Abstract: Hypothyroidism is usually a primary process resulting from failure of the thyroid gland to produce adequate amounts of hormone. It may also be caused by a lack of thyroid hormone secretion secondary to the failure of adequate thyrotropin ie thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion from the pituitary gland, or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) from the hypothalamus (secondary or tertiary hypothyroidism). Patients may be largely asymptomatic or may rarely present with coma and multi-
system organ failure (myxoedemacoma). Cretinism refers to congenital hypothyroidism. Under narmal circumstances, the thyroid releases 100-125 mcg of thyroxine (T4) daily and only small amounts of tri-
iodothyronine (T3). The half-life of T4 is approximately 7-10 days. T4, a pro-hormone, is converted to T3, the active form of thyroid hormone; in the peripheral tissues.
• Worldwide, iodine deficiency is the foremost cause of hypothyroidism.
• The most frequent cause of acquired hypothyroidism is auto-immune thyroiditis
(Hashimoto’s thyroiditis).
.• Inflammatory conditions or viral syndromes may be associated with transient
hypothyroidism (de Quervain or painful thyroiditis, sub-acute thyroiditis).
• These are often associated with fever, malaise, and a painful and tender gland.
• Upto 10% of postpartum women may develop lymphocytic throiditis in the 2-10months following delivery.
• Drugs such as amiodarone, interferon alpha, thalidomide, and stavudine have also been associated with primary hypothyroidism
• Use of radioactive iodine for treatment of Grave’s disease generally results in permanent hypothyroidism within one year of therap
• Previous thyroid injury due to surgery or external irradiation (for head and neck
neoplasms, breast cancer, or Hodgkin’s disease) may result in hypothyroidism and
require monitoring.
• Central hypothyroidism (secondary or tertiary) results when the hypothalamic-
pituitary axis is damaged. Various causes should be considered: Pituitary adenoma.
• Tumours impinging on the hypothalamu
• History of brain irradiation
• Drugs (eg dopamine, lithium)
Approach to the Patient
On Examination
• Weight gain.
• Sowed speech and movements Dry skin.
• Jaundice.
• Pallor.
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