The Human Microbiome Project (HMP) was a US National Institute of Health (NIH) initiative with the goal of identifying and characterizing the microorganisms which are found in association with both healthy and diseased humans (the human microbiome). It reflects the fact that we are SUPRAORGANISMS with both human and microbial components. This international effort emanates from a confluence of both ongoing technical and computational advances in the genome sciences, an evolving focus on microbiology on the properties and operations of microbial communities, and the notion that rapid and marked transformation in human lifestyles are not only affecting the health of our biosphere but possibly our own health as a result of changes in our microbial ecology.
Antoine Beauchamp cried hoarse in the mid 1800’s and we didn’t give a damn to it. The Sanitary Movement (or was it the SANE-ITARY movement) denied his germ theory but the protagonists drowned his voice. Samuel Hahnemann was vociferous in voicing that the microorganisms are not the primary cause of diseases, few agreed (after the initial manhunt). Bill Maher claimed Pasteur recanted the germ theory on his deathbed, but a profit mongering pharmaceutical industry required the Pasteurian model to survive and flourish. Hariett Hall and Hulda Clark promoted and argued for the Pasteurians. In the last few decades, the great German scientist and humanist Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (may he live long for the sake of humanity) has given a road map with a backup documentation of thousands of cases proving that germs play a vital role in the healing process of diseases. He outlined the beneficial role of microbes during the healing phase in the “Fourth Biological Law of the New Medicine” (see Dr. Hamer is being hounded into oblivion – a la Hahnemannian experience in the more “civilized” era – but in spite of all the attempts: TRUTH CANNOT BE BURIED.
The fact that we humans are a composite of microbial and human cells will be one of the 21st century’s major revelations. We humans are more microbial than humans. Aren’t microbes everywhere and all around us? Are they not omnipresent? They are on our ties, shirts, tables, dresses, pencils, dishes, doorknobs, food, and everywhere in our environment; they are in the air, in the water, and in the sea; they are on us and inside of us.
No animal, plant, human or inanimate object is germ free. Germs have been living with us since we climbed down the trees and began walking upright, and more than likely they were on the trees together with us.
Do we share the earth with microbes or is it that they share the earth with us? Have they crept and encroached into us, into the stillness of our lives, or have germs been lenient and accommodative enough to share their place with us? Have they invaded us and are the aggressors or have we ventured into their privacy and colonized their spaces trying to dislodge them? These are some of the questions we need to address and do some introspection.
For most of our time together it has been a comfortable and agreeable relationship until the time we started using our shoddy brains and seeing them as aggressors and inimical to us. It is the modern scientific paradigm that brought us into this situation.
The Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie urged upon us “Nothing in life has to be feared, it is only to be understood”. But have we really understood life or do we need to shift our perspective? We have been afraid of the wrong things far too long, manipulated by fear mongers in the name of advancement and modernization.
When James Garfield, the 20th president of the USA, was shot in 1880, his surgeon Dr. Bliss was not concerned about the pus he developed in the wound but rather considered it a good sign just like many like-minded surgeons of his time. As the 20th century rolled into the 21st, remarkable new discoveries about the roles of microbes began to emerge, showing that we are inextricably connected with microbes, now and forever.
We now know that we humans owe much of our individuality to microbes that dwell comfortably on and in our body. From 1850 onwards, modern medical science has been focusing on microorganisms allegedly responsible for the cause of infectious diseases, coming up with preventive vaccines so that they won’t harm us. However, since the 1970s the focus has shifted to the universe of benevolent microbes and the vast microbial world inhabiting our bodies, the air, soil, and oceans making human, animal and plant life possible and productive.
The huge microbial universe, unknown hitherto to most of us, works diligently for us 24/7, now and forever. Microbes are the oldest living organism on earth and are indispensable for life. The human cells, our microbiome, our ten trillion cells, their 100 trillion cells, our 22.000 genes and their 8 million genes create a SUPRAORGANISM.
To banish them is to banish ourselves. They can live without us, as they have done for billions of years, but we cannot live without them. We are at their mercy, not the other way around. Over the past decades we have learnt a startling truth: MICROBES NOT ONLY ALLOW US TO LIVE BUT THEY ALSO KEEP US HEALTH
Antoine Beauchamp cried hoarse in the mid 1800’s and we didn’t give a damn to it. The Sanitary Movement (or was it the SANE-ITARY movement) denied his germ theory but the protagonists drowned his voice. Samuel Hahnemann was vociferous in voicing that the microorganisms are not the primary cause of diseases, few agreed (after the initial manhunt). Bill Maher claimed Pasteur recanted the germ theory on his deathbed, but a profit mongering pharmaceutical industry required the Pasteurian model to survive and flourish. Hariett Hall and Hulda Clark promoted and argued for the Pasteurians. In the last few decades, the great German scientist and humanist Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (may he live long for the sake of humanity) has given a road map with a backup documentation of thousands of cases proving that germs play a vital role in the healing process of diseases. He outlined the beneficial role of microbes during the healing phase in the “Fourth Biological Law of the New Medicine” (see Dr. Hamer is being hounded into oblivion – a la Hahnemannian experience in the more “civilized” era – but in spite of all the attempts: TRUTH CANNOT BE BURIED.
The fact that we humans are a composite of microbial and human cells will be one of the 21st century’s major revelations. We humans are more microbial than humans. Aren’t microbes everywhere and all around us? Are they not omnipresent? They are on our ties, shirts, tables, dresses, pencils, dishes, doorknobs, food, and everywhere in our environment; they are in the air, in the water, and in the sea; they are on us and inside of us.
No animal, plant, human or inanimate object is germ free. Germs have been living with us since we climbed down the trees and began walking upright, and more than likely they were on the trees together with us.
Do we share the earth with microbes or is it that they share the earth with us? Have they crept and encroached into us, into the stillness of our lives, or have germs been lenient and accommodative enough to share their place with us? Have they invaded us and are the aggressors or have we ventured into their privacy and colonized their spaces trying to dislodge them? These are some of the questions we need to address and do some introspection.
For most of our time together it has been a comfortable and agreeable relationship until the time we started using our shoddy brains and seeing them as aggressors and inimical to us. It is the modern scientific paradigm that brought us into this situation.
The Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie urged upon us “Nothing in life has to be feared, it is only to be understood”. But have we really understood life or do we need to shift our perspective? We have been afraid of the wrong things far too long, manipulated by fear mongers in the name of advancement and modernization.
When James Garfield, the 20th president of the USA, was shot in 1880, his surgeon Dr. Bliss was not concerned about the pus he developed in the wound but rather considered it a good sign just like many like-minded surgeons of his time. As the 20th century rolled into the 21st, remarkable new discoveries about the roles of microbes began to emerge, showing that we are inextricably connected with microbes, now and forever.
We now know that we humans owe much of our individuality to microbes that dwell comfortably on and in our body. From 1850 onwards, modern medical science has been focusing on microorganisms allegedly responsible for the cause of infectious diseases, coming up with preventive vaccines so that they won’t harm us. However, since the 1970s the focus has shifted to the universe of benevolent microbes and the vast microbial world inhabiting our bodies, the air, soil, and oceans making human, animal and plant life possible and productive.
The huge microbial universe, unknown hitherto to most of us, works diligently for us 24/7, now and forever. Microbes are the oldest living organism on earth and are indispensable for life. The human cells, our microbiome, our ten trillion cells, their 100 trillion cells, our 22.000 genes and their 8 million genes create a SUPRAORGANISM.
To banish them is to banish ourselves. They can live without us, as they have done for billions of years, but we cannot live without them. We are at their mercy, not the other way around. Over the past decades we have learnt a startling truth: MICROBES NOT ONLY ALLOW US TO LIVE BUT THEY ALSO KEEP US HEALTH
Author:Anwar Amir