to think of entering into all the theories of arterio·sclerosis. Faithful to my aim I will only occupy myself exclusively with the
homoeopathic treatment of arterio-sclerosis. Baryta Carbonica and Baryta Muriatica
It would be difficult to find an inorganic substance, except lead, which offers a strict analogy with arterio-sclerosis. It is the radical Barium which acts principally; the difference
between the Carbonate and the Chloride of Barium is minimum. Baryta as used is the carbonate employed in Our Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. It is one of our oldest remedies,
studied by Hahnemann ; but the master could not imagine its hypertensive qualities.
1. Hypertensive and Constrictive Action. Professor Koberb of Dorpat was one of the first to study the Chloride Of Barium. Soon Mickwitz and Brehm grasped the influence of the Chloride of Barium on the muscular coats of the vessels. They were able by means of small and medium doses to produce a blood tension in warm-blooded animals, reaching as high as 200 millimeters of mercury. Schedel likewise produced a considerable hypertension in dogs and Bary was. able to prove that this hypetension was the consequence of its pure action on the blood vessels. Robert: Thompson, Uren, Paldrock, Ringer and Sainsbury asserted that its. Vaso-constrictor action was independent of the center, Sohedel summarized
its action on the blood pressure: “The ‘blood pressure which is independent of the vaso-motor centers is produced after medium· doses of Ba.CI.2 by the constrictive action of the
muscular coats of the vessels, and if retained, by an increase of the energy ‘of the heart muscle.” To conclude: Increase of arterial tension, contraction of the vessels; influence on the
peripheral vase-motors.
2, Arterial Lesions of Chloride of Barium: According to Klotz the muscle cells of the middle coat of the arteries are first attacked, while the elastic fibres of this coat are implicated
later. In the true stage of degeneration one can see in the tissues a fatty modification followed by calcification. The zone of the middle coat is always invaded. Occasionally secondary reactions of a proli fic nature occur in the inner coat.
Benecke arrived at practically the same conclusions. These experimental lesions resemble in a high degree the Moenckeberg type of arterio-sclerosis.
A century ago our master Hahnemann, in his keen sightedness, without suspecting arterio-sclerosis nor high blood pressure, gave as in indication of Baryta “Disease of Old
age.” All his disciples-Herring, Allen, Farington, Hughes, Hale-recommended it in conditions of the heart and blood vessels of the old, and as points of elective affinity, the aorta lungs and brain. Already in 1906 when the works on blood pressure became more and more important I was one of the first to mill attention to the action of Baryta Carbonica or
Muriatica 3rd centesimal trituration, 6th or 30th dilution in cerebral arterio-sclerosis; brain more or less heavy without real pain-observed particularly at night when on the pillow; vertigo of the old; apoplexy or threatened apoplexy and lastly the ultimate consequences of apoplexy. Even roaring in . the ears of the aged’ when the organ of hearing is ossified
and rebellious to all treatments may be slightly ameliorated by a prolonged treatment. with the two Barytas, Carbonate and Muriate. In .these different cases of cerebral arterio- sclerosis so” intractable one obtains relief from Baryta without hoping that a hardened artery ever will become supple
I add here a very interesting observation of Dr. Chiron of Poitiers made with the sphygmomanometer just recently. It concerned a man aged 62 years presenting for six months
Tertigos on rising from the table; very oppressed on going upstairs; awakening at night with a sort or-anguish; pulse bounding, hard, sclerous; the temporals sinuous. Auscultation:
heart bounding and the second aortic sound a clapping one. Face pale with expression of terror; considerable emaciation; prominent liver, Arterial tension, 24 maxima (French grading),
Prescription: Baryta Carbonica 30 three days out of seven. Eleven days after his tension was 22. He still had dizzy spells but the nights were better and he digested food better. Same
prescription for fifteen days. Vertigo in the morning had. disappeared; slight vertigo after meals; arterio tension 20. The patient took Baryta for two months in the same way.
At the end of these two months the arterial tension remained between 19 and 20.
This observation is not unique; they are multiplied every day on both continents. Baryta has become one of our grand remedies to oppose hypertension and arteria-sclerosis.. Accor-
ding to Black-wood it must not be given too low. Baryta Muriatica in the 3rd decimal trituration will cause rather an aggravation while the 6th decimal or higher will render grand
services. Its action should be repeated and prolonged a long time to be able to have full success crown our efforts. Such is the conclusion of all who have relied on Baryta.
Aside from the enormous importance that Adrenalin plays as a haemostatic and as a hypertensor according to the law of contraries; it is interesting that homoeopaths have tried
to follow the law of Similia with the secretion of this gland.
A long use of Adrenalin can bring on: arterial and aortic lesions called arterio-necrosis exactly as’ the Muriate of Barium in strong doses. The alterations of the middle coat of the aorta and the large vessels are the same in both substances ; a necrosis of the muscular cells of the middle coat, followed by the elastic fibres with a final propagation of the lesion to the inner coat. It seems in t.his regard that the extract of the pituitary gland is less toxic and does not produce
The interesting point for us is to know the homoeopathic action of these two extracts in hypertension and arterisclerosis. In France the two Doctors Jousset., father and son have prescribed Adrenalin for several years in the 3rd, 6th and 12th centesimal dilution. The elder Jonsset indicated usual remedies for arterial heart troubles or for arterio-sclerosis
Tabacum, Adrenalin, and Natrum Iodatum. Dr. Mark Jousset said: “I employ since several years Adrenalin, following the example of Dr. Pierre Jousset in artcrial-sclerosis
and hypertension. The result is rather favorable and we have seen in several patients the arterial tension fall from two to three centimeters of mercury under the influence of the remedy.
In the roaring in the ears due to a sclerous otitis media that depends generally on arterio-sclerosis, the same treatment has given us satisfactory ameliorations.” On the other hand in
case of acute oedematous congestion 0f the lungs, Adrenalin was inactive, said Mark Joussct. Was it not necessary in this case to give Adrenalin in allopathic doses as the oedema is a
sign of hypotension ?
This is the formula of Dr. P. Jousset: Chlorhydrate Adrenalin 3 centesimal, 25 centigrams in 200 grams of water a teaspoonful morning and evening. Adrenalin has not the vague of Baryta among us and has only been exception employed. Stauffer in ‘his “Homoeopathie” indicates
.Ist to the 30th dilution.
Silicea. It is now known that arteries which do not have Silica content sufficient for “proper nutrition suffer from a distinction of their elastic coat and hypertension and arteriosclerosis follow. The Allopathic School seized on this fact institutes treatment with a Silica basis. Homoeopathic interest is carried on not exactly according to the law of Similars but
towards the biochemic remedies of Schussler who included Silica in his twelve tissue remedies, and which we employ in the 6th decimal trituration in frequently repeated doses.
Tabacum.Tobacco is Clearly a hypertensor and produces arterio-sclerosis of the coronary arteries. Its homoeopathicity we have presented under Angina Pectoris.
Plumbum, Lead offers in its toxicology a striking picture of hypertension and arterio-sclerosis. Clinical results are, however, far from those we expect from it. The reason is that
a sclerosed tissue is one that is not attacked and that it would be preferable to try Plumbum in pre-sclerosis rather than in confirmed sclerosis. The pulse is very slow, most often verv
hard; pulse like an iron wire, The cardiac beats are· greatlv increased in force. The arterial tension is raised 22, 25 to 28 maxima; minima raised to 12 with a very good differential
The grand characteristic of Plumbum is that with all its symptoms of hypertension, the aspect of the patient is precisely the opposite of plethoric. The Plumbum patient is an anaemic ; of a pale hue like all lead poisoning; emaciation, wasting,
excessive weakness make up the picture, In presence of such a patient, offering in addition signs of pre-sclerosis, Plumbum gives clinical success in Hahnemannian doses of 6, 12, and 30.
Strontiana Carbonica and Iodata 6 and 30 are indicated in arteriosclerosis by a large number of our confreres. They merit consideration, Vanadium is likewise cited for degeneration of the liver and arteries. Our books speak of the Iodine
compounds but they have no homooopathicaction. Natmm Iodatum, Kali Iodatum, Arseniettm Iodatum.
Aurum Iodatum, Ammonium Iodatum. The salts of gold, Aurum Iodatum and Aurum Muriaticum, are prescribed in homoeopathic attenuation. Aurum Muriaticum has a
special affinity for arteries of the heart (Hinsdale). They attribute to Crategus a great dissolving power. It frees the arteries from calcareous deposits that have accumulated there. One can, it is said, by its proper use prolong the life of an arterio-sclerotic. It is reputed to have hypotensive properties. Does it act to the point of modifying the arteries as Clematis pretends ?
Williams warmly recommended Phosphorus in chronic arteries when there is reason to believe an existence of a fatty degeneration of the walls of the vessels. In advanced cases where it is necessary to sustain the action of the heart, Strychinine will be a momentary stimulant.
Source :The Homoeopathic Bulletin