A 21 year old male patient presented with the complaints of painful eruptions on face since one year. Eruptions accompanied by itching which aggravated at 10 am in the morning and on exposure to sun. Eruptions dried up leaving scar marks.
He suffered from typhoid fever in the past. No significant health problems were noted in his family.
Patient was moderately built and nourished. Personally, his thirst for water was more; he desired eggs and mutton. He was thermally chilly. He also presented with profuse and offensive perspiration on palms and soles. His nails were brittle.
Basis of Prescription: 1. Desires: Eggs +++
2. Perspiration of palms & soles, offensive++
3. Brittle Nails
4. Thermals: Chilly
Type of Prescription: Keynote Prescription
He was prescribed SILICEA 200 1 DOSE in July 2012. The eruptions started healing gradually without leaving scar marks. Time taken for complete cure was about 6 months. Single remedy, single dose cured the case.