The more I study cancer, the more I prescribe for cancer, the more I am convinced that the earlier we start prescribing for cancer the more better our results will be. Sometimes it astonishes the results we get in very late cases, but these am exceptions far from the rule. We relieve their pain and suffering and improve their general health and increase their days; there is no question about that. As for curing, it is very rare in advanced cases,
In the early cases, where there is just the state of incipiency, where you have already the beginning cachexia  and pain, and in some cases quite a little pathology beginning to show-small nodules of the breast and characteristic glandular involvement-you will be astounded what careful prescribing will do in most of these cases.
Cancer is a condition, the outgrowth of very low-states to use the language of Dr Kent-and undoubtedly made up all the miasms plus drug, serum and other irritation, I am convinced that all those factors enter into the admitted increase of cancer, Treatment by the ‘old School’ is just as it was twenty years ago, in spite of the fact that their losses are appalling, They have made some apparently exceptional cures, In my practice I have never seen the cure of cancer by any of these methods; I have seen a lot of harm done, I believe they shorten the life of the patient, and I believe they deprive one of the ability to prescribe successfully with a homoeopathic remedy, such as Bellis perennis or Cadmium iodide, You will need an antidote of radium and x-ray in potency, Cadmium iodide, Fluoric ac. and Sil. have been my best remedies for the painful effects of radium burns. Both produce, as you know, obliteration of the capillary circulation.
The great difficulty in advanced cases of cancer’ is the inability to obtain therapeutic individualization of symptoms. They have the pathology and all the common symptoms that go with it, but they are not sufficient to make a good homoeopathic prescription. They tell you about cancer, but they tell you only in a very general way of a group of remedies.
The experiments of Crile, his bi-polar theory of living processes, have been very interesting to me. He states that the cancer cell has made a change from its normal bi-polar polarity to that of a positive polarity. That is exactly what we find in our electronic reactions. Not only is the cancer cell positive, but the patient’s whole blood stream is electro-magnetically positive where cancer predominates. We know where the mixed miasms come in and where we have sycosis and syphilis mixed with cancer’ other polarities may be present.
My experience has been that there is not a case of cancer without a tubercular backqround. It grows on a tubercular soil. It is the miasm where in the blending of all the other miasms result.
Pathology is often the only thing you can obtain. In such cases one must go back in the history of the patients as far” as he can;-Trom the beginning of life, and trace it step by step, his sicknesses, reactions to environment, the history of things that have come upon him by way of accident, and irritations all those things, including vaccinations and serums-and better still, the history of his immediate progenitors and his immediate family.
We are all familiar with the crude animal experiments that Dr Maud Sly of Chicago University has been doing; she has been able to breed cancer in mice families and out of mice families simply by selective mating. These facts establish the inherited causation as a. basic causation and many of our allopathic friends are willing to acknowledge that; not all of them, but many do accept these results as evidence that cancer in its incipiency or in its fundamentals is inherited, at least the cell tendency. I prefer to use the word ‘tendency’; I don’t think a person has to die of cancer because his father and mother had it, but he has that tendency, and that is what you have to consider in thestudy of the case for a remedy, especially in those cases following injury where they have apparently been in fair or robust health and suddenly after the trauma a lump comes into the breast, in some cases painful and some not. We have two remedies par excellence in such conditions there are others, but these are the two outstanding remedies that are worth study and consideration.
One of them is Bellis perennis, where there is more or less inflammation and soreness-much like Arnica; but we have the glandular involvement which is not so marked in Arnica. Bellis perennis is better given than-Arnica.
The other remedy, with which I have had most success, is Conium maculatum, in the case that has a shrivelled breast, with weakness and general symptoms of cachexia coming on. It is generally distinguished in the large majoriity of cases by painlessness, or at least the pain doesn’t come on early. I have seen a few painful cases, but they were late cases after they started to break down. Those are my two best remedies.
If you will take up our cancer group and run through the regional areas of cancer wherever our proven remedies have cured conditions, you will find Carbo animalis, Carbo vegetabilis and Graphites running all through. Those are the most frequent remedies to run all through the various regions.
Dr Kent’s repertory gives 54 remedies for cancer conditions. I am not going to read them because you have the opportunity of getting the information; but these by no means exhaust the list of our cancer remedies. If you will go through Clarke’s Dictionary of Materia Medica you will be astonished at the number of other remedies that have more or less complete provings for ameliorating or curing some forms of cancer.’
In late cases where there is much pathology and breaking down of tissue, I am very careful about giving a potency too high. I prefer a low potency, say the 6x, 12x, or 30x. You get better results and you do not get those terrible aggravations of the higher potency: if the case happens to be incurable, you are going to hurry that patient on to his death. If he is not incurable and his remedy is similar enough and given in the lower potencies, you will restore balance and relieve pain and bring the well-being of the patient back so he is much more comfortable. If he is a case on the borderline that can be cured, you can easily follow the lower with the higher potency.
In the earlier cases I don’t hesitate to give the remedy high and expect him to live through the aggravation. The patient responds after these prolonged aggravations and you have a very good chance of curing that case.
So much for the general considerations ofthis subject. Carbo animalis is a glandular remedy, and you may have difficulty at times in differentiating between it and Conium. The pathology is very similar, but there is a little differentiation: generally the Carbo animalis has a purplish hue, especially around the area of the breast. There are other differentiations in the general indications if you can dig down through the past history; but it is real, painstaking work to take these cases.
Graphites is very apt to be indicated in cases where the breast has been lanced. In the scars of these lanced breasts you frequently get a case where Graphites will delight you with its action. Dr Kent thought that Graphites was the best remedy of all for cancer of the breast. He had great faith in the possibilities of that remedy.
Silica was another of the remedies that he employed if the condition were not too far advanced. (1910) A number of years ago he showed me a case of an old lady, 75 years old, who had a breast cancer broken down, ugly looking, extremely painful, much pus. That patient” was given Silicea 10M. There was a frightful aggravation; the whole breast sloughed off and healed over pertectlv-perfect surgical work done by the homoeopathic remedy. The old lady lived 5 years and subsequently died;of.pneumonia.
There are a few remedies that I am mentioning that are not in the repertory as far as I can find. One is Lac caninum. You will be surprised what Lac. can. will do in those cases were the breast has been amputated. Many years ago when I was a student in Hahnemann College, I. attended Dr Kent’s Clinic. He very frequently left the whole thing in my charge. (1911) A patient came in with a small, painful lump in one breast. There were no symptoms apparent untii we got into the history, then we found this: Frequently she had been at another hospital, a few months before she came to us. Through the over- zealous acts of a surgeon of great fame who attended, her breast was amputated and all the glands taken out-a very fine operation, for which he demanded $ 1500, and took her husband’s little plumbing business away from him to pay that bill. The interesting thing to us is that a few months later the other breast began to get a cancerous condition much the same way-a lump appeared, with all the same symptoms. She refused to be operated, and I assured her that I did not think she would have to be. I saw Lac can. in the symptomatology and Lac can. was given in the 1 M. potency. The result was astonishing. In a few months that thing had disappeared, the woman’s health was perfect, and two years later she came in periodically to show us that the cure was effective. You can imagine her emotions when she compared what we had done and what the surgeon had done. She wanted to pay us a great deal more than we asked. We insisted that she pay the small price that the clinic demanded of everybody, and assured her that as physicians, we could take nothing else. She could hardly get over the fact that for a few cents she was able to receive work so much superior to that the great surgeon had done.
Don’t forqet Lac can. in those cases where first one breast is involved, then the other. You may have to use Lycopodium or Lachesis, of course. These are both among the list of Dr Kent’s high grade cancer remedies.
The list is available in the repertories arid I don’t believe you want me to take the time to read it. I mentioned Silicea. There is Arsenlcum, Cadmium, Mercurius cor., Phosphorus. Kali  bi. is more often indicated in the true ‘Stomach ulcer; I have not found it markedly indicated in, the true cancer, but if related it undoubtedly would come in; but Arsenicum goes all through the cancer study. Wherever cancer forms in the body, you cannot ignore the pathogenesis of Arsenic. It has everything that goes with cancer, but it is more especially indicated, in my experience. In the gastric, intestinal and skin cases; in the gastric and intestinal cases, Arsenic is a banner remedy; you all know the indications: they are by warm drinks and by cold drinks, and of course they have the weakness. Warm drinks are almost the only thing they can tolerate-the very reverse of Phosphorus, and Phosphorus is more likely to give haemorrhagic tendencies.
Mercurius Cor. has a distinct symptomatology of its own and it is a banner remedy. I have overlooked it many times when it might have been the better remedy, and undoubtedly we would get better results if we did not so often ignore it.
He is another though: if you can get the, closest remedy on your first prescription and do not have to try too many remedies until the case is mixed, you are infinitely better off and there is a much better chance for the patient. That is why it is so necessary to get the indications, meager though they be.
We all know the poisonous effect of Mere. cor. and what it does to the intestinal tract and to the vital organs. You all know the coated tongue, the offensiveness and the sweating.
Another remedy that I see Dr kent. has ignored, but that sometimes rewards the physician who uses it, is Plumbum. I have seen some wonderful work done with Plumbum where we had the characteristic constipation, weakness and emaciation.                 ‘
Dr Kent praises Alumina very highly and mention it frequently. It has much of the svmptomatoloqv of Plumbum. The doctors who have seen telling us so much of the dangers of Aluminum know what they are talking about; it is an insidious and injurious thing; It may take years for the Alumina constipation to be developed, but in a susceptible patient it will develop, and you will have the true picture of cancer-the anaemias, the neuralgias, the peculiar type of constipation, the semi-paralysis that goes with it.
The best results, in my experience, are with Alumen and Aluminum silicata, and I have frequently found them useful.
In the bladder cancer we have one of the very difficult cancers. There are some unique remedies in this group. A few are not mentioned in the general group, but most of the general group run through in conjuction with some of these others. There are thirty-four in this group. We find Apis, Argentum met., Arsenic, Arsenicum met., Asterias (which is a sea remedy and is also a good breast cancer remedy if the indications are there), Aurum ars., Badiaga, Belladonna-who ever thought of Belladonna in cancer?
But Belladonna is deep enough to take care of some cancers if we have the indications; don’t ignore it. We are prone to think of remedies by their depth, but Dr Farrington has ably spoken of the chronic side of Aconite and Belladonna. Belladonna is a remedy that-may prove useful; it may not cure the case, but lt will so pave the way, that another remedy, probably some of the Calcarea salts, will follow.
Bromium, Bufo-i, have had some interesting experiences with Bufo, the Venom of the South American toad. I saw a late case of cancer where the breast was entirely involved. The woman was in a low state, apparently dying, and under Bufo she got up around; the breast opened up, discharged and sloughed away, much as the case did for Dr Kent under Silicea. The woman lived four years, but finally died of cancer without much pain or trouble, but she was bed-ridden for quite a while.
Carbolic acid, Congo red., in black type. I have inserted a remedy here only for your consideration and study. It was one used by the late Dr Abrams of San Francisco, Congo red., it is a dye, nevertheless it is a powerful remedy in breast cancer and in some (” t!-;e bladder conditions. Condurango, Graphites; Hepar Hydrenqae, Lycopodium, Mercurius and Mercurius iodatus flavus, Nitric acid, Oxalic acid–not mentioned by Dr Kent, but I have found it useful in some cases where the pain is extreme.
Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Psorinum, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur. There are two more I would like to add to that list: Thuja and Sabal serrulata.
Sabal serrulata, as you know, has a wealth of severe urinary symptoms. Dr Boger once made the statement that it is splendid remedy in cancer of the prostate .
For skin cancer we have only sixteen remedies listed by Dr Kent, but remember that does not limit the prescriber: however, those are the remedies to be studied first. If you can get the symptoms, you can safely give any remedy that is truly indicated. Argentum nit.: Arsenic, Arsenicum iodatum, Bufo, Chromium, Hydrastis, Kreosotum (another carbon), Lachesis, and when we come to take up the female genitals we find that Kreosote and the Carbons, every single one of them, go through in heavy type. Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Sepia, Silicee, Sulphur.
One remedy under the rubric of cancer of the sternum is Sulphur. A remedy that goes farther than Sulphur in that condition, in my mind, is Arsenicum sulph. rub.
Fungus haematodes: Arsenic, Calcarea, Carbo animalis, Carbo vegetabilis, Kreosote, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercury, Natrum mur., Nitric acid, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuja; and add to that, Sabal.
Now the cases of the gastrointestinal tract. We have a number of remedies there, additions to what we have in our repertories and literature, that I have proved clinically. I wish I had more symptoms, but I can only give the symptoms that we have, and some of them are very meager.
Don’t forget the Cadmium salts. I still get a lot of good from them, and I am happy to say that I have had half a dozen men come to me at different coventions. One said, “Doctor, I want to thank you for giving me those Cadmium salts. I cured fifty cases of ulcers of the stomach and intestinal tract, and some cancer, with Cadmium since I read your article.” I warned them against giving anything like that in a routine way. There are two preparations that I have found most applicable, Cadmium ars. and Cadmium phos. They correspond to those cases that have the glandular involvement, and they are very good remedies.
In fact, it will reward you to study most of the Cadmium salts. Cadmium iodide is a remedy that will frequently right a case that has been burned to a chip with radium.
Cancer of the penis: 4 remedies – Arsenic, Belladonna, Carbo animalis, Carbo sulph. Those are often indicated. There are a few more: Chromium, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Silicea, Spongia, Thuja.
Epithelioma: Carbo animalis, Phosphorus.
Scirrhus: Carbo animalis,Aluminum
Cancer of the testes: Spongia. I have found Oxalic acid far superior, especially when accompanied by great pain.
Cancer of the uterus: We have fifty remedies and there is no use of repetition, but we have the Carbons, the Arsenicums, Bufo, Chromium, all running through the same list. There may be a few additions here and there, but they are very few and in a low grade.
Cancer of the vagina: Kreosote. Don’t misunderstand me that, that is the only remedy, but that comes from Dr Kent.
Cancer of the larynx: It is interesting. There are not many remedies: Arsenic, Nitric acid, Phosphorus, San-guinaria, Thuja.
Cancer of the axilla: Asterias.
Cancer of the tongue and throat give plenty of trouble. We certainly can do better than operate. I was surprised to find the number of remedies Dr Kent had gathered, and of that group we find Apis, Aluminum, Arsenicum. So it does good to write papers on such remedies: Apis, Arsenic, Aurum, Benzoic acid, Calcarea carb., Carbo animalis, Causticum, Conium, Crotalus horridus, Hydrastis. Kali chloricum; Kali cyanatum has quite a reputation in the literature as curing several cases, and it is a good remedy. Lachesis, Muriatic acid, Nitric acid, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuja. To that list I have added Radium brom. I have had more satisfying results with Radium brom. In these conditions than with any other remedy.
Rectal cancer and ulceration will give you hard work, too, and you really can do something in some of those cases if they are not too far gone and if they haven’t had too much tinkering with and scraping by the specialists. Aluminum, Calcarea, Causticum, Chamomilla (a black type remedy for cancer of the rectum); Carbo animalis, Hepar, Hydrastis, Kali carb., lodatum, Paeonia.
Haemorrhoidal conditions that are prone to become cancerous, that bloom out something like the flower in the rectum, a great mass of dark red, extremely sensitive haemorrhoids bordering on malignancy. I have had one case of malignancy that paeonia kept alive a long time, and kept her comfortable after she had been operated by the surgeon.
Petroleum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sarsaparilla, Syphilinum.
There is a nosode that I omitted here and that is Carcino- sin. I have seen more or less disappointed with its action, but I have had some apparent reactions where it acted like Tuberculinum and Cancerinum, not curinq the case entirely, but making easier the action of the subsequent remedies. I believe it should be given early to qet the best results.
Cancer of the lungs: There are two remedies. Workers in cobalt are very prone to develop cancer of the lungs. Cobalt. mur. is a very active preparation worthy of a real proving.
Dr Stearns: Dr Grimmer, have you ever used potencies of sugar of milk that has been x-rayed?
Dr Grimmer: Yes.
Dr Stearns: Have they given you good results?
Dr Grimmer: Very fine results. I intended to put that in.
Dr Stearns: When it is needed, it works well. Have you ever used sugar of milk that has been subjected to the energy of the Oscilloclast?
Dr Grimmer: I have, but I have been disappointed with it. I have had no results.
Dr Stearns: The right method must be used for affecting sugar by means of the Oscilloclast. We use cane suqar granules. Twelve vials of granules are placed on a metal plate connected with the Oscilloclast, beginning with Rate 1. The machine is started and one of the vials is taken off every five minutes, each being appropriately labelled. Twelve vials are treated on each rate in the same way. This gives 132 vials ofthe charqed pellets.
When testing, test the whole 132. Usually only one rate will come out for a given case and that only for one of the exposures, although occasionally a second rate may come. The one that the patient responds to best can be given in the unpotentised form, and he will usually respond to a set of potencies ran up from it.
Dr Grimmer: I have never used them in that way, and I thank you for the tip.
Dr Stearns: We have no concept as to what happens to sugar that has been radiated by this type of modality. The violet ray also effects sugar granules and we have a set of eight different exposures of 15 minute intervals, the longest exposure being two hours. These have been potentised. The ultra violet potencies have never come through on cancer cases but two cases of psoriasis have been cured by them. We have verified Dr Grimmer’s observation that the Cadmium salts are especially useful in cancer cases and have found that the salts of Fluorine or Silica come more frequently than any of the others.
Dr Benthack: In the urinary tract I have found those remedies you have mentioned are good, but if I should begin I would mention Turpentine first of all, especially when there are haemorrhoids.
Source: The Homoeopathic Heritage

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