Abstract: Commonly, tinea pedis patients describe pruritic, scaly soles and, often, painful fissures between the toes. Less often, patients describe vesicular or ulcerative lesions. Some tinea pedis patients, especially elderly persons, may simply attribute their
scaling feet to dry skin. The interdigital type of tinea pedis is usually caused by T rubrum. It is more pruritic in hot, humid environments. Other possible causative organisms in tinea pedis include T mentagrophytes var interdigitale and E floccosum. Hyperhidrosis is a risk factor for infection. Candida albicans and bacteria can complicate the process as secondary pathogens. Chronic hyperkeratotic tinea pedis due to T. rubrum causes a distinctive pattern of lesion, manifesting as scaling and thickening of the soles, which often extends beyond the plantar surface in a moccasin distribution. This disease comes under International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10)-2015-WHO Version for ;2015 as B-35.3 This morbid condition is treatable by homoeopathy, following the law of similia. The maintaining causes are to be removed. From our homoeopathic point of view we diagnose the disease as well as the patient as a whole, where we consider each and every patient suffering from any disease as a new patient, whose individuality has to be found out to select the similimum.
Keywords: Tinea pedis, Chronic hyperkeratotic tinea pedis, scoring system for assessing severity of infection, homoeopathy, General symptoms, Kent’s Repertory.
Name: XYZ
Age: 63 yrs,
Sex: Male
Ticket no: 22913, O.P.D
Address: Bagnan, Howrah, West
Religion: Muslim
Date of visit: 20/01/2015
Present Complaints
Thickening of the skin with crust formation of the lateral surface of the foot, with scaling of the skin on scratching.
Present Complaints in detail
The lesion is mainly present in the lateral surface of the left foot. The right foot also has been also affected, but the lesion is small.
Sensation – Itching.
Modality – Could not be elicited by the patient.
History of Present Complaints
The lesion initially started from the posterior aspect of the sole, and then gradually spread along the lateral surface of the left foot. The right foot is also getting
gradually affected. He went to the Dermatology Dept of District Hospital, Howrah and there it has been diagnosed as Tinea pedis infection. He also took allopathic
medicine and applied ointment as prescribed, which proved ineffective and thereby came to our O.P.D for treatment.
Complaints on Further Enquiry
The patient complaint of obstruction of the left nose after rising in the morning.
Past History
H/O measles,pox and also later malaria
Family History
Father-H/O death due to C.V.A
Paternal grandfather-H/O death due to Ca stomach
Personal History
Marital status – Married for 32 years and is having 2 sons, one is 30 years, another 28 years. Occupation-Retired person, at present does some farming, where he mostly walks barefooted. Socio-economic condition-Middle Living environment – Light and airy.
Homoeopathic Characteristics and Generalities
Physical General:
Appearance-Old look with a wrinkling of the skin, with a earthy complexion, the region of the inner canthus of the eye is somewhat depressed.
Desire-Fruits and pickles
Stool- He is constipated with ineffectual urging and straining.
Thirst-Thirst less
Tongue-Can’t protrude his tongue, outside his mouth, it catches on his teeth, with black discoloration here and there in his tongue.
Sleep- During sleep, always desires to lie on right side
Dream-Past events
Perspiration-Slightly offensive.
Thermal reaction-Hot patient
He talks in a hasty manner. He is forgetful of words, particularly what to say while speaking. He does not want to put mental effort in any work. He is, mentally very
Clinical Examination
General Survey:
Build- Moderate
B.P-138/84mm of Hg
Cyanosis-Absent Pulse rate-78/min
With-V/T/R normal
Systemic Examination
No abnormality was found
Provisional Diagnosis
Chronic hyperkeratotic tinea pedis.
Analysis and Totality of the Symptoms
1. Disease Diagnosis-Tinea pedis with score 3
According to International Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological
Sciences the Scoring System Used for Estimating the Severity of Infection
0- Normal skin
1-Flaking skin with mild inflammation
2-Slight lesions with moderate inflammation
3- Moderate lesions with severe inflammation
4-Severe inflammation plus crust formation
2. Hanhemannian Classifi cation of Disease-Chronic disease(One sided-local disease)
3. Miasm- Psoric and sycotic with psoric predominance
4. The patient has been first prescribed Sulphur-0/2, on 20/01/2015 (14 doses to be
taken in early morning, empty stomach, on every alternate day) on the basis of his mental disorderliness and offensive discharges but there has not been much improvement of the fungal infection of the foot and thus a through repertorisation of the case has to be considered.
5. Repertory selection- Kent’s Repertory as the case contained large number of general
6. Potency given, L.M Potency, in order to give early relief to the patient and also to minimize any aggravation.
Totality- The totality have been formed by Mental generals, Physical generals
and Characteristic particular after proper analysis.
8. Repertorial Analysis- After taking all the rubrics into consideration and thereby
following the Kent’s method of repertorisation the following medicines with their respective scoring gets revealed Lach- 17/9, Ph-ac-12/6, Phos-11/5,
Lyc-10/5, Nux vom-10/5, Sil- 10/4.
9. Taking into consideration the symptoms considered for repertorisation as well as Left
sidedness of the affection of the sole of the foot, thermally being hot, catching of tongue
in the teeth, while attempting to protrude it out, blackish discoloration of the tongue,
and depression of the inner canthus of the eye lead to the selection of Lachesis-0/2 (See Figure 1)
MEDICINE prescribed Lachesis-0/2 (14 doses) to be taken early morning on every
Day…………….31st March,2015
Lachesis-0/3 (14 doses to be taken in same manner)……14th April, 2015
Lachesis-0/4 (14 doses to be taken in same manner)….28th April, 2015
The patient again comes back almost after 2 months to express his gratitude as he got completely cured of his Tinea pedis infection, with score-0. The patient has
also improved generally, with improvement in his hastiness while talking, his forgetfulness of words while speaking and bowel movement—all these have been on a positive note.
Figure 1
Like any morbid condition as long as patient’s vitality, produces curative indication, the cases are treatable by homoeopathic medicine—the above mentioned
case is an example. The assessment of positive effect of the simillimum is always to be assessed on the basis of not only improvement in the particular symptoms but also there must be a general improvement of the individual.
About the author
Dr Amit Basu is a Homoeopathic Medical Officer, in West Bengal
Homoeopathic Health Service, Detailed as Lecturer in the Dept. of Case taking and Homoeopathic Repertory, Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical
College and Hospital, Howrah, Govt of West Bengal.
Source: The Homoeopathic Heritage