Definition: Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of immune system. This is result of defensive reaction of immune system to normally harmless substances in the environment. These substances are called Allergens. Any common and normally harmless substance can be an allergen depending upon individual’s sensitivity. Allergic reactions are generally acquired.
Allergic reactions are due to excessive activation of mast cells and basophils by IgE as an inflammatory response ranging from uncomfortable to dangerous reactions. Allergic reactions depend upon heredity, gender, race and age of host. Four environmental factors are also responsible i.e.:
1. Exposure to infectious diseases during childhood,
2. Environmental pollution,
3. Allergen levels,
4. Dietary changes
Commonest forms of Allergies are called Hay fever characterized by red eyes, runny nose, slight eczema, hives etc. Some more severe forms of allergies include Asthma, Food Allergies, Allergic response to insect bites and venom, Anaphylaxis etc.
Diagnosis: Various blood tests for IgE levels, although symptomatic diagnosis is also sufficient.
Treatment: Conventional method of treatment doesn’t have much scope. Their line of treatment includes avoiding allergens, use of antihistamines, decongestants and steroids to modify the immune system. In severe cases of anaphylactic reactions Epinephrine is given orally.
Homeopathic system of medicine can provide an effective and curative treatment for Allergic disorders.
Where other methods of treatment manage allergies by suppressing or modifying immune system Homeopathic medicines are meant to neither suppressing nor modifying rather correcting the immune responses of individual.
Homeopathic system is based on the principles of symptom similarity and vitality. From the theory of miasm, allergic reactions can range all three basic miasms i.e. Psora, Sycosis and syphilis depending upon pattern of response of individual. But most of the allergic reactions can be grouped under tubercular miasm. Altered immune responses cover both the psoric as well as syphilitic spheres and tubercular miasm includes both of these.
Treatment mode of allergies by Homeopathy is same as other chronic diseases i.e. ascertaining the totality by detailed case taking to find out constitutional ‘simillimum’. Along with constitutional medicines some Intercurrent medicines based on symptom similarity are also needed.
Most commonly used medicines used for allergic conditions are:
· Allium cepa: best used in hay fever, very effective in allergic rhinitis.
· Aralia racemosa: effective in allergic cough.
· Ars. alb.: allergic rhinitis, & allergic asthma.
· Apis melfica: very effective in allergic conditions including Anaphylactic reactions.
· Belladona: very effective in immediate inflammatory reactions.
· Blatta orientalis : for asthmatic conditions.
· Bryonia alba: very frequently used on the basis of symptom similarity.
· Drosera: very useful in cough resembling whooping cough.
· Euphrasia: many times proved very effective in allergic conjunctivitis
· Gelsemium: very effective in hay fever with symptom similarity.
· Hepar sulph: all types of allergic reactions can respond to this great antipsoric if symptoms agree.
· Justicea adhorata: effective in hay fever like symptoms.
· Kali carb. : indicated in most of the allergic conditions of respiratory system.
· Influenzinum: very effective in allergic rhinitis.
· Natrum mur and other natrums are also indicated in various conditions.
· Sulphur: this is mostly used in each case of allergic conditions as intercurrent remedy.
Other than the above mentioned medicines, nosodes like Tuberculinum, Bacilinum, Psorinum etc. are used in high potency as intercurrent remedies specially Tuberculinum is very frequently used.
In homeopathic management we have wider range of viable options rather than other ways of treatment. Thus, homeopathy provides an effective and wider approach to allergic disorders.